ITT Post your country's rightful clay. I'll start

ITT Post your country's rightful clay. I'll start.

Attached: IMG_1070.png (2000x1716, 162K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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Delet this

Attached: IMG_1073.gif (499x358, 955K)

You posted a pic for ants. Here's an enlarged version.

Attached: IMG_1074.png (752x768, 166K)


Attached: OSIRIS_Mars_true_color.jpg (2205x2205, 1.22M)

you forgot the canary Island and The cities of Ceuta and Melilla.

But at least you included Gibraltar.

As for south America.. they can keep that socialist hellhole.

show flag, cuck


Attached: alternate_carlist_flag__by_claudius42-dakauk5.png (900x502, 277K)

The world. Except br*tain.

And madeira and açores


Attached: 8SAZfPu.png (2752x1397, 791K)

I still cry every day

Attached: serveimage (1).jpg (2453x1608, 592K)

>those borders

Attached: image.jpg (475x475, 26K)

Attached: IMG_1076.png (1024x735, 601K)

beat me to it

Attached: q99w1kmca0qy.jpg (835x687, 108K)

This fake country only exists to give the eu a command center from which they can organize the arrival of the enrichment

Attached: What+about+the+finnish+empire+_94ce083ae44d128252ebe5425444e398.jpg (1000x630, 179K)

>No Sudetenland
>No Ostgebiete
>No Preussen
>No Memel
>No Greater Styria
>That flag

Pathetic, are you even trying?

>When real life liked bordergore

Attached: IMG_1071.png (1220x786, 849K)

You mean Belgium?

No I mean that other fake country that also hosts the siege of the eu

Attached: image.jpg (1024x1024, 104K)

>your country's rightful clay
see pic related


Attached: Kashmir_region_2004.jpg (1579x1567, 1.71M)

don't you known this song man?
you should try harder next time.

Attached: fatherland___europe_1964_by_kristo1594-d4r3qef.png.jpg (966x828, 156K)

tfw when luxemburg has more of a claim as being a country then belgium

Attached: 2000px-Flag_map_of_Greater_Italy.svg.png (2000x2379, 218K)

that too

Why do you three nations care so much about a wasteland?

muy simple.

Attached: Mexico is a minority.gif (889x719, 2.09M)

Do not make fun of my Homeland. Us Sealanders are a proud people, we defended against a German invasion and we are PROUD

Attached: Screenshot_20180920-120918.png (1080x1920, 348K)


what the fuck

Attached: Justinian555AD.png (2111x1144, 216K)


Finland, Russian Karelia, Estonia and Riga

I actually like this a lot. I wish you'd had time to seed Libya with Italians.

There is no such thing as "rightful clay". Its yours only if you can take it.

norman > all

Attached: possesions-normandes-guillaume-le-conque-rant-1087.png (489x587, 266K)

The only true balkans !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: 43.png (503x431, 54K)

So US is a mutt spawn from the beginning

spainish nigger the only time you had this country, was becausue this country allowed it, in a real situation you always get btfo.
keep dreaming spanish nigger,

Attached: spain_btfo.png (315x813, 199K)

Attached: FinalSolution.png (520x429, 127K)

back to /tv/ nigger. Ésportingue de Lisboa plays today.

Attached: maio3lfmpsxnqepohut0.jpg (800x450, 56K)

Our nation is Iberia. We need a new flag.

Attached: 1529959172328.jpg (1157x768, 300K)

Attached: Blank_Map_of_Europe.png (1925x1742, 121K)

So you're telling me I'll be a lot richer AND pay a lot less taxes and all I've got to do is speak some ear-bleed inducing language?

Also, there's a 99% chance you're not Spanish.

Portugal is white and blue, not green and red, that's the Portuguese Republic, a temporal institution.

