HIS MEME PHRASES ARE: >Pinochet should have killed more people >Historical Debt towards slavery? I didn't enslave anyone >The Portuguese didn't enslave blacks, but blacks enslaved themselves >I wouldn't rape you because you are ugly and you don't deserve it
Major Olímpio - running for the Senate in SP, number 170 Bolsonaro - our future president, 17 Levy Fidelix - running for the House in SP, 2828 General Mourão - Bolsonaro's running-mate Levy Fidelix's wife, not running for any office Rodrigo Tavares - running for governor of SP, 28
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the United States of Brazil. The economics is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of complex analysis most of the plans will go over a typical reader's head. There's also Deodoro's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Michael O'Rourke literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these plans, to realise that they're not just smart- they say something deep about Brazil. As a consequence people who dislike the United States of Brazil truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Deodoro's existential catchphrase "Why did she pick him over me?" which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Benjamim Constants genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a United States of Brazil tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
Get schooled bolsominions. Tou're pushing for a demagogue and turning him into some kind of savior and you're only setting yourselves up for disappointment. It's like this is your first vote.
how do you register someone by mistake? What a fucking joke. They're doing the PC farias or Celso Daniel stuff aka come um with a bullshit explanation for everything and lie with a straight face
If you are from roça you know that everyday a new chink buys some land to plant soja
Parker Rodriguez
Having a qt milker japanese waifu should be mandatory.
Thomas Brooks
>Nigga, Yuji Naka shared that from Levy Fidelix's page! Haaa that's lit
John Harris
and our history is shit. fuck off with this racemixing crap. asians get a pass because they're a great race. by asian I mean japs and koreans. chinks are insects
Robert Kelly
t. vira lata não escolarizado
William James
>and our history is shit Maybe from 1889 onward yes, but before clearly no
1% of the population is jap, they are here since the beggining of the 20th century, they are just as brazilian as anyone else. Brazil is not a country where you can stop racemixing because most people are race mixed. And if I get to choose, high IQ japs are a lot better than blacks and pardos and even a lot of "whites" that are just light skinned pardos.
Anthony James
Every WEEK during the first year of the Plano Real was critical to it's survival. Ciro was working 16 hour days during those 4 months because the situation was that grave. If it wasn't for his offer shock + bank compulsories, despite Fiesp and Febraban foaming at the mouth in opposition, the plan would have failed. The Mexican crisis also burst during his term. Watch his 1994 Roda Viva interview, it's a history class.
Jacob Mitchell
>Ask me how I know you're a loser with a crap job and still live with your ma?
>Didn't you get the memo? You should be shilling for Haddad now.
Matthew Jones
>high iq japs try harder yuri
Adrian Baker
If we can't bring them out, we'll breed them out. Have a white waifu and at least 3 white kids, but make trips to Nordeste and impregnate nordestinas, and to favelas to impregnate delícias, making the gene pool here whiter. Operation whitewash. When there's no more blacks, thus more IQ, maybe we can start thinking of an ethnostate and religious values.
Kevin Long
Brazilian Japs don't usually racemix, m8. Maybe this generation, but not the former. Every Brazilian citizen is a child of Brazil deserving of respect. However, racemixing with an already small number of the pop will just kill them off. A white brazilian racemixing with asians it's a lose-lose.
>I was not aware my countrymen were so interested in racemixing with chinks They are all shitskins already you dumbass of course they want to race mix with superior insects
Carter Barnes
he isn't in the succession line you know right?
Jayden Foster
It's unacceptable to have a proxy president being controled from jail.
It matters not. I'm glad we'll never see him rulling Brazil but he's still a public figure of royal blood. My poor Emperor Dom Pedro II must be crying over this profanity. He who was so fond of european beauties.
Alexander Jones
>"Adélio was already in prison by then. It was just a mistake by the receptionist, no foul play was involved or anything else that people are speculating."
They are shameless.
Jaxon Rivera
but you still vote for the guy that is going to release him. well done. >inb4: n-no ciro is based he isn't goin to release lula! kek shut the fuck up there are more interviews and videos of him saying that he will induct lula than haddad, hell i think haddad never said he would release him while ciro did MULTIPLE times, way to destroy your country pal.
Liam Russell
I like our 400% yearly inflation more then the 4000% daily one
Tyler Butler
>hell i think haddad never said he would release him he did
Angel Brown
Lmao, if you think that is bad, it's because you haven't seen what has happened with the branch of Petrópolis, they all became degenerates, to the point of some princesses being feminists and literally left-wingers. He and the branch of Vassouras are based, catholic and traditional as fuck m8, the true successors of Pedro II
well he didn't need to is pretty fucking obvious. my point still stands any commie is going to destroy the country at this point
Bentley Jenkins
He did the media only focus on demonizing Bolsonaro, but Haddad has said some insane stuff. He has also said that he will destimulate "delação premiada" by increasing the punishment for people who snitch (decreasing the ammount it is decreased, if we're to be fair).
Exactly, he's a decent dude but is pissing his genetic away.
Samuel Edwards
Meh, he always says that he was happy to be born free from the throne lmao
Dominic Parker
Dom Rafael tinha que casar de uma vez.
Brandon Edwards
thank god
Charles Lewis
It's a shame that the supreme court changed it's understanding regarding 2nd instance emprisonment in an election year. Shameful. Banana republic tier.
Isaiah Hughes
Justin Morales
Rafael and Henri are so fucking ugly, I'd honestly rather suck on Antonio's old sagging balls.
When he becomes the emperor I am sure he will have plenty of princesses proposals The first two are literally Trad Catholics as fuck, the family is really traditional, you can check some youtube videos about them The most entry level one is this one of Dom Bertrand
I was watching some interviews with Dom Bertrand. What a nice guy, really loves the country.
Lincoln Wilson
I forgot lmao, but you can check on google, she has a lot of articles in the feminist media lmao
Samuel Phillips
but which one is she? dona maria or dona eleonora?
Connor Davis
He should unironically rule this shithole with absolute power. His existance, and the fact that no politician elected will ever be as competent as him, is proof enough that democracy was a mistake.
Ryder Bell
No, she isn't in the line of succession m8, that image is solely about the line of succession, because the first son, Dom Pedro de Alcântara, of Princesa Isabel decided to marry a pleb literally scraping away all his dinasty, which was called the Branch of Petrópolis, and then the Branch of Vassouras became a thing which was led by the second son of Princesa Isabel, Dom Luiz, and thus the line of succession is literally descendant of him. Hence there is an entire royal family not entitled to rights, as they have to marry royals to keep the dynasty running.
there is another one that made a bikini shootout, the branch of petrópolis is literally an aberration, and they are the ones that receive money from laudêmio, and they are the ones that Globo always interview I wonder why