Juliet Manson, from Glendale in California, received a very special present from her mother for Christmas: a trip to China to undergo a breast augmentation surgery.


Attached: 7yearoldbreasts3.jpg (600x315, 39K)

Other urls found in this thread:


You've got to be legally blind to not see that image is photoshop'd.

My name is Dan, Please to meet your acqaintince.

I am on a bowling league, we won second place last year. I like pizza and French fries..

Have a swell day

How did she make it out of China without being raped and murdered?


this is the quality content I come to this site for

I'm pretty sure I'm going to prison just for clicking on this thread.

Attached: hi.png (500x392, 91K)

Shut your lying mouth.

No it's not.

You're already in prison

honest officer I thought she was a big titty midget

I'm the warden

Attached: emu_soldier.jpg (474x577, 62K)

Attached: Capture.png (689x222, 27K)


dude this shit is like the onion, please stop being retarded.

Do you think achmed here is mad that it is only satirical, or is he mad that his 7 year old wife doesn't have big boobs?

Attached: sweden.png (640x640, 201K)

You've ruined my whole thread, Sven *sigh*
I really hate you. Dumbass.

yet another russian hacker spreading fake news.

And here's what she will grow into


thats the realest thing ive seen all day

>Mother and child are not Armenian

You've gotta be thick if you assumed there was anything to "fall for" in the first place with that image. I'd call you captain obvious but you missed the fucking point so I can't even give you that.

What a shitty thread.

Attached: 1500379002501.jpg (1800x4408, 1.97M)

Arrest the mother

Based and redpilled

Can breast implants of 7 yo girl interfere in American elections? Now that's a good question.

Attached: vhtsheh.jpg (528x352, 22K)

Why isnt this illegal? Thats so sad, but even if she didnt have her body fucked up,she would still have a bad life being taised by these retards.

Attached: nXT_jDLo7cMJfBgiX_Ah4IxQQbkl9WJNxyWlhFKneUM.jpg (460x460, 42K)

I call shenanigans on this too. A 7 year old girl wouldn't have enough excess skin to make those transplants work.

kill yourself nigger

Stop using 7 yo girls with breast implants to distract the American voters while you Russians hack our elections!

Make it a 7 year old boy with breast implants and the pedos might just all stay home fapping and forget to fund hillary

That’s kinda hot.



Aww fuck yeah I'm fully engorged

this is not photoshopped I 100% believe it

how fucking dumb are you guys these days?
you going to start posting the onion as real shit next?

Attached: rare.png (1280x720, 1.72M)

The sad thing is that the onion is the closest thing to real news coming out of the US these days.

Attached: assad.jpg (664x442, 51K)

>"oppai loli"
>no results
There is much to be discussed

Attached: 1520290318480.gif (200x240, 1.2M)

Cringelords including the OP who believe this. Sad.

Demented and degenerate.

Attached: 01515_lNZTcyn02pe_600x450.jpg (494x361, 23K)

This is a satire site, relax.

/weev/ ffs bad abkhazia shoop.

Why was her mother not arrested the moment they got back into the country for child abuse?

I don't believe you I think I need to examine this child personally.

I thought her name was wendy?

Attached: 6b45b6e56b567b.jpg (446x335, 75K)

I wanna fuck her

A seven year old can photoshop better lol

Dude, it's real, I swear. I saw her in China.

What the fuck is up with this young girls being depressed over their bodies? I mean I know women have always had that shit but it feels now more and more young women under the age of 14 are depressed is Instagram attention whore models and cell phones to blame for this?