The Answer to the Styxhexenhammer666 IQ Question

My father measures IQ for a living. I asked him to watch 1,000 hours of Styx videos and to then provide a rough estimate of the intelligence quotient for the popular political YouTuber.

After not speaking with my father for about a month, I received a text early one morning that simply read, "fuckfuckfuck."

Confused, I asked what was wrong.

"That long faced fellow you asked me to study, I've never seen anything like it. He's operating on a plain of intelligence four to five times higher than the smartest men I've ever studied. His spoon clanks are communicating cryptic hidden messages. He's displaying levels of memetics that should not be remotely possible."

I had completely forgotten about asking my father to study Styx, but now I was intrigued, "So how high is his IQ?" I inquired.

He responded mere seconds later, "Just under infinity."

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Other urls found in this thread:

In shock, I dropped my cell phone. Shattering the talking device into pieces. My father would not exaggerate this kind of thing. We haven't spoken to each other since this exchange.

I can no longer watch Styx videos. Knowing what I know now, the level of intelligence and memetics is too overwhelming and intimidating for my simpleton brain.

What is he communicating with his spoon clanks? Who is he communicating with? Has anyone even seen Styx in person? Was he really hatched out of an egg? What does he mean with, "That's about all. Peace out?" Why is that ABOUT all? Why doesn't he ever just give us all ALL of it? What is he holding back from telling us?

I'm scared, anons.

hey sticks, do you fear your judgement?

sounds right, thanks Styx, but it is late and you need to go to bed

Styx is controlled opposition and has been ever since Mike Enoch contacted him. Thats' why he made a video about Metokur

Styx has an IQ of 110

Hi Styx. Nice fan fic haha! Keep up the good work, you glorious bastard.

Love from your number 1 fan in emuland

>can't even resist the temptations of the devil
>claims to have enough willpower to magically affect the world

>My father measures IQ for a living. I asked him to watch 1,000 hours of Styx videos
I stopped reading right here. There's no way any legitimate psychiatrist or psychologist would spend 1,000 hours studying some random YouTuber for free. Nice slide thread, faggot.

Hi Styx, I dig your commentary bro.

he has effected the world. I stumbled upon his channel by accident during the 2016 election campaign. I watch it ALL. I began studying the occult, and visiting here. It opened my eyes to a whole new perspective. I considered myself a radical leftist, anything to the right on the political spectrum was evil. Then the red pills did their thing. Styx was the catalyst to all this. He made the scary nazis of pol seem like lighthearted trolls. Of course that's not really the case, but it softened my up long enough to swallow every pill I cam across. He is a a most powerful sorcerer indeed.

Go to sleep Tarl. I want my morning breakdown videos on fucking time.

did you work hard on that?
because its no the least bit amusing

I laughed

Now THIS is shitposting.

Sticks to bashing the stupidity of democrats in the red/blue paradigm. If you get a haircut and wear a shirt the NPCs will provide a comfy life for you.

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Not being able to discern a comedic shitpost means you are probably an NPC

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>he made a video about Metokur
Can I get a quick rundown on that?

>Former Satanist
>High IQ

His IQ is less than 100.

hey styx more spoon clank less mentioning 4chins.this is a stumble into not directed to placs.

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Just because he doesn't touch on the JQ doesn't mean he's controlled opposition. He doesn't defend israel, like Shapiro does.

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He doesn't talk about israel, mueller the deep state or conspiracies at all anymore. He's a kike enoch puppet. I can't wait for that fucking fucking jew to get indicted. It's gonna bea great day.


tick tock

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grow up and stop living in kike fairy tale land kid

It's true though, what God took from Styx's looks and fashion sense he gave to his brain

He said that Metokur and Sargon engaging in petty drama is counterproductive because it's distracting them from the continual censorship

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Yes goyim I am much smarter than you. Buy my ebooks so that I can purchase more MREs to eat on cam with my mic right next to my mouth so you can hear the disgusting smacking noises.

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that's funny, i consider him to be average intelligence. he's got a clear ego driving him, and a complex from being bullied as a child and adopting paganism as a confirmist crutch to belong to a group because he fit into no group.

it's kind of funny.

BIG if true

Personally I like Styx. That's about all, peace out

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>watch 1,000 hours of Styx videos

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more e-celeb faggotry by their npc minions.

Entertaining LARP for sure, I'll give it 4/10 for being something kind of different.

I have traced his family lineage. I knew I thought I saw his mom around here.

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most of the nazi thing is a meme mate,we simply just dont want the 3rd world here,once thats secured most will go back to sleep

this fucking guy needs to put a shirt on

I watch multiple Styx videos every morning.

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Styx fans are cancer.

That's where you're wrong bucko
If he put on a shirt now, I wouldn't take him seriously

>He said that Metokur and Sargon engaging in petty drama is counterproductive because it's distracting them from the continual censorship
that shill! how dare he not get involved in internet drama

Agreed. I know that is his schtick, but I have a hard time recommending him to people I know as a serious commentator when the first thing you see when you open up a video of his is him sitting there with a leather jacket opened wide with no shirt on.

