Girls with lots of guy friends

Redpill me on girls with lots of guy friends.

There's this young girl that has started at my work and she was very chatty with me, etc. But then I found out that she pretty much follows most of the guys around at work like a shadow. She tells me that she mostly has guy friends and her best friend is a (straight) guy.

Please advise me on my best course of action here. She's a solid 9/10, skinny but with a plump bottom and big breasts.

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If she is, as hot as you claim, then that's a red flag, unless she is actually a really good christian girl, but a really good christian girl wouldnt hang around a bunch of married men. Fuck her if she Wants the D tho.

Oh come on, you know the answer.

Coal burners and beta orbiters.

Three possibilities:
1.) She is self-aware and a slut
2.) She is self-aware and a narcissist who surrounds herself with orbiters
3.) She is autistic

These are the girls who love their orbiters. Trust me OP she isn't fucking 98% of them

There are many reasons for this Im sure. Ill give you my perspective.

My wife does this. She enjoys beta orbiters. Her personality is basically shit - she is not worth anything as a friend. Her only qualities come through her superficial skills of of socializing and her looks. Beyond that there is nothing. Which is why she does not have any close friends - other than the beta orbiters (even alfa orbiters disappear after a while).

regretful husband who fell for the wife meme.

she loves attention, thats all there is.
no fucking, no kissing.
cheers, now fuck off!

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My fuckfriend had like >900 friends in fb and only 30/40 females lmao

women trade non-sexual attention for sex

some women realize they can just have beta orbiters and get male attention without doing anything

unless she grew up with like 5 brothers, she probably just wants free attention

friendzone her, bang whatever female friends she has, don't do anything extra for her just don't be a dick

>girls with lots of guy friends.
Stay away. She's collecting a harem.

Wives aren't a meme, you just chose one that isn't wife material. You may have been young, so not knowing good from bad is not entirely your fault.

They're called beta orbiters all trying to penetrate the atmosphere.

this man knows what's up

Men and women can't be friends. She uses thirsty losers to get what she wants, be that favors, dick or attention.

I’m betting it’s number 2.

Have known a lot of these over the years.

Pro tip: Women are generally social creatures 99% of the time. Its genetically hardwired as they look for their place in the hierarchy and seek out "protectors" and "leaders of influence" for potential advancement/manipulation.

Pro tip: Some men do this, too.

Women are so awful that even other women don't want to be around them

Have sex with her

had one woman like that too at my workplace, but the smoking combined with the tattoo's, also parting made me believe that she was just a slut.

or just a normal person.
women, like men, have been programed to be at odds constantly and engage in cliquey behavior.
my groups better than your group bs.
gossip is normalized etc.

op she is probably alright just don't hit on her and if
she asks for too many favors or info just slowly drift away.

>Redpill me on girls with lots of guy friends.

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Cream her asap

There is one more option if shes pretty and capable enough many women will absolutely just hate her enough to ostracize her. Women can be fucked up.


Women who don't have gal friends are a huge red flag. Possibly one of the biggest red flags.

2 Reasons
1. She's collecting a harem of beta orbiters to give her an endless supply of resources and attention
2. Even women know men are far more interesting than women.

t. option 3

There are other pretty women out there she could friend with. Many gorgeous women out there have many gal friends.

Because she is attractive she has always received attention from males. They laugh at her jokes and pretend what she says and does is interesting solely because they want to put their penis inside of her. She has no real personality because she has never needed one. She’s probably never been told “no” by a man before. That’s why she doesn’t have female friends, because females don’t want to fuck her so they see her for the boring person she is.

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Just because someone fucking talks to you doesn't mean they want to fuck you monkey. A decent chunk of women prefer hanging out with guys because girls are drama.

Also hitting on a woman at work is a great way to get fired these days

op you should be able to redpill yourself. ask yourself, what does an upper tier female need to surround herself with men for? i hope you're prepared to become plan b vol. 14

Don't date women with lots of guy friends. Just be friends and maybe hookup on the side.

>There are other pretty women out there she could friend with. Many gorgeous women out there have many gal friends.
That's like putting two roosters together, they can put up a front of being friends but they never really are.

They are usually at the top of their in-group hierarchy, though. Women can be very competitive and few act truly as beta-orbiters compared to men.

Men look for packs to start or join. Women look for the next highest rung on the ladder and acquire handmaidens along the way.

Is she a debt-free virgin without tattoos?

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>"Girls are drama"
A meme propagated by drama queen women.

