Serious Question About The Third Reich

I will preface my question with this; I have been studying Hitler and the Third Reich for about a year now. The more I look, the more questions I have. I started looking beyond what The Military Channel and the History Channel would tell me. The greatest story never told was a good one. But I have never really seen anything on the economics of the Third Reich.

Were all of the 25 points implemented?

I read that the state provided basic food for all people and that toward the end of the war, that the bread was cut with saw dust so it would have more food for the front.

I also read that the state provided a house, or really an interest free home loan, that if you had a German child, they would forgive a portion of the loan and if you had four kids, the loan was completely forgiven. Is this true?

In the 25 points it says that it was illegal to profit from war, but didn't business owners close to the Reich get rich off of the war effort?

Did the state nationalize large corporations?

How was it for the average German, was it as good as some say it was?

The more I dig the more questions I have. Maybe you good goys can help.

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an important detail about the word "nazi" though.....

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Natsoc - the biological world-view:

> if you had a German child, they would forgive a portion of the loan and if you had four kids, the loan was completely forgiven. Is this true?

Yes. The NSDAP was very serious about increasing birth rates.

> Goebbels said this in 1933:

"A characteristic of the modern era is a rapidly declining birthrate in our big cities. In 1900, two million babies were born in Germany. Now the number has fallen to one million. This drastic decline is most evident in the nation’s capital. In the last fourteen years, Berlin’s birthrate has become the lowest of any European city. By 1955, without emigration, it will have only about three million inhabitants. The government is determined to halt this decline of the family and the resulting impoverishment of our blood. There must be a fundamental change. The liberal attitude toward the family and the child is responsible for Germany’s rapid decline. We today must begin worrying about an aging population. In 1900 there were seven children for each elderly person, today it is only four. If current trends continue, by 1988 the ratio will be 1:1. These statistics say it all. They are the best proof that if Germany continues along its current path, it will end in an abyss with breathtaking speed. We can almost determine the decade when Germany collapses because of depopulation."

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>"A characteristic of the modern era is a rapidly declining birthrate in our big cities. In 1900, two million babies were born in Germany. Now the number has fallen to one million. This drastic decline is most evident in the nation’s capital. In the last fourteen years, Berlin’s birthrate has become the lowest of any European city. By 1955, without emigration, it will have only about three million inhabitants. The government is determined to halt this decline of the family and the resulting impoverishment of our blood. There must be a fundamental change. The liberal attitude toward the family and the child is responsible for Germany’s rapid decline. We today must begin worrying about an aging population. In 1900 there were seven children for each elderly person, today it is only four. If current trends continue, by 1988 the ratio will be 1:1. These statistics say it all. They are the best proof that if Germany continues along its current path, it will end in an abyss with breathtaking speed. We can almost determine the decade when Germany collapses because of depopulation."

Looks like he was right.

wadda ya a Jew? lol. Goebbles is right tho.

Thanks for all of this user.

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Britain also put saw dust in meat because of rationing

Also most jews were stripped of their businesses wealth etc which benefited germans

>The Jews are also masters at manipulating public opinion, which they dominate through their networks of news agencies and press concerns that reaches throughout the world"

This is still true today. They do the same shit they did back then.

Im not sure if the saw dust thing is true but maybe they would have had enough food for the eastern front if they stopped feeding the millions of filth inside the camps and seized food from the italians who were barely contributing to any war effort and had plenty supplies, this is another reason why i believe the likes of Hitler were moderates compared to men like Himmler, Goebbels, Heydrich etc who did not give a shit about the means but only the ends

"100 Documents On The Origin Of The War"

^^^^^^ Shows clearly that Germany did not want war -- it was England (with the "help" of Poland and the approval of France) who started the war. Of course the people of England, Poland and France didn't want war either. Only the Jews wanted war.

Before the German military entered Poland, there were already 80,000 German refugees in camps in Danzig and the Reich. And the week before Germany entered Poland (to save the ethnic Germans), Polish radio broadcast calls to liquidate Germans in Poland -- 60,000 Germans in Poland were killed that week.

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This video explains the problem with the borders, it shows, among other things, how eastern Germany was cut off and surrounded by Poland after the first war:

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I am also interested in the economics as well,I'll lurk this thread until someone is able to provide a link that answers your question.

