58 people were shot to death

>58 people were shot to death
>An additional 851 people were injured, 422 of them with gunshot wounds.

How can you get injured without getting shot? Explain this to me.

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Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=rhode island night club fire

Stampeding away from machinegun fire, dumb faggot limey cuck


That's not an explanation. Try again.

>only way to get injured is with a gun
>this coming from a bong
the state of bots these days

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People got trampled my masive crowds running away from gunfire.

Ok, I'll slow down. Big crowd. Big noise. Many bullets. People run. Some fall down. Get stepped on. Ouchie.

It is a valid explanation, you dumb faggot limey cuck.

That type of "injury" happens to me every month. Where's my victim status? Getting stepped on is not a reason to be sent to hospital.

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I fuckin hate bongs

youtube.com/results?search_query=rhode island night club fire

>Getting stepped on is not a reason to be sent to hospital.
It should be a reason to change your government at least, but here you are

actually fuck that just read this

>walk in the night
>get stabbed
>am wounded but not shot

The eternal anglo is the root of all evil

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Large crowds often kills people if spooked you retard. Look at black friday in the US, by your reasoning no one has ever died or gotten injured trying to get doorbuster deals.

If you get a scrape on a fence running away, just a 1cm cut it counts as injured if you report it.

This is why you need to be careful when you read MSM articles about 1000's of people wounded in 'X' attacks

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Getting trampled

How did you idiots ever rule the world

are you serious bongoloid?
>getting trampled on
>broken glass

>this is what Pakistanis actually believe
Wow you're fucking retarded

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Yes it is you muppet

Getting trampled

To name a few you dumb prick

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All the decent euros fled to america as soon as it was an option. All that is left is the offspring of the brainlets who decided to stay.

>your post

I salute you, fucking Anglo! :D

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Tell it to Liverpool, M8. Hillsborough was crisis actors, right?

How did 96 scourers die at Hillsborough then?

10 000 people in a panic you absolute fucking mongoloid.

You try to suck your own dick and hurt yourself

Truly we Anglos deserve to be Africanized, thanks op for confirming we don't deserve to be saved.

>SandNigel only thinks pedestrians get hurt with vehicles

Nigger, if you are knocked to ground by hundreds of people you are getting fucking injured.

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I'm talking about an open field. There is plenty of space.

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>human log jams at exits
how about that guy at the club shooting who got out the door and then held it shut preventing others from leaving because he was afraid the shooter would come out? wotta world

I-imagine having this low of an IQ

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The injuries are a direct result of the shooting, as no stampede would have happened and thus nobody would have trampled if there weren't shots ringing out. Thus, they are attributed to the shooting. The shooter did not personally injure these people, but by his actions, the shooter caused these people to be injured.

I'm getting really fucking sick of autistic bongs on this board.


The herd mentality is a bitch.

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solid b8

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nice Jow Forums account fag

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>That's not an explanation.
In Bongland, it is customary to be walked all over by Muzzies and the government. NHS guarantees that you will have a bed available to treat your injuries sometime 2021. In the meantime try not to get acid on yourself.

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>How can you get injured without getting shot?

damn i wish you were in my room

>le reddit verby noun namefag
>le reddit tripcode
>le reddit random LOL meme reply
fuck off

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mfw when burger thinks UK has more musrats than USA

AR15s are so powerful, people standing near the person getting shot will receive the shockwave and from the bullet and get blown down. They can also be injured by the flying bone pieces.
They need to be banned.

Trampled dude. Injured by cars trying to drive away. Cut by glass, metal other things when laying/crawling/hiding under stages, benches, etc. etc. Hurt by each other in mistaken cases of identity.

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>still no motive
Do they even give a fuck anymore?
500 amerishots down, and everything the FBI are busy with is how the prez fucked a pornstar and some anonymous rapey allegation by some crazy thot.
Amerishartia resembles some surreal dystopian comedy at this point

>Hurt by each other in mistaken cases of identity.
>jumped on a prone woman to protect her body thinking she was my gf but she accused me of sexual assault. after slapping me and injuring my cheek.

um sweaty don't be a bigot, they identify as injured.

Just.... just fucking die

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that's the stupidest looking monkey I've ever seen

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>How can you get injured without getting shot?
If you shoot in a crowd you can result in people succumbing to a stampede

>Bonger doesn't understand that His country is smaller then the home state of the person he is communicating with.

Its just part and parcel my friend.

>no stampede would have happened and thus nobody would have trampled if there weren't shots ringing out
This is butterfly theory shit.