They have a very low IQ

>implying i give ratass about football

Attached: spanish_nationalists.jpg (980x653, 123K)

whatever you say, jew

Attached: hannuka_catolico.png (774x499, 320K)

madeira food is good though

>no filthy b*rb*n dinasty emblem
fucking based

Attached: DZXyLeIX0AAMGGt.jpg (696x480, 45K)

Kanker op

Attached: IMG_5424.png (1224x1039, 158K)

They want to compete and see who has the biggest minidick

they want those soft soft sweaters

Attached: cashmere.jpg (390x585, 68K)

Attached: meh.gif (728x585, 167K)

i forgot to add spain :(

Attached: mapa cor de rosa.png (1200x600, 114K)

more like

Attached: poland1795.png (224x224, 1K)

Attached: 250px-LocationSwedishEmpire.png (250x208, 21K)

based, THIS.

t.spainish spawn in Switzerland

Attached: spain_btfo_2.png (323x1302, 235K)

Olivenza is Spain


Attached: spain_btfo_2.png (323x1302, 235K)

Someday it will return, old friend

Floridian is the strongest race

Attached: florida supremacy.gif (733x524, 12K)

Come and take it.

Attached: T_alberto_barbosa_737cd367a5474ddfa3ca272b30c0d3b9.jpg (600x584, 47K)

A mutt of europeans >>>> nig/spic mongrel

that hand is much too bright

This is American clay, and it will be ours again.

Attached: 6193258612_fbc2abba00_b.jpg (986x878, 198K)

I already claimed that, Bernd

Shut up NPC.

When the first post is also the best post.

Gibraltar is British! You give ceuta back to Morroco and well give you Gib back! If not, shut the fuck up..

Attached: 1521239908906.jpg (2048x1150, 666K)

I would have included the independence war map in which we have half of Latvia and are up to Petrograd but I respect my southern brothers too much. Not to mention we already have too many Russians.

Attached: 1532527441081.jpg (960x510, 41K)

Only that this is Romania
Otherwise great map
I would also think that a kingdom of Serbs Bulgars Croats and Slovenes with independebt banovinas is a good idea

Attached: greater_romania_by_kristo1594-d4s7g7b.jpg (964x829, 102K)

Fucking BASED iberianbro

Attached: hy7eualde0o01.png (1020x680, 87K)

15 mortars wtf, we were outnumbered but thats exaggerated

Ceuta and Melilla were founded by Castilians you moron.
if you don't give back Gibraltar we will kill all the monkeys so the curse can be removed.

Attached: mono-de-gibraltar.jpg (800x478, 253K)

If Spain wants the land you can have it, there's honestly nothing here of worth.

Attached: 1536605712833.jpg (4382x3543, 2.2M)

Stop using spic like you know what it means, brazilian hue monkey

>Claiming parts of russia when the eastern part of your country is already like 80% russian
Are u retarded

don't talk like that about your mainland.
Portugal is a nice place with nice people.
the iberian union would make it even better.
best athem
pic related best flag

Attached: best iberian flag.jpg (480x360, 21K)

Attached: 1509791825110.jpg (720x720, 240K)

Thanks bro. He cute!

Hahhahah we don't want to unite with you. your language is a laughing stock to us, you guys look like gypsies when you go to the beach bringing tents and shit, your music is gypsy music.
Not even people from pais basco, catalunia, galitia consider themselves spanish, much less the portuguese.

Shut the fuck up faggot, Spain has low crime rate, unlike you faggot n*ghaired mutts

Absolutely based.

Attached: 1536972190309.gif (840x488, 511K)


ps: we also got dibs on bolivia and paraguay
and the euroclay if they dont submit

Attached: excerto9.jpg (500x300, 20K)

Gibraltar is British. Stay mad.

Attached: hands off our rock.jpg (1080x1920, 488K)

pretty much on pair with portugal. but when is crime rate the only factor? by that logic spain should unite with tunisia cause tunisia have lower crime rate.

Austriae est imperare orbi universo

You are poorer than Andalusia or Extremadura lmao

SO fucking what? We still don't want you, how does it feel being rejected by poor fags?

this, in our prime spain never managed to beat us, most of times despite population advantage, only time was because crypto jewish pt crown gave them away portugal, infact portugal-spain uniting would be just jamon telling us what to do and forcing us to speak sp*inish, spain only good at conquering primative tribes, everytime they encountared someone of similar tecnogolical level they always got btfo, they cant even keep catalonia, what makes some sp*niards think a union with portugal would work, in their mind portugal would be just another autonomous region for the king of sp*in to rule,

t.pickpocketed tourist that walked around with his iphone, and camera in a nigger area in lisbon

Attached: spanish_Citzen.jpg (2048x1365, 386K)