The economics of NSDAP germany were what made it so powerful in such a short amount of time. if these policies could be recreated in a modern setting with modern technology and intuition, there's no telling what could be accomplished.

bump for links/answer

thanks for your contribution I guess, but none of these things answers even a bit of OP's question. I question your choice of flag and response tactic...

Hitler was way too kind and reasonable. He for example in the beginning of the war, when they were chasing the English down into France, he ordered the to stop. He let the English escape, to show kindness and because he respected them. He hoped they would appreciate the gesture and be willing to negotiate a peace. Same reason why he didn't go all-out with the Luftwaffe against England in the beginning (later when it became really necessary to do so, there weren't enough planes [or fuel] anymore and they were needed elsewhere as well).

And the camp inmates were given as high of a standard of living as possible, they really did try to make their lives as comfy as possible and keep them healthy (hence the de-lousing).

They even received mail from friends and family, containing letters and food.

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some good music videos with footage from the time:

Graf Zeppelin:
Ein Heller und ein Batzen:
Me109 Lied:

NSKK Lied:
Radetsky Marsch:

Deutsches Mädel:
Es ist so schön Soldat zu sein:
Goody Goody (Teddy Stauffer):

Alte Kameraden (rare version):
Alte Kameraden (rare instrumental version):
Mit Mercedes Benz voran:

SA marschiert durch Deutsches land:
SS marschiert in Feindesland:
SS marschiert in Feindesland (very rare version):

Horst Wessel Lied (rare version):
Horst Wessel Lied (very rare version):
HitlerJugend Marsch (very rare version):

Es war ein Edelweiss:
Panzerlied (vocal only version):
Wie die alten Eichen:

Königgrätzer Marsch:
Hitlerjugend Vorwärts Vorwärts:

Sieg Heil Viktoria:
Deutscher Kampf im Lied (rare version):
Westerwald Lied (rare version):

Sieg Heil Mein Deutsches Vaterland:
Lisa Lisa:
Ich ging malein spazieren:

Waffen SS Lore Lore Lore:
Lore Lore Lore (rare instrumental version):
Lore Lore Lore (rare and longer version):

Volk ans Gewehr:
Die Jugend Trauert:
Ich hatt' einen Kameraden:

I'm an automated bot.

I agree, he should have sent the best divisions at the time in France and had them overrun the english at dunkirk, in war there should be absolutely no morals towards your enemy or the people of your enemies country when you are fighting for a greater ideal, if Hitler understood this then we would be living in a much greater world right now

I'm interested to hear about gaining profits from war. If you want for there to be incentives, that seems somewhat necessary, unless you nationalize industries, which the Germans didn't really do. Google uni of Barcelona Nazi privatization.

As for bread, and providing food for the people, war economies are war economies, desperation is desperation. Sawdust bread was a wwi ersatz thing. Britain was even more strict, for the same reasons. There was rationing in France, also, to make sure there was enough food. Black markets disrupted this planning to some extent.

>Were all of the 25 points implemented?
That is up for interpretation. The simple answer is no. The complex answer is yes, all the goals of the plan were accomplished. The National Socialists were pragmatic and flexible when it came to economic policy.

>I read that the state provided basic food for all people and that toward the end of the war, that the bread was cut with saw dust so it would have more food for the front.
Wartime policy is not representative of anything.

>In the 25 points it says that it was illegal to profit from war, but didn't business owners close to the Reich get rich off of the war effort?
This is a difficult one to answer and is open to interpretation. At all times in the Third Reich, the military/armaments industry was subservient to the state. Nobody was under any illusions on who ran things.

>Did the state nationalize large corporations?
Short answer: No. Realistically: yes. The National Socialists had de facto total control over the entire country, they were sovereign. Industry was subservient to the state and if someone was acting against the best interests of the people, the Government had plenty of room to intervene. In a manner of speaking being able to shut down anyone at will, but allowing virtually all of the private industry to operate anyway is in a manner of speaking a kind of Nationalization. You can disagree with me on this.

>How was it for the average German, was it as good as some say it was?
That depends, really. Food Rations in terms of access to meat were lower from 1933-1939 (the army had priority) and were considerably lower 1939-1945 (War requires all expenses. The time frame is simply too small to answer this question properly in many aspects. But given that virtually every normal everyday citizen of the time looks back at pre-war Third Reich in only positive terms tells you something.

did you know that hitler planned to be an artist

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Not bad.