What if Paddock shot a potential serial killer that would have gone on to kill 100 people. Is he credited with saving them, thus making this event a net positive?

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hes from krautpol you god damn imbecile

>he can't be from krautpol and reddit at the same time

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Those people didn't die, its all CGI and numbers made up by kike fake news.

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58 potential serial killers?

>In 80, Flavius Josephus recorded that in 66 AD, at around the beginning of the First Roman–Jewish War, a Roman soldier mooned Jewish pilgrims at the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem who had gathered for Passover, and "spake such words as you might expect upon such a posture" causing a riot in which youths threw stones at the soldiers, who then called in reinforcements – the pilgrims panicked, and the ensuing stampede resulted in the death of ten thousand Jews


you know, bullets fragment on impact with concrete, they kick things up, ricochet, etc.
These kind of injuries were probably not counted as gunshot wounds.

This only happens with low IQ populations.

As someone who has done only minor research into this shooting I can't believe how off the radar it is. Massive red flags and obvious cover up. Surprised it isn't talked about more on here. I mean its been scientifically proven there were two shooters (on top of all the eye witness that said they saw two shooter and were later silenced)

This video was uploaded at the time but youtube deleted it back then (AHEM cover up):

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Holy shit you're retarded.
If a man commits a shooting, and the shooting naturally results in a stampede, he is to blame for the stampede. You're just arguing for the sake of arguing. This was not a fucking rube-goldberg machine of events that eventually resulted in a stampede on some remote island in the pacific because the trajectory of the bullet caused wind patterns that eventually created a tidal wave. The trampling was going on directly where he was shooting, while the shooting was still happening, as a direct result of the shooting. Therefore the deaths by trampling are attributed to the shooting, because they're a part of the same event.

What about the FACT the left have covered up the fact that he was their salty Hillary hero.
Leftard mass murderer.

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Wow, read many stupid questions on pol...but this on is on my top list. Anyone has a more stupid one? this is funny.

>If a man commits a shooting, and the shooting naturally results in a stampede, he is to blame for the stampede.
If a man shits too hard in the port-a-potty at the concert and the smell naturally results in a stampede, is he also charged with violent assault crimes?

>You're just arguing for the sake of arguing.
We all are, you fucking faggot.

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Thank you :D

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dumb bong

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You're making us look stupid.
Stop posting right fucking now!

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Lots of times in mass shooting events people go around punching each other because the likelihood of consequences is limited because there are bigger problems going on.


Always wondered what he was preparing to fight against, with all that arsenal.

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Mandalay Bay has that shark aquarium. God only knows what would happen if they got out and got upstairs.

This is how, you unbelievably stupid fucking limey pommy cunt:


t. basement dweller who hasn’t left his house in 10 years

>be amerilards
>start running for the first time in years
>break something
>"muh shooter did this to meee"


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I feel bad whenever I realize you lost a third of the world's land mass after WW2, but this was so stupid I think you deserved it.

The same way you blame a car crash for killing someone who died from a heart attack due to being so immense and falling.

>Be a leaf

I like how they already started with the personal attack shilling to see if it sticks.

you're used to be trampled on by Pakistanis so I understand you

What kind of sick BDSM THING are you engaging in?

Its actually a pretty interesting phenomena: mob mentality/stampedes.

By fact: Saudi Arabia regarly has stampedes in its holy cities because no vehicles, all foot traffic. Only several years ago was it that several HUNDRED people died because two masses of towelheads collided and the massive confusion of it all.

Anecdotally: Went to a New Years Eve festival in Dallas, thousands and thousands of people showed up. At some point, a line started to form and it went for blocks, had to be over a mile long atleast of just people. It ends up that line led to nothing and people lined up for absolutely no reason

Pretty scary, avoid large crowds cause it for sure radiates a retardation field the larger it gets

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My friends account of events.

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These there posts basically represent a normal person interacting with a contemporary republican.

>Repub: "Why are they investigating Trump and not the Democrats?"

>Normal Person: "Because there's evidence that Trump has done something and no evidence of any Democrat doing anything. You don't investigate a person of one party just because someone of another party is being investigated!"

>Repub: "That's not an explanation! That's what (((them))) told you to believe! Try again!"

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fuckin bot posts


Only NPC's disagree

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you get a bunch of 350 pound amerimutts stampeding and nothing can stop them, i bet most of the deaths were from trampling

Trampled in a stampede to get the fuck out of there. Dumbass Brit fag