Comic thread.
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Comic thread?
I feel like this is a psi op to try and get people to think god is moral for demanding people literally mutilate baby penises.
Have you had your deific sanctioned baby mutilation yet user?
He should have told him to cut his entire dick off, thus implying that the jew jewed him down to the foreskin.
It's just making fun of jews because it implies that they'd rather discount their own dick than giving a discount to gentiles.
Which is just a rip off from an old jewish joke and the comic edit about the guy talking with his kid and then jumping out of the window and running to the horizon.
In reality some of this comics are ok but most of them are straight rip offs that the author gets from Jow Forums.
What an autistic reading. It's implying that God commanded the kikes to circumcise their babies because he was sick of their shit and wanted to fuck with them.
What would have been funny in that comic is, God pissed off with the Jew tells him to cut his whole dick off, and the Jew just as before goes down the spiral of "How about only half? Why do you want me to cut off a quater? Fine, just the tip!"
>it's both fun and not illegal for children (in the pre right from wrong ages) to throw water balloons at each other.