Yes, I make fun of my brother who is an architect, a vegetarian and married to a women whom he will never have kids with. kinda funny.

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No bad. Not great, but not bad. Too bad he didn’t get into art school.

>The time frame is simply too small to answer this question properly

Makes me wonder how Germany would be today if he was allowed to do as he pleased.

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This is all you need to see:

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...although I don't agree with the "muh dead christians" propaganda. That always annoys me with that picture. It's unncessary. For fucks sake man, for the Jews it's not about religion. The Jews wanted first and foremost to genocide WHITES - that's always been what it's about, and it remains their top priority. It doesn't matter to the Jews if we're Christians or Atheists or Muslims or even converts to Judaism, they want us dumbed down, weaked, controlled and preferably dead or race-mixed out of existence.

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>Were all of the 25 points implemented?

>I read that the state provided basic food for all people and that toward the end of the war, that the bread was cut with saw dust so it would have more food for the front.
Basic Food for Poor People.I doubt that Saw Dust Story,never heard it from any old People i had the chance to talk to about the Reich.

>I also read that the state provided a house, or really an interest free home loan, that if you had a German child, they would forgive a portion of the loan and if you had four kids, the loan was completely forgiven. Is this true?
A interest free Loan that could be "Abgekindert"(hard to translated this) and yes the more kids,the less you have to pay back.

>In the 25 points it says that it was illegal to profit from war, but didn't business owners close to the Reich get rich off of the war effort?
That Point was about WW1 and so called "Kriegsgewinnler",that was not about the Weapons Industrie at all.Sorry i got just a German Wikipedia Articel translated it yourself please if you want to know more.

>Did the state nationalize large corporations?
No.Just Jewish owned ones have been sized and "Arisiert".

>How was it for the average German, was it as good as some say it was?
Hard to tell...

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I was thinking about this but forgot to mention:

Francisco Franco said Spain would officially team up fully with Germany and join the war against the USSR -- on one conditon: that Germany gave a part of France to Spain (forgot what part at the moment). The German leadership refused to make that deal, because they (Hitler, but probably most of them) thought Germany had no right to give to a country a part of another country... This shows they did not consider France as belonging to them, they didn't see it as "conquered territory" which they could do whatever they wanted with. They only took back the northern parts of France which Germany had lost after WW1, but that's it - they respected France's borders and intended for them to return to being a fully sovereign country once the war was over.

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> "studying Hitler and the Third Reich"
if you had actually been doing scholarly research you would not need an answer to these questions.
likely you have been FETISHIZING the nazis.
but ill pretend youre serious in your inquiriy.
1: state provides food
bullshit. they issued Ration Books, just like every other belligerent in the war to allocate more resources for the front. you still had to have cash, and the black market was essential for even the most honest german to stay alive.
nothing was free.
2: muh interest free loans
more nonsense.
3: in the 25 points...
which were all bullshit propaganda.
4: illegal to profit from war
and yet goebels, himmler, goering et al became quite wealthy from their control of various state run enterprises.
nazism was merely the german interpretation of mussolini's fascism, which was, at its heart, the same old marxist socialism as bolshevism.
they all had the same ultimate goals, which were COMMUNISM
anyone who believes the blandishments of a marxist deserves to be lied to.
> InB4 " B-b-but... nazis and fascists hated commies!!
commies hate OTHER COMMIES as a matter of course. even when the ideological differences between Commie 1 and Commie 2 are minuscule, they still wind up murdering each other, its just what marxists do. every minor disagreement in marxian theory winds up as a knife fight in a phone booth. the only thing commie hate more than the bourgeois is a commie who wants to do communism a little bit differently. the head of every faction in marxism wants to be the chairman of the politburo, and as a result, they go full Game Of Thrones with poison, assassins, internecine war, incestuous political marriages and alliances, betrayal and exile of pretenders to the crown. marxism is the most machiavellian ideology ever devised, and every one of those perfumed princes wants the throne, because they are all power hungry, greedy, self-serving bastards.
its just how marxists are.

