25 grand EACH after vandalising a place of business. Amazing. Why do I even try to make money...

25 grand EACH after vandalising a place of business. Amazing. Why do I even try to make money, I should just kill myself. This world is retarded and it rewards retards

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Never heard shit about this. I don't think they know what viral means

I hope this sends the wrong message. Mcdonald's is saying that they allow you to vandalize their property now. Going to be hard to put a case against anybody when they can just say Mcdonald's rewarded other people for doing it.

My local KFC has a huge photo of a black family eating fried chicken and watermelon in it

I'm not seeing posters of faggots or trannies.
Let's get real diverse, McDonald's.

lol! I think they are asking for it :D

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asia-niggers are the perfect mindless consumer class.

You heard 'em folks! They want it tabloid sized!

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>paid for a successful marketing campaign
its like it's their job or sumfin
they even managed to make the payment part of the campaign. genius. now thousands of retards will advertise their shitty food for free in hopes of achieving the same goal.

G? shouldn't it be K?

They could have payed each of the workers at that location 15 dollars an hour for that payout. But they'll go bankrupt if they do that, right?

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i'm lovin' It

Oy vey what's with the anti-Semitism

Fuck, lets have some fun.

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25 Grand.

This is retarded and probably bullshit, it's just another ad campaign. Also what the fuck is up with their hands in the poster?

i feel your pain.

MAC sauce makes good anal lube

That's the window, user

You're just jealous because these two John Galts are innovating the fast food business, and thats a good thing.

i feel you bro, hang in there

I once shat on the floor at McDonalds and they asked me to leave.


>tons of free marketing, so they decided to toss 50k their way cause it is cheaper than a marketing department

fucking retard


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RIP Manuel

Pretty sure they did it as a joke to see how long it'd stay up. Had very little to do with diversity

Good! Now Starbucks can award us 25G's for bringing more diversity to THEIR business!

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