The brown eye thing was misinformation that grew wings. He always had blue eyes
The other two have always been that way. Mistaking the largest city for the capital is a common mistake, people do it with U.S. states all the time too
Benjamin Russell
New Zealand aint even a real place
Thomas Lee
stop sniffing glue lad
Alexander Phillips
Australia is not real you niggers why do you think they only post at night
Adam Price
>t. Berenstainigger
Alexander Roberts
fucking retard sage
Chase Hughes
>but we all know he had BROWN EYES before? No, you just fell for shitty propaganda. Also if you think NZ looks weird, check out what happened to South America.
Austin Walker
You've only seen photos and footage of him in black and white.
[spoiler] AUSTRALIA ISN'T REAL SEND HELP [/spoiler]
Oliver Taylor
He always had blue eyes faggot,
Zachary Nguyen
Npcs get so angry about the thought of multiverses. Read “Our Mathematical Universe” by tegmark op, lunopolis is a good movie too.
The biggest things that fucks me up is that we’re no longer on the outskirts of the Milky Way on the Sagittarius arm, but now we’re on the Orion spur.
Look out, we've got a live one here. Bazza, get the truck.
Nothing to see here folks, Australia is most definitely a real place I swear.
Grayson Stewart
This just proves you're a dumb cunt and nothing else.
Angel Bell
Yes our capital is Canberra Most populated cities stick in people's heads more, it;s understandable. Also, the capital of Switzerland is Bern, not Zurich The capital of South Africa is Pretoria, not Joeberg The capital of Turkey is Ankara, not Istanbul The capital of Canada is Ottawa, not Toronto. Then there are the US states: Albany Sacramento, Olympia, Harrisburg, rather than NY, LA, Seattle or Philly.
Quite often in history, they chose smaller towns or even started them from scratch because they didn't want the big cities to have too much power.
Adam Evans
He had green eyes i'm more sure about that more than anything else about him
Blake Bennett
He always had blue eyes retard
Christian Robinson
You're a liar its either Sydney or Melbourne I refuse to think otherwise
Goddamn cia niggers
Samuel Edwards
>admitting to being a newfag go back
Brayden Cox
Sidney was never the capital of australia, it always was melbourne.
Sebastian Collins
>its either Sydney or Melbourne in this case, these two cities were both bitching too much about how they should be the capital and not the other, so they ended up building a new city from scratch halfway-ish between them (canberra)
Jaxon Martinez
its sydney. these are all cia niggers being cia niggers, trying to make me think it isnt sydney.
Kevin Kelly
fuck off mate
Nicholas Mitchell
Switzerland's capital isn't Zürich anymore but a city called "Bern"
Luis Cooper
This is a great example of the way of the eternal Melbournian We were the first city, largest population, old capital before Queensland and Victoria broke away from NSW, most iconic, already had all the embassies and shit here, every other state thought it should justbe Sydney but no, fucking Melbourne had to be all >EH! It's not fair! I wanna be the capital! and they just started screeching until we graciously agreed on a compromise.
>So today I found out that Hitler had BLUE EYES but we all know he had BROWN EYES before? No, you're just retarded.
Ian Russell
NPC here server update has moved the "New Zealand instance" south.
Josiah Anderson
Your entire reality is counterfeit and merely a plaything for entertaining forces beyond anything you could even hope to comprehend. With things closer approaching the singularity all will be revealed in due time, which in itself is a fallacy and a construct of feeble minds. There is only one truth and that is the still silence of eternal nothingness. All else that "exists" is merely a trick of the light.
imagine being such a retarded atheist that you believe in "multiverses" but not God
Robert Watson
>implying I’m an atheist. The thing about science is the more you study it, the more proof for god you get. Kys cia nigger
Angel Miller
Lsd makes me sui. Life is a very limited game Time to turn computer off Go do something else That is death No end Every atom scaling to solar system To galaxy and universe Spirals Everything follows spirals
Always blue I noticed the new Zealand shit a wile a go And its always beem Canberra
Wyatt Perez
Isn't this a technique in writing multiple choice tests? Where one answer is completely off base, one falls within the subject, but is still incorrect, one is incomplete, and the final is the right answer?
Isn't it possible that, instead of "two truths and a lie", OP is couching one legitimate change within two falsehoods of varying blatancy?
I mean, dude was azenkazi descended. Eyes were brown like shit.
There are plenty of documents that describe Hitler having ‘brilliant blue eyes’ which many people said were almost enchanting.
The obvious propoganda of him having brown eyes has been pushed alongside the rhetoric of “Hitler wanted to kill anyone who wasn’t blonde with blue eyes, despite him having neither :^)”
Kevin Price
What the fuck are you talking about he always had green eyes and brown hair.
Logan Davis
Nope, all three of those things are common knowledge, particularly the NZ one
Levi Jones
OP is a complete retard All fields
Caleb Jenkins
>The moment when you realise Jacksonville, Florida is West of the entirety of South America
Lucas Perry
is this bait retard
Cameron Wood
you must think like a dacgid
Logan Rodriguez
fuck off meme flaggot
Xavier Peterson
Did you know that the closest US state to Africa is Maine?
