Ukranian national falls into meat grinder at Chicago factory, dies

Ukranian national falls into meat grinder at Chicago factory, dies

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Did they at least use the meat?

so what? lots of people die every day.
you can go to liveleak and see all sorts of gnarly industrial accidents.

probably pretty tasty w/ some hot Giardiniera

That's where all ukrainians belong!

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I thought she was a suicide

I saw a collage of suicides with her on it and thought she was qt

This is morbid but did her meat look like the other meat or was it different?


Should have thought of that meat grinder like a nigger and exercised extreme caution around it.

Does that mean her pic will be on Grindr ?


Somebody needs to make a meme of this chick

Wasn't Jurgen from the jungle Ukrainian? Shame to see not much has changed since the time of upton sinclair

When your around grinders, be sure to look behind her?

Tripping off the beat kinda, dripping off the meat grinder
Heat niner, pimping, stripping, soft sweet minor
China was a neat signer, trouble with the script
Digits double dipped, bubble lipped, subtle lisp midget

why does this keep getting posted with no context. RIP tho what a shit way to go

Somebody call Upton Sinclair

Sounds like she really put her back into her work!

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Still no link? Fuck off.

Somebody posted a vid of this on another post earlier. Savage.

shoot me a link bro

Sounds like work was a real grind that day.

This video was posted earlier. Why would anyone want to see that girl die like that?



Do you even know where you are?
>ancom flag
Oh, you're retarded, that explains your post.

So you want to see her die? Why?

That's pretty good

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Meat grinder dindu nuffin


Is eat?

q predicted this

Just like Tintin...

is a pork factory nao

Fuck off cringelords

Why do you hate your own Slavic brethren so much you absolute dumb ass.