There are indeed certain types of women to avoid (gossipers) but certainly not all.

roastie detected

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The hotter the girl, the more beta men act around her. Alpha and beta aren't types of men, they're types of behaviour and any one man can be both at different times.

Her guy friends are probably intimidated by how hot she is, so they act friendly and kind because she's hot but they don't feel worthy to dominate her so become beta orbiters. She craves a man who's cool-headed enough to be alpha, so she's probably following so many guys to test them all. She's craving a man.

Really hot girls, 9s and 10s, can sometimes be pretty lonely because they intimidate men, so they get a lot fewer approaches than you would think. It's the 7s and 8s who are constantly bombarded with male advances because the guys think they actually have a chance.

guys let chicks hang out with them, you absolute mongoloid

Tits or gtfo

Don't shit were you eat, or work in this case. Provided she actually wants to fuck you.

The possibility of shit going wrong is huge and then you have to see that face every day for years or you can get another job.

Doesn't sound like a good bet to me. But who knows? I certainly don't.

Perhaps in circles you were in. I never hung out in circles like that. There's different types of cliques.

Jesus dude get a divorce

Maybe there is just bunch of thirsty beta males around her and she's just being polite to them. The way to play this is to not play at all. Remember weakest man in the room is often the loudest. If you just do your own thing at work she'll get tired of the betas eventually and come talking to you. And if the said scenario doesn't happen at least you won't be one of the guys orbiting her.

You’re not old enough to be here.

shes got you under her spell cuck and you can gurantee she is a slut.

it means she wants to get gang-raped

Ask if she has ticklish feet

Prolly a dyke. The "lipstick lesbian" types like them some platonic guy friends.

>the "real" hot chicks are lonely
this fairytale is one of the best ones out there
dunno who originally came up with it, but congrats to them

Yeah too many mgtow faggots on here lately, been married 10 years, she is still my best friend, we will have sex once a day almost every day, sometimes multiple times still, we have 3 kids but make time for each other, the frog knows what's up, it's almost like our country is taking for the propaganda, it's ok white men don't marry, all your women are shores, live the child free life is freeing. I'm sick of all this, my wife and kids are the best part of my life and honestly my life was pretty fucking awesome before them, now I can't imagine changing anything at all

Don't shit where you eat

Lipstick lesbians are a myth. They are always cock thirsty whores.

Theres a reason why domestic abuse is so high in lesbian relationships.

No one said he had to shit in her vagina before going down, don't project your weird fetish onto op.

She's an attractive girl according to you, so of fucking course she's going to have an army of guys just waiting for an opportunity circling around her. The fact that she keeps these guys as her friend and has a "best friend" who is a straight guy should smack you with red flags. It's not worth it.

Yep, there are bulldykes but the lipstick lesbos do it for attention, even most straight women will fuck another girl given the right circumstances and enough alcohol. Women are beautiful creatures and even women who love cock can usually appreciate this

4.) She is a lesbian

1. She must be good with finances
Most divorces happen because of finance
2. She must be responsible
You will never respect an irresponsible partner and respect is the key to marriage
3. She must offer to help with dinner chores at other houses
This shows she is considerate of other people’s duties and willingly helpful
4. She must have long-term female friends
It’s hard to be friends with someone who will gain no sexual benefit from the relationship. A woman with no female friends is shallow and lazy about her relationships and will always take the easiest path, even if that means choosing someone other than you.

This is the second set of companion rules besides faithful and the obvious.

1. A man must work hard and not complain about it

2. A man must pay attention to his family and choose them over leisure/friends

3. A man must help others if asked unless it detracts from his family

4. A man must have no female friends and certainly never confide in a woman

5. A man must never be alone in private with a woman.

That’s the basics. You are a guy so I won’t bother explaining the man rules.

How sure are you that she doesn't have a stealth penis?

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Dumb roastie

maybe she's just being friendly you know, why do men always assume a woman wants the D just because she was friendly to them? if you're interested, keep talking to her, alternate between showing interest and ignoring her, when you feel that conversations can get a little more rowdy, do so, but don't overdo yourself, be attentive of the signals she sends

No such thing as genuinely hot girls who are 100% lesbians. The only real lesbians are the ugly dykes, the hot ones are either bi or just need a good dicking.

>2.) She is self-aware and a narcissist who surrounds herself with orbiters
this one probably. they lead guys on and the horde of followers grows more and more.

