So I was in an online argument and this dude was going on about institutional racism...

So I was in an online argument and this dude was going on about institutional racism. I told him that it really wasn't racist and that blacks earn less than whites because of the high school drop out rates, college grad rates, degrees, incarceration and the significant number of single-mother households in the black community.

I told him it was less to do with racism and more to do with the general actions of black people and poor decision making. He just kept calling me a racist and saying that if I believed black people made poor decisions and as community then I'm racist. I explained that it was because of these factors that they make less. Of course, he said, and I quote "If you think black people are just bad decision makers or don’t work as hard or whatever it is you seem to think, because that’s just how black people are, that is the very simplest definition of racism. So obvious omg"

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I think what he was getting at was that not all of then are like that and to assume so is racist

>So obvious omg
Is this man a woman or gay?

Is he wrong? Are you not a racist?

Pretty NEET blog post m8, say Nigger.


Ok? And? This isn’t your fucking Tumblr blog or your fucking reddit. Go back to where you came from kid. SAGE.

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this reminds me, how the fuck did idubbbz get away with saying nigger?

He just didn’t care. It’s called not being a queer or a kid. Grow up.

>the general actions of black people and poor decision making
You're obviously a bit retarded and have poor social skills (having arguments with strangers online), but definitely you completely fail to understand structural disadvantage and multigenerational patterns of bigotry and trauma. You're only thinking in terms of individuals (probably because you're retarded and have trouble thinking about complex issues. Try just stepping back on this stuff and recognizing that you're not equipped to have an interesting or thoughtful opinion.

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The boy is a retard. Why do Nigerian-Americans make more than Whites in America?

is it hard to just admit that you're a racist?

Why be a bitch when you could just not be a bitch?

>Why be a bitch when you could just not be a bitch?
Why be a butthurt screeching autist when you could just not?

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They can’t fix the problems in black communities by pretending they would vanish if whites were less racist. Blaming whites is an excuse to take no action while turning blacks and whites against each other. Which is how they like it.

Institutional racism is a term created by progressive thinkers so black people won't be held accountable for their actions. The African American community needs to take responsibility of perpetually exploiting benefits and commuting crimes.

he got huge by being edgy as fuck, thats how

Why make shitty decisions as a black person when you could just not?

The two extremes of Aussie shitposting in a marvelous display.

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Why should we care about blacks?

The Deconstruction of White Privilege.
The argument goes something like this: Preferential treatment must be given to non-whites due to the legacy of colonialism. The general idea is that injustice had been carried out for hundreds of years and must be repaid to non-white immigrants and refugees.
While the antecedent is rightly pointed out, the problem with this argument is that there is no consideration paid to further antecedents. Liberals and SJWs act like the power of colonialism just descended from the stars, as if Dumbledore waved his magic wand and it was there. Since every system is evolutionary and organic in nature, what were the causes of colonialism? If one reads the historical record, one can discover that European powers were in a race to acquire tradeways to the Far East. However, what had precipitated that? The answer is the Ottoman Empire had taken Constantinople in 1453 and choked the old tradeways (i.e. The Silk Road) thus producing the need for persons like Columbus. Therefore, the guilt for white privilege lies not in colonialism but The Ottomans.

But wait, there’s more…
The Ottomans are not to blame either. Their role was predetermined by their Seljuk ancestors’ contact and acculturation with the Mongolian Empire that was born under Genghis Khan. Therefore, the real blame lies with the Mongolians as they were the cause.

But, ayo hol up

Can we really blame the Mongolians for the oppressive lived experiences of everyday modern non-whites? Hardly. History once again shows that the ancient record is filled with myriad examples of nomadic barbarian hordes attacking and subjugating the rich settlements of city states (e.g. Akkadians, Hyksos). They were just going where the gibsmedats were. But back then they usually didn’t ask for it and instead just took it when a city-state became weak. So where does the real blame lie?

Well, I’m sure if you could reduce the causality all the way back to the beginning of time when the universe was an unequal distribution of matter versus anti-matter. In the end the harpies that rant on about white privilege aren’t really concerned with Whiteness and all the inequalities it brings. Their main beef is with God for allowing inequality into the universe in the first place.

Just tell him that saying the word racist isn't an argument and doesn't refute any of your points, and that until he can come up with a solid argument you have already won the debate.

"Racist" is not a synonym for "wrong"

>XXY tattoo
that's a shemale? Not bad.

>Just tell him that saying the word racist isn't an argument and doesn't refute any of your points, and that until he can come up with a solid argument you have already won the debate.
You have to be retarded if you think this is effective.

The answer is as soon as the person goes personal, which calling someone a "racist" is, and does not accept your clarification, you call them out on it as the Nazi they are and block them immediately.

You say "you are personally persecuting me, I do not talk with Nazis" and you block them.

If they are personal friends, maybe they learn their lesson and come talk to you later. No matter what they just get to sit and stew about it, instead of getting the cathartic high from calling you a "racist" and watching you squirm about it.

>Why make shitty decisions as a black person when you could just not?
Why post like a retard on an anonymous autists board when you could just not.

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do you want us to rub your belly and tell you that you aren't really racist and that the black boys will still wuv u

>that's a shemale? Not bad.
Not with those boobs.

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really makes me think muhammad

Just ask "If there is institutional racism at every level of society then why do Asian people do better than blacks?"

(((Legacy of slavery)))




That doesn't explain moderinized institutional racism or modern white privilege. That's such a stretch

A negroid

Then saying it's because of colonialism is a stretch

WW2, Korea and Vietnam are in living memory and were wars against Asians. Most of those who came to the west faced discrimination from Veterans, Government and the public for war crimes done by their race. They also arrived with limited to no networks or established communities, Blacks have had 200 years to build a community and network. Instead they got Al Sharpton.

I mentioned this to him and this is his reply.

"also, using a funny analogy to reduce your tedious racist blather into something pleasurably digested is FUN! I see you are racist against both"

How are people this dense? If I even bring up the history of other races and try to analyze it then in racist. Anything I say other than "institutional racism" is racist.

you should always argue ghetto culture instead of saying "the blacks" when speaking with bluepills

I use the term "African American." I can't get anywhere in this. I tell him he's not redurinf anything by calling me racist then he goes on a rant about how I'm a Milo wannabe and a racist. Everything he says involves racism and he refuses to have w formal discussion

That's where you have a hole in your understanding. He doesn't want to debate you. None of them want to debate. They want to express their opinions and then have you tell them that they're right. You might as well just say pic related and walk away.

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>So I was in an online argument

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He's calling you a racist and you're just squirming under it.

He is controlling you in the argument. That's what you don't get. As long as he gets the benefits of making you writhe by calling you "racist" and other adjacent slurs, he is winning.

Try turning it back around and then blocking him, you twit. He's already abandoned your autistic "debate", now he's just goading you into saying more stupid shit.

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Declare that he's saying that it is impossible for any non-white race to get ahead in a racist society like ours(don't ask him, frame his argument for him).
And then ask if its impossible for them to get ahead then why do they all want to immigrate to such horrible places?

>arguing about nonexistent things that niggers and liberals believe in, even though it's the same as arguing over the existence of the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus
Why waste your time?

When a leftist cant make an argument, they resort to the race card.

This happens a lot

You idiot, niggers are have no money because niggers are stupid.

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