Be a Successful black man (accountant) of Caribbean descent

>Be a Successful black man (accountant) of Caribbean descent
>Day off, watching football in his own apartment
>Hear a loud knock and yelling "LET ME IN, LET ME IN, LET ME IN" (as eyewitnesses have stated, but she denies saying anything)
>Doors locked
>Go open the door
>Get shot by some thot cop probably high on some drug
>"Omg, I thought he was in my apartment, he ignored my commands!"
> Don't get charged for 2 days, then when charged,post 300k in bail
>During the investigation, she keeps switching her store, saying that she slammed open the door, then switched it to that the door was open ajar, ect..
>Instead of searching her apartment and car, Judge files warrant to search Black man's apartment
>Items found:

"2 fired cartridge casings
1 laptop computer
1 black backpack with police equipment and paperwork
1 insulated lunch box
1 black ballistic vest with "police" markings
10.4 grams of marijuana in ziplock bags
1 metal marijuana grinder
2 RFID keys
2 used packages of medical aid"

>Everyone blaming Black man for the marijuana, even if the location of it was not identified and most likely belonged to the cop, like the other stuff found.
>Cops release the list of items right on his funeral day

And people will still defend the thot because "hurr he a black ogaa booga!:

Here's video of their apartment:

Attached: bce622f7e5d133f6794b5bd9348b0b6e.jpg (800x450, 45K)

in short
>be american
>get shot

America is white supremacsit

Why aren't people rioting over this?

they are, even on Jow Forums lol

Blacks get shit, but this is more about police brutality. Rarely do they get charged and it's obvious the department is trying to protect her.

>be american
>get shot
>shooter gets slap on the wrist because popo

That's more than police brutality, she executed some random man while most likely high on drugs

Wait this is the White cop that shot him?, is this just a bad photo of her she looks mixed.

>be american
>get shot
This is a common occurrence in your country, why is it being made into a race issue? There isn't any indication that race has anything to do with this incident. Americans get slaughtered indiscriminately, and when the police is the culprit, they get away with it without exception.