Tfw no nazi mommy with cross

kinda a good glimpse into everyday life.

Hitler was right aboiut the jews.

Thanks Germanbro

1: state provides food
bullshit. they issued Ration Books, just like every other belligerent in the war to allocate more resources for the front. you still had to have cash, and the black market was essential for even the most honest german to stay alive.
nothing was free.
The NSV and other things like Free Lunch for every Schoolkid where already around long before the War.And the Black Market was a thing AFTER the War.
>2: muh interest free loans
more nonsense.
That Comment is nonsense...

>fucked up greentext on Point 1...

Poor quality bait. Try harder next time.

Still got what you were saying.

I imagine how good or bad it was for the average german would depend on the political leanings of the person you were asking. Likely that it was wonderful if you were a nationalist who believed in german identity and a return to greatness. Probably not so enjoyable if you preferred smut and boipussy.

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"Während der Nationalsozialismus eine neue Fassung und Formung der europäischen Kultur in die Wege leitet, ist der Bolschewismus die Kampfansage des von Juden geführten internationalen Untermenschentums gegen die Kultur an sich. Er ist nicht nur anti-bürgerlich, er ist anti-kulturell. Er bedeutet in der letzten Konsequenz die absolute Vernichtung aller wirtschaftlichen, sozialen, staatlichen, kulturellen und zivilisatorischen Errungenschaften des Abendlandes zu Gunsten einer wurzellosen und nomadenhaften internationalen Verschwörerclique, die im Judentum ihre Repräsentanz gefunden hat."

"While Nationalsocialism brought about a new version and formulation of European culture, Bolshevism is the declaration of war by Jewish-led international subhumans against culture itself. It is not only anti-bourgeois, it is anti-cultural. It means, in the final consequence, the absolute destruction of all economic, social, state, cultural, and civilizing advances made by western civilization for the benefit of a rootless and nomadic international clique of conspirators, who have found their representation in Jewry."

Maybe ask /his/

State mandated wholesomeness0

Sounds pretty similar to the rural and suburban retard shtick they have going today

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>"Während der Nationalsozialismus eine neue Fassung und Formung der europäischen Kultur in die Wege leitet, ist der Bolschewismus die Kampfansage des von Juden geführten internationalen Untermenschentums gegen die Kultur an sich. Er ist nicht nur anti-bürgerlich, er ist anti-kulturell. Er bedeutet in der letzten Konsequenz die absolute Vernichtung aller wirtschaftlichen, sozialen, staatlichen, kulturellen und zivilisatorischen Errungenschaften des Abendlandes zu Gunsten einer wurzellosen und nomadenhaften internationalen Verschwörerclique, die im Judentum ihre Repräsentanz gefunden hat."
>"While Nationalsocialism brought about a new version and formulation of European culture, Bolshevism is the declaration of war by Jewish-led international subhumans against culture itself. It is not only anti-bourgeois, it is anti-cultural. It means, in the final consequence, the absolute destruction of all economic, social, state, cultural, and civilizing advances made by western civilization for the benefit of a rootless and nomadic international clique of conspirators, who have found their representation in Jewry."

Some things never change.

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> implies nazis and fascists arent marxists...
> actually so stupid he thinks he is correct
nazism and fascism were The Authoritarian Socialist State of Marxism. this is simple fact. mussolini was a lifelong marxist and communist, hitler was an opportunist who joined the ranks of the communists for personal advancement, and adhered to the classical marxist socialist plan until he switched to the mussolini version.
>B-b-b-but... they say they arent marxists now!!!
cuz marxists never lie.
you suck at life. go read a motherfucking book faggot.

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> my dopey rhetoric about how much i hate the jews...
> from goebbels, who WAS A MOTHERFUCKING JEW!
> jews never lie about being jews, and never foment hatred of jews to advance their schemes...
ohh sweet summer child...
commies and jews both lie about their jewishness and their communism endlessly.
if they couldnt use lies and deception, nobody would fall for their trickery.

That's what i mean,i did not asked 100 Million Germans about there opinion on their daily life.I can't speak for everyone back than.But the Old People i spoke to where mostly positiv about that part of their life.

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Cool info. Tell us more!

Story time mommy!!!

You have been a plethora of info tonight user and I thank you kindly.

