Age of Consent

What should it really be?

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This literally only matters if you are a kid, or you are fucking why do you care?

fuck consent, children are property

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is this based or cringe?

Based kike, just wait until they've had their fill of Tyrones and Miguels before they settle down with you.

My gut instinct tells me 18.



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Define kid.

>My gut instinct tells me 18.
Says the guy that suspects this is a honeypot.

18, stop lusting for children.

Should be the age on menses, but funny thing, different races begin to menstruate at different ages. Black girls much earlier that whites. Not same species.

You ever say shit like this in real life?

Define "consent". What are we consenting to?

Intercourse? I'd say 16. Making out in the back seat of a pickup truck at a drive-in movie? Why not 13? Watching porn? Why not 8?

but like everything, discretion should be advised. If a 16 year old is fucking a 30 year old and the parents of the 16 y/o don't press charges than I think nobody should be punished.

It shouldn't exist. A cunt is a piece of property, its owner can use it for doing sex whenever he please, its age does not matter. The existence of an AoC implies that cunts are not property and should be allowed to choose for themselves who to have sex with. It only serves to destroy families and encourage girls to be sluts, to normalize girls being sluts.
>fuck consent, females are property

>map says 16
>two days ago the news was reporting on men getting arrested for seeking "17 year olds" on Tinder

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Ideally 18

18 is ideal. 16 is a reasonable minimum anything less is gross

Minimum marriage age too
Sex only after marriage too
No divorces allowed; only death (unless proven abuse case, in which only degenerate dies)


Probably some internet trafficking law.

What makes someone turning 18 magically not a child?

Maybe you should just buy a federal tax stamp for sex with minors?

Age of consent should be 25

Why should a woman waste a decade of her most fertile years? Should be married immediately after menarche at the latest. Earlier is better.
You want women to be disloyal sluts?

If you making the consent coincide with marriage I think that 25 is a bit high. I guess I’d keep everything else you said the same but lower the age to like 20-21.


Age of consent laws are feminist horseshit. The only reason they're above the age of puberty (puberty was the common law age of consent for centuries) is that a bunch of angry stuck-up catladies couldn't compete with smooth, tight virgin pussy.

user I'm only 16, ignore what thousands of years of evolution are telling you and follow arbitrary laws.

Forgot pic

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No age of consent necessary, as fornication should be illegal. Age of marriage, 15 though. Even lower if you can receive special consent from parents.

You must be 18 to post here.

Generally, 16 is the minimum age for a drivers license. So I think it's fair to also put AoC at that age. If you trust children to drive vehicles then you should be able to trust them to make decisions over who to have sex with

>not understanding a hypothetical
You must be 18 to post here, user.

>fornication should be illegal. Age of marriage, 15 though
What is the difference between fornication and sex?

Sex is marriage in the eyes of god is it not?

he meant the girl, but if you report him he will probably get banned though

>Not recognizing sarcasm
You must be 18 to post here

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>lying instead of admitting a mistake
You must be 18 to post here.

16 for retardo-civilization. 12 for maximum birth rates.
Hindering teen pregnancy, abortion and excessive birth control are the reason Western nations are going to be extinct in 100 years.

The age you are on your wedding night, meme fag

It should really be 15, Women are not anatomically any different at 18 than they are at 15. "Muh mental maturity" is a scam, women never reach mental maturity.
If you want to tithe your fertility you should tithe it to God, not to the state.

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age ofconsent is a jewish trick to keep the goyim from pair bonding at an optimum age

the perfect age difference is male age 20 and female age 12. women can not learn to love a man after age 16, they only love what a man can do for them at that point. which basically means they do not form committed relationships

My sides! Fuckin kek

If you get married without a few years of sexless dating first, be prepared for untermensch children.

> Can't decide for himself.

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left is not nearly fat enough

60. Because we can ensure that only the fittest can reproduce.

mexico holy shit

Americans also have a much earlier puberty than Whites due to the American diet.
That said even Europeans are having early puberty because of shitty diets. People wonder why the quality of White people is degrading and this is why. The later and longer your puberty the better assuming everything is normal.

