>The State Department says that annual count of the number of terrorist attacks worldwide dropped by 23 percent in 2017, according to an annual report from the agency's counter terrorism center.
>The State Department says that annual count of the number of terrorist attacks worldwide dropped by 23 percent in 2017, according to an annual report from the agency's counter terrorism center.
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impeach 45
Wow it's like a senator known for meeting with terrorists in syria couldn't meet with h them any longer
Maybe some things happened geopolitically around that time frame. There could be a correlation, we need to look at what it could have been.
terrorists fear a strong orange man simple as
thanks for the mchuckle, senpai
Wow imagine that stop funding Isis and shit stops going boom
All Obama I bet
The CIA has been more focused on creating division domestically as of recently. Also their Syria charade is is being more publicly acknowledged so they have to wait a while to destabilize another country
ISIS has been nearly wiped out, terrorism is just returning to normal pre-ISIS levels, thank fuck.