I used to fuck my teen ass with a broken broom handle covered in Vaseline

>Styx fans are a curse
Fixed it

>the only thing youtubers are now permitted to discuss is youtube censorship
>all other content is now forbidden
>t. Sticks Cuxenhammer

it is rumored that styx himself made this image.

Must be nice to collect gibs to say common sense things. Hows that 4 grad dell btw thing about getting one

It's actually quite funny

Styx's jimmies are more rustled in that video than at any time I can recall.

his puppet masters are pissed sargon got BTFO

Styx is a typical midwit who overthinks himself into absurdity and paralysis.

And I met lucifer on shrooms and DMT multiple times. I never heard of this Styx fellow but I like his music. Come sail away with me old chap.

011 you say?

Styx and Varg should do a podcast together. They could invite Eddred Thorsson as a special guest. It would be based.

99 IQ person: wow America is a scam

Retard: wow your ur iq isn't high enough I don't believe you money dollars that are used to imprison people are great

Joe 140iqgan: wow America is a scam

Retard: wow a celebrity or a person with a magic number attached to them said something I believe them because I'm definitely not retarded

I don't hate him but I don't understand why so many people watch his videos. I got tired of him after a week. I guess I'm too much of a Nazi for libertarianism to excite me

styx wasnt bad for a while but he wanted to transition to politics and i dont know if the wiccans in the north east are enough honestly. i mean the last time any one in the occult community got openly political it was the satanist who lost all power and went neo nazi . that was kind of funny because they made the mistake of trying to sacrifice the sole dealer of enchanted items in the area. they thought "if she can enchant stuff with her new age magic then sacrificing her would be like top tier way better than some kid" and then every last item they had lost power the same day and they actually had to leave 2 states. they had to barter for usage of others items and they dont take care of anything. stuffs always got some kind of blood on it and the blade is dull. and then they find another person who sells enchanted items they make and they did it again. those guys dont know how to do anything but murder. rand paul should be ashamed of himself for having friends like that

wow, the insight in this post, read this one a few times anons

Styxxx gets called out for his bullshit all the time in the comments section.
Hes deep undercover satanic as fuck.
Just like Mark Dice... its all about entertaining while crimes against humanity are being committed daily

Styx literally believes in 4d chess. Richard Spencer recommends people listen to Styx. Does that sound like an intelligent person to you?

>anyone who doesn't destroy their career is a kike shill or fed
look who it is lol

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yea we really believe that tranny is high IQ

Name the jew already styx

Fucking kek

SAGE btw

npc is just another jewish trick

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He did. He said so.


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I like Styx. And if you don't , Youre a fucking piece of shit and you need to have your head crushed slowly (NO,, S.....L...O....W...L...Y) in a vice while you scream and beg your torturer to stop.

i wouldn't worry about those messages.

They aren't for you.

he looks like a gook, hates god, he's worthless.

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Literalism is for retards. You're better than that user

I like channels that isnt stupid as shit. Simple as that

O.K. Tarl, nice try!

Christ, put a shirt on you fucking hairless wonder. Joe dirt in real life almost

Tard Chickendick is adept at logical thinking. That's the best thing he's got going for him. It also indicates high levels of testosterone. On the other hand, his love of the occult, former affiliations with Laveyan satanism, and love of horror movies indicates that he is on the same level of maturity as a typical teenage edgemaster. He resembles that guy from Monster Magnet after a severe crack addiction. His lack of shirts may be due to latent homosexuality.

Is it true this guy is the illegitimate lovespud of Dave Wyndorf of Monster Magnet fame?

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I bet you look like the southbound end of a northbound mule.

Just like he does with ancient occult books,
Styx edits the mainstream media stories and call them his own. The claims the source is becoming irrelevant, and his media approach is taking over. But without the mainstream media he would have nothing to talk about. And if the mainstream media went away, he certainly would not become a reporter to take its place.

>He resembles that guy from Monster Magnet after a severe crack addiction. His lack of shirts may be due to latent homosexuality

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Uhhm. That would mean the mule is traveling in two directions at once. So much for confederate intelligence.

> my dad works for Nintendo and ...

snappy dresser

Tldr Faggot

I guess the joke is too complex for you to get.

Yeah, it would have been a joke, if you phased it right. I bet you don’t even know where you went wrong, even after I pointed it out directly.


News comes from news agencies, not television stations, unless you consider a woman being arrested after allegedly embezzling funds from the Girl Scouts news.

Never mentioned TV, Girl Scout.

>"Just under infinity."
So that's why he accurately predicts shit.
>its totally not because he has an understanding of human nature

You mentioned mainstream media, close enough. Has he talked down the role of AP and Reuters?

>He's displaying levels of memetics that should not be remotely possible."
Trying too hard. He's pretty smart from what I've seen, but I haven't seen enough to say for sure.

Close only count in horseshoes. Who are AP and Reuters, other than mainstream media? They certainly aren’t the man on-the-street types like Tim Pool, that styx seems to think will take over the news.

Go to bed, stick boi.

No one believes you, user.

>Metokur is engaging in petty drama for lulz


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>cannot detect shitposting

He is too smart for this world. Goodbye dear sucksAhammer. Ahead of his time he was.