> Long after female puberty
> Not arbitrary

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News reporters purposefully obfuscate what really happened or don't even cite the specific law broken in an attempt to scare people into not even thinking about doing it.

Also, there is a difference between being a minor and age of consent.

Two minors bellow the age of consent having sex are both breaking the law.

But I think you can be a minor and over the age of consent and then not break the law.

I believe a minor and non-minor sexual relationship is usually illegal in most states.

If it bleeds it can breed

So basically what you can get away with? This level of respect for the law.

>Americans also have a much earlier puberty than Whites
You should see what the hormones do to the kids around farm country.

Pretty sure 18 is a good age of consent.
I guess allow 16-18 year-olds to get together as well because they go to the same schools.

> He defines the law based on what is gross.

We're supposed to be a freedom society, man.

It should be 16

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Only that you are alive and hate sex enough to fuck it up for others.

Societies acknowledgement that Tyrone has had enough time with them.

It's parody of the Rothbardians

> A fellow historian arises.

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I really want you christfags shoa'd. Don't even know your own religion.

Alright Jow Forums, lets get serious here

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Anything less is pedophilia/wapanese bullshit.

Do you honestly believe Christians would continue being Christians if they were expected to follow the bible? Sermon on the mount alone would leave all Jow Forums Christians without hands or eyes.

So 12. Ok, I could get behind that.


Brain chemistry and psychological stability benchmarks.

Girls hit and exit puberty sooner than boys.

> Just becoming aware of God's blind spot.

Too bad they are all indo scum.

Women can never consent. Men should always ask the father for their daughter's hand in marriage. Degenerates must be eliminated.

Guessing the UK is at about 12 you fat fucks.

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the way I see it, if the bouncers at the club let the thottie inside the 18+ place, she's a legal adult and can get fucked

Not naturally. Of course this is often the case when they are taking the pill to deal with spots. Both male and female puberty in Whites should be 12-14 not the current 9-12 bullshit.

I wonder if you asked your wife's dad for a permission to bang her.

probably like 16, it's not like they mature mentally past that age, anyways

I mean gross as in it creeps to close to pedophilic territory

Woah AOC is 16 here? There is a high school qt at church that I didn't ask out because I thought she was underage. Thanks OP! Next Sunday she is mine!

Source please.

Women mentally mature by about 12. If they don't have their shit together before puberty it never happens because puberty gives them extreme learning difficulties due to irreversible brain damage. Incidentally the pill also gives irreversible brain damage so many women double up and turn full retard.



God damn mexico!

By shitty diets you mean basedbean oil in absolutely everything, GMO fruit with twice as much sugar as is normal, and everybody stuffing themselves with livestock feed (corn, oats, and wheat) right?
Anything particular you want to add to that?

"However old you are when you get married"-years-old

In a healthier society it could be lower because people would have decency. But in our sick perverted society, people would most definitely take advantage of girls if the age of consent was lower.

*$0ybean oil

>t. incel

>Puberty earlier than in the past.
Into google and you'll get many results with their own sources.

The main thing is fatties enter puberty earlier and it's easier for women to get fat because they are smaller and develop less muscle.

16 seems about right.

It could matter if you have kids, ya dummy.

The girl in the pic is 13

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Here she is at 19

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>lower than 15
here we go again

The chemicals we use to fatten up animals and increase crop yields are largely detrimental to humans. You are what you eat and if you eat stuff designed to mass produce you become mass produced with quality to match.

>lower than 15
Too high.
And what's wrong with pedophilia?

There should not be an age of consent. Unwed consent should result in the death penalty for the consenter.

Considering half the people in the thread are saying 12-14 it's obvious that a category that includes all of them is going to get packed out. The guy who made the strawpoll should have included individual ages from 12 to 21 and only then put 'under 12' and 'over 21'.

>women never reach mental maturity
Not until they hit menopause, at least

I made a better one