Hi Point handy right?
don't you?
don't you want to have a HI POINT when shtf?
you only get one gun
why is that your choice?
is it versatile? a common ammo type? what?
what would you really want to have?
old thread:
Well Jow Forums SHTF and you've got your
Ian Hill
Hunter Bell
I own a ruger.
Angel Anderson
a gauss gun
Chase Edwards
is that what you would prefer in a shtf scenario? think about defence, hunting, fishing, etc
Ayden White
This is actually a remarkable project made by an non-professional.
Genuinely impressive contraption that is.
>t. Engineer in the field
Sebastian Sanders
All pistol research and production could have been ended around 1911 when john browning created the greatest pistol the world had ever seen
Nathaniel Rivera
redpill Jow Forums on this beauty
Daniel Johnson
but we are talking practicality in a shtf scenario
but I do agree
Henry Hernandez
Grayson Bennett