How do I become white?

How do I become white?

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Kill your whole nigger village
Then you get reincarnated as white
That’s how we all got here

100,000 of Evolution

Based and redpilled.


Just wait. White will turn brown soon enough

This but unironically

noice, brb batin

I'm not black...
Also I will never do suicide or kill innocent ppl

Skin bleaching and laser eye color change.

Attached: babyblue5.jpg (700x450, 119K)

Lemon and tomato juice can reduce melanation. That, and stay out of the sun. Then, you can say you're Italian.

I would be fine with being brown eyes and white skin. Eye colors is not really important, only skin color is.

> Welcome to Lowes how may help you sir?
>Hi mam I am wondering if the white paint is in stock.

Keep telling yourself that, brownie.

You can't. Bang a white girl through, your kids could be white.

brown eyes have been in europe longer than blue ones you fucking snownigger.

Get vitiligo.

If you can wait a few years human genetic mutation will be much more advanced. You could turn obliterate your nigger genes in an instant and grow some aryan women if you're sick enough


Attached: doit.jpg (600x255, 42K)

By being loyal to white civilization so you can be honorary white.

Attached: A4643F12-B0CA-4F5E-9BB6-1179E73C2F2C.jpg (634x852, 162K)

... why would you do that to yourself.

i thought italians weren't white
>inb4 i'm a kike

i'm italian myself

Fuck pol desu my dude. Take responsibility for yourself. Do your best in life. Only have kids if you will care about them and can afford them. Get a job that will support you and a family in the future. White is just pols idea of responsibility. Anyone can be responsible.

There is nothing wrong with your race be proud instead. nothing is more sad than a cuck ashamed of his race

Some Italians are white and some aren’t. Easy to tell which is which at a glance.




nipple transplant.

Killing Jews turns you white.

looks like i'm fucked

Attached: italian hand.jpg (445x563, 28K)

White is a categorization for European indigenous people that was created after their spreading around the world to differentiate between European diaspora and others.

Based and redpilled

Nice reused photo

Who wouldn't want to join the master race--replete with pearly white skin and crystal blue eyes? Sometimes it involves taking drastic measures.

Gas some kikes and you'll be given a status of a honorary aryan

I've got a theory. You know how when a black and white mix, its sort-of like mud? What if you constantly introduced the baby and its future children to whites? You should be able to change your childrens race, but sadly not yours.


i'm 11% irish


Attached: brown eyes are aryan.jpg (1000x2662, 752K)

Stop using a wash cloth, for starters.

Assimilate with whites. Adopt their culture and speak proper English first.


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You have to praise Hitler like Michael Jackson did

>How do I become white?
Bleach always makes my clothes as white as possible. Have you tried drinking bleach?

>we are all white on the inside

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