Why are boomers so racist?


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>young adults
theres your problem

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>stop recognizing patterns goy!

When you are exposed to nigger kids and especially teens you naturally come to expect their savage animalistic behavior as normal

>Why are boomers so racist?
It boils down to life experience.

thats why they put chemicals into the vaccines that specifically target autistic people

>racial bias being developed from personal interaction
Hmm really makes you think

They are racist due to behavior of those black children and teens. Homo erectus subhumans run amok, raising hell, just like their parents. No fathers around to discipline them either. They would be extinct if it wasn't for other races helping them.

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Maybe dealing with niggers makes you understand there is no saving them and it's better to just help other kids.


interacting with them makes you hate em? That's obviously whitey's fault!

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>children without any father figures
>act up in class and have emotional behavioral issues
>niggers surprised when whites stereotype them.

how many studies do these people need to learn the truth about race?

Conspiracy theorists and racists like Sargon of Akkad are spreading disinformation. Let's stop them.

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For something they claim doesn't exist, they sure are intent on proving that it does

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>work with them

Are they children or are they adults?

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based and redpilled

bicycle was almost stolen 3 times in 20 minutes by the new neighbors in the rent house down the street. I wonder.

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Black kids suck to work with
It’s a feedback loop

Anyone who’s worked with kids knows this. It isn’t bias if it’s real.