I could bet /his/ will say "Go back to Jow Forums"

Gee whiz! How did I miss that? Yes, surely Goebbles was there simply to advance the Jewish agenda in the long run.

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> ideology based on lies and deception
> created by jews
> amazed that this ideology draws jews like shit draws flies
> doesnt comprehend that nazism and fascism were just a different flavour of the same shit painted with bright colors to trick gullible goyim into swallowing more kike horseshit
i guess you never stopped to woinder why for all it's "anti-semitism" nazism and fascism both use the same rhetoric and slogans as basic bitch communism and bolshevism, and render the same results.
fascism and nazism are both THE SAME MARXIST CLAPTRAP repackaged to sell to the goyim.

yes, you stupid cunt.
jews dont give a wet shit about anybody, even other jews when theres a chance to advance their adgenda or score some sheckels.
how can you not understand this yet? if a few hundred thousand kikes have to die to ensure jewish hegemony, then its a small sacrifice for the jews in control. thats why bolshevism was run by jews, and they killed almost as many jews as they did goyim.

The only point I can speak to is how it was for the average German. My grandparents moved to usa in the early 50s right when they turned 18-19. Before the bombs started dropping it was paradise as described. There was 0, and I mean 0 crime. Most couples met in gymnasium (German high school) and were married by 20 1st or 2nd partner for each couple. You could travel and lodge anywhere for cheap. The "muh nazis were anti gun" stuff is complete BS, my great grandfather had an entire room filled with hunting rifles, and he taught my grandmother to shoot on a .22 at age 5 in their back yard. Before the bombs dropped families were encourage to reinforce and make air tight their basement, and to grow a garden to be self sufficient as well. Basically only problems in life were what I like to call "white people problems", bs neighborly feuds/religious bickering. No queers running around with 5 year old boys in g strings, no media that told you to hate yourself, a pretty open business environment, state of the art infrastructure. Every family had the time and money to travel around Europe. I know that they both went through hell while the war was going on, my grandfather was Volksturm, his father was Waffen SS, and my other great grandfather was a Hauptmann in the Wehrmacht, the latter got captured at Stalingrad and was one of the few to get sent back. After the war they forced jews to live in my grandmother's home for a year or so, they ran a black market operation out of the house and my family couldn't say shit because they were brewing schnapps in the basement to make ends meet. Dumb kikes would pour gasoline into smaller containers while the stove was on. My great grandmother had to knock one of them out one night when he threatened to kill my family when he was drunk, hit him in the head with a crystal bowl and knocked him out. TFW when my Oma and Opa got to live in the 2 greatest places and times on the planet ever, 30s Germany and 50s-early 60s burgerland.

>No queers running around with 5 year old boys in g strings, no media that told you to hate yourself, a pretty open business environment, state of the art infrastructure

This sounds good. I hate degenerate faggots.

> waves nazi meme-flag faggotry
> doesnt know that "Nazi" isnt "an epithet created by jews..."
the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) used the word Nazi as a short form to express their "NAtionalsoZIalismus" (Nationalism) which they claimed was the heart and soul of their ideology.
too bad they were a "workers socialist party" and derived all of their social, political and economic ideas from MARXISM, which was later twisted and refracted when viewed through the lens of Fascism, which was created by Mussolini, a lifelong communist and signatory to the first and second cominterns.
htiler first came to prominence not as a Fascist, but as a REVOLUTIONARY SOCIALIST under the tutelage of Georg Ritter von Schönerer, a left wing radical anti-capitalist/Marxist who added hatred of jews to the mix, just for the irony.

>derived all of their social, political and economic ideas from MARXISM
Lie, despite Fascism and National-Socialism rejecting Capitalism, they completely oppose Marxist social ideas (internationalism, degeneracy, atheism, end of the nuclear family and tradition, etc) and economics (abolition of personal or private property, "self-management" anarchism or Big State that owns everything).

Hitler and Mussolini also renounced their previous marxist ideas due to experience, we can say they #walkedaway

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We and the americans are both so retarded, we would actually believe the runes and the Swastika were created by communists (you could even say that due to their traditional pagan origin, they are demonic).


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SOCIALISM in practice, under the "Socialist Socialist" logo. Natzees BTFO!

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2000 year old german SOCIALIST spear head

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