Do leftists have no idea how they look to most of the country, especially the areas they deride as "flyover country"? Look at this feminist lesbian lawyer and think how most people will react to her appearance. Are leftists so deep in a bubble they can't see what most of the country sees?
Ugly inside and out
I thought that guys name was gary busey.
ah c'mon guys that's not nice, you'd look like shit too without your make-up on if you were Rachel Maddow's dad.
Looks like she escaped a concentration camp.
I immediately imagined this hideous ultra left wing dyke writhing in a bed of vile lust with her doppelganger Kathleen Wynn, premier or Onterrible.
Gassed too many times?
>literally IRL NPC face
Just stop and think; since the 50's all the freaks, weirdos, faggots, dykes, satanists, dog fuckers and child molesters started to seriously gather in New York and San Francisco, taking over the arts scene, posing as cafe society pseudo intellectuals and plotting their revenge for all the imaginary slights from straight society. With the election of the queen of dykes they were poised on a triumphant seizure of power they were never going to surrender but they had that T Bone steak stolen right out from under their watering mouths by Trump and the American people.
You should be able to fathom the profound depths of their white hot thirst for revenge.
It’s not her appearance that bothers people, whether they’re aware of it or not.