Henry Brooks
Fucking retard, the confusing comes into play because Sydney is the most populated city and Sydney and Melbourne had a battle pretty much for which city was going to be the capital, the government said fuck this and made a whole new city instead.
Elijah Cook
Andy Warski can make a better story and he lost his fucking mind, this is just libtard bullshit
Oliver Davis
Confusion* I’m not a chink, I swear.
Jackson Wright
the internet truly lets its retards shine
Jacob Adams
I'm sorry you are scared. The world is a rough place. Not for everyone. If it ever seems too much, just remember you can always kys.
I think the "nz being to the north of Aus" thing comes from northern hemispherers forgetting South = colder in the Southern hemisphere Otherwise they must associate nz more with hot weather than they associate Australia, which is clearly retarded
Zachary Hughes
Yeah, I'm from the timeline where hitler was the main character i the film Clerks too
Zachary Morales
Dumb ameripoo, everyone knew hitler had blue eyes.
Levi Thompson
he always had blue eyes user, it's just b/w photos you braindead murrican inbred muttfag
Chase Roberts
Hitler never existed
Josiah Rodriguez
always had blue eyes
Angel Richardson
Daniel Reyes
I'm from a brown eyed Hitler time line. Portugal had moved twice. Mona Lisa had changed. Fuck this shit.
Fucking newfaggot! Hitler always had blue eyes, you just received a red pill, dipshit. Finally waking up huh? Snow white.
Josiah Wood
There’s multiple Mona Lisa’s, lad.
Brody Sullivan
Peak burger education right here
Nathan Cox
He literally always had blue eyes. Holy fuck Americans are dumb.
Alexander Diaz
I knew he had blue eyes when I was like 8. Granted my dad's a WWII history buff but no, this isnt Mandela effect. It's a combination of innacurate casting by hollywood and allied propoganda.
Gabriel Wilson
Holy shit.... your right... but the funny thing is I remember both. Except the capital of Australia thing... I thought it was Brisbane. I never paid much attention to Australia tho
Nathaniel Davis
>Also, New Zealand is located south east of Australia, when it used to be north east of Australia retard, was always like this. why do you think NZ always had a cooler climate than aus?
Samuel Brooks
No its just you being retarded mutt, I knew Hitler had blue eyes since I first saw an uncolored picture of him.
Camden Price
Hey brown
Austin White
Shut the fuck up retard
Isaac Wright
This. What the fuck are the niggers that thought he had brown eyes. That has always been post war jewry.
Owen Baker
i think it basicaly boiled down to the people that colorised the pics i'm not going to look for pictures of hitler simply because my country is obsessed with busting it's people over literaly anything and everything and putting them behind bars for years
John Gomez
Hitler was an north-atlantid from Austria he obviously had blue eyes faggot, ffs you think people had grey skin back in the day as well because of black and white photography
Easton Sanchez
Rothschild has blue eyes as well = master race decided to wipe out the master race because he is a self hating master race
Cooper Nguyen
>Also, New Zealand is located south east of Australia, when it used to be north east of Australia Boomer here. One of my earliest memories is looking at a world map and noticing that NZ was below Australia and to the right.
Evan Ross
Deep blue eyes + black-white photos Most blue eyes are light toned thats why you immediately think "brown" instead when you see them with no colour palette
A lot of the mandela effect stuff is just people being retards. I do like the idea of time travel tho
Connor Fisher
New Zealand barely qualifies as a country, it has fewer people than Alabama and is left off a bunch of maps. Frankly the fact that so many people even know it's close to Australia is amazing.
Evan Cook
Not only it is a real place but its a whole other continent as well
Connor Peterson
He always had blue eyes, it was a stupid meme by teachers to tell you he had brown eyes but was a hypocrite.
Charles Martinez
Wtf! The whole continent is way farther to the right
Connor Rivera
>Holy shit bros, I’m scared af. So today I found out that Hitler had BLUE EYES but we all know he had BROWN EYES before? Retards have been making this mistake for years, I remember 3 years ago I read almost the exact same post. It isn't new. >Also, New Zealand is located south east of Australia, when it used to be north east of Australia It looks north east on a globe, but south east on a flat map. Simple mistake. >Also, the capital of Australia is now Canberra (WHAT???) and not Sydney! The capital of Australia was never Sydney. Sydniggers wanted their city to be the capital and melbourniggers wanted to be the capital, so they literally built a city halfway between the two and said it was the capital. I thought Americans thinking Sydney was the capital was a meme, but you really are just dumb. It's like if we thought NY was the capital of the USA. Anyway, you're clearly either black, a woman or a child so I'm not offended.
Easton Davis
>New Zealand barely qualifies as a country, it has fewer people than Alabama It was going to be a state of Australia but they wanted women's rights so we decided to leave them out of it >and is left off a bunch of maps. really? lmao >Frankly the fact that so many people even know it's close to Australia is amazing. Our flags are pretty much the same thing, so it's easy to remember.
Daniel Wright
Wasnt Melbourne the capital for sometime tho?
Adam Rodriguez
Not Mandela effect, just everybody believing propaganda. I guess you could use it as a litmus test, if someone tells you Hitler had brown eyes then you know they just believe whatever they hear and never check.
Leo Powell
Only temporarily while the country was being formed. It was the capital of the biggest state in Australia, which was essentially the same thing before it split up.