Why are these faggot dogs so dangerous to society?
People still try to convince me that it's all about the owner of dog, yet there are well known stories where a pitbull just killed a child in normal family wich have taught the dog something, yet it kills. Is it true that it's all about the owner or are these dogs just naturally evil?
Most dog owners have no idea what they're doing and shouldn't own any dogs.
Bentley Smith
It's not just pitbulls, but pitbulls are really strong dogs. Dogs attack those who they think are a threat. They also have extra senses that pick up on predators that humans lack. With the 'me first' society raging out of control to the point that almost half of voters see no problem with Podesta being secretary of state, it is not surprising that dogs are attacking people.
Andrew Hughes
Pitbulls aren't exactly family dogs but I guarantee you the owners are to blame 99% of the time.
This. Only alpha's can truly tame a pitbull, my aunt had one & she was cool but only because I my aunt was dominant and strict as fuck.
Her name was Medusa & she a gud gril who literally dindu nuffin.
Jaxon Brooks
Don't leave your pistol by your baby. Don't leave one these by your baby. I'd only own a pit if I was single.
Dominic Lopez
I don't understand why this is such a common topic on poll. Is it just a favorite for shills? Pit Bulls were used for dog fighting because they are innately dog aggressive not human aggressive (so they would fight but not attack the person breaking up the fight when its over). Most people have 0 clue how to raise/train dogs and niggers who tend to get Pits have even less of a clue. Pits were known as nanny dogs because they are great with young children when raised correctly. I would never adopt a pit but I have raised 2 from being young puppies and they are very friendly with humans and dogs and would never consider biting someone. (Although one will "play bite" which almost feels like a massage when he does it if you are messing with him/tickling the hairs in between the bottom of his paws). If you don't know how to properly raise them and spend time with them when they are young and make them learn they aren't even betas in the house, they are the omegas then yeah you might have a bad experience. Raising dogs is lole raising children except you don't have to deal with teenage years where they challenge all of your teachings. Raise a shit child/dog and you will have a shit child/dog.
T. Successful white guy who's owned pits for 10 years.
Daniel Murphy
Well not everyone is a huge fucking loser like you with no life and unlimited time to teach pitbulls how to be omega. The fact is that pits are much more dangerous to humans than any other breed of dog by a very large margin, and are extremely dangerous. They should not be owned by humans and you're just a retarded faggot who can't understand the bigger picture.
Kayden Bailey
Nah not a shill. Just wanted to get more into topic of pitbulls.
Wanted to ask you guys since I don't trust most of stuff found on internet
Nathaniel Bailey
Had a friend who bought his pitbull when he was a little puppy, he trained him, played with him everyday, the dog was never involved in dog fighting. Last summer it attacked his 2 mo old baby while he was playing on the floor. The dog attacked everyone who got close, had to be shot by police. Baby ded.
Samuel Morales
Some places have put in laws to make it illegal to own pitbulls. The people who make these laws are politicians. Therefore it is political.
Jaxon Hall
They are the only canine that can sense reptilians/demons and act accordingly. After (((they))) have had all pitbulls extincted then it will be safe for the shapeshifters to reveal themselves for what they really are
Xavier Price
if we solve this, we've got a precedent to solve niggers
Hudson Parker
Yeah I'm a huge loser because I raised pits while I was in college and had lots of free time between classes. I'm a software developer now and I bet I am far more successful 5 years into my career than you will ever be.
>t. i didn’t die from Russian roulette therefore it’s safe >collapsing_brain_drooling_wojak.jpg If there was any justice in this world the authorities would swat raid your house and shoot your faggot dogs. One day.
This. This is really why this issue is so important.
Ian Hall
>Pit Bulls were used for dog fighting because they are innately dog aggressive not human aggressive Bullshit. You can't select for selective aggressiveness.
>Bullshit. You can't select for selective aggressiveness. Yeah I guess the reason rabbits will run from you but bears will attack you is just the way they were raised man
I don't like someone telling me what kind of dog I can or can't own. I think that you are 100% responsible for what your dog does though. If your shitty dog kills a fucking kid on the playground, you should be charged as if you yourself did it.