What a hero

Attached: Nancy 1.png (638x575, 76K)

Attached: Nancy 2.png (592x105, 12K)

oopsy daisy

the tweet of a good Jew

the tweet of a degenerate goy

Fake news, Sad because I live in the power district she works in and would have reported her hate speech if it wasnt fake news QQ

I just want to watch these people die at this point... painfully, slowly, with lots of gore. The kind of agony where their voices change into something non-human, something alien, because what they’re experiencing is so fucked up. I want this for every liberal, especially the white ones

I agree, anyone who makes white power hand gestures should be run out of public life

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I think she's a chink though

Now a days I literally drive down the road making the OK sign to everyone I pass.

Better to not even bother helping non-whites anymore