>1 post by this ID

plz stop

just ask her out you stupid fucking moron. You have to take every opportunity you get. If you wait for your "perfect woman" to come around you'll quickly realize that she doesn't want anything to do with your lazy, stupid, ugly ass and you'll go back thinking about all the other women you may or may not have a chance with. I hate fat women but there's a ton of lonely chubby chicks out here thirsty for cock. They're easy pickings. Stop being alone

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Any sources on that, cunt? Maybe you just don't pick up if an average looking woman is a lesbian so you assume that they don't exist.

Oh boy...

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This. I've been wondering lately whether literally anyone actually likes women, one's mom excluded:

Men who actually get laid are famous for disliking women in general and as you said even most women dislike each other.

Summa summarum:

No one likes women.

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>self aware



>She's a solid 9/10, skinny but with a plump bottom and big breasts.
Are you are 100% sure she is not a roo this time?

I dated my ex at my old work. It was the final push I needed to leave that job I suppose. So it wasnt all bad. But this, so much this.
You either fuck them and it's weird or it's weird when they fuck someone else, or you date them. Then you see them all day at work, all day at home, it's a good way to ruin something quick.

Dont cum inside her vag, but use her mouth and ass.

maybe it's not the wife meme but you choose it poorly? also, why not get a divorce?

Stay mad dyke.

Are those in Canada?

really? ive hit plenty of coworkers' cervixes and got nothing but sly looks

attention seeking is a red flag
lots of guy friends is a red flag (it means she friendzones them)
Either ignore and say that girls with lots of guy friends are creepy.
or 2
Make a hard move and win, she could possibly be a tom boy, although this is rare and you'll need a modicum of game or bravery or both.

but she could be getting passed around by a small group of them (this is the worst case scenario) run, run away fast.

I get along better with guys bc autism. Not sex

cringe. no girl that has a lot of guy friends isnt fucking a bunch of them

epic gamer femoid here

I have been bullied by other girls since childhood because of my diagnosed autism, so Im afraid of talking to girls to this day. When I talk it's usually with men for that reason.
I withdrew from talking to most males needlessly ever since I got a boyfriend and then got married, because I know that the only reason men willingly strike a conversation with woman is because they would like to have sex with you.

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No evidence then? Salty that lesbians get more pussy than you ever will you double faggot?

There's no such thing as "guy friends" you fucking moron; yes OP every single female with a lot of "guy friends" is a slut; ESPECIALLY if they are Tom Boyish. Stop being autistic, and asking for advice on women from neck topic of the day: are niggers named Tyrice who voted for Trump based? JFC leftypool needs to die

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Shut up, roastie.

Yeah I dated a girl like that. She was pretty funny, worked construction, and generally good company.
But also she was a damaged girl, massive turbo slut, fucked almost every single guy friend she had, and lied about all things important or trivial.
Girls like her are the reason boomers say "never stick your dick in crazy." Fun to fuck but you can't stay with someone you can't trust.

>Dat image


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The utter state of American degeneracy.

>X with a lots of Y friends
That's a red flag in general.
Functional people have very small circle of close friends and aren't tryharders for social acceptance.
Considering that mentally healthy people are very rare nowadays, having a big social circle is almost always a red flag.
A few exceptions would be a mix of close friends and just good friends that are only possible, statistically speaking, in communities with close bonds such as a group of families that goes to the same church, soldiers from the same regiment, etc.
University doesn't count for example, mentally healthy/mature people is a requirement real friendship.

Good luck ignoring this piece of advice!

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Classic plate spinning. Males and females can't just be friends, they are too different. Either her male friends are homosexuals or they are into her.

Betas like that hang around in the hope one day she will see them for the "nice guys" they are, even when she has a boyfriend and they will listen to her complain about him and again hope she will see them as the nice guys or take advantage when she is down.

Women also plate spin so they have options. If they lose you (a plate) it matters not because they have other plates.

Most guys are not natural plate spinners so when they meet a girl they put all their effort on her and worry if they lose her they will have nothing, because they are not spinning any other plates.

In summary, you should plate spin too, talk to a handful of girls and not concentrate on 1. Also the "they are just my friends" is a myth and a lie and when you point that out they will call yous exist or whatever due to women having the upper hand in society and because plate spinning benefits them so they will do everything they can to not allow that to happen.

Meanwhile if you plate spin you will be labelled a player.

We live in a feminized society and have done so for the past 50 years. if you understand how men and females operate though, you'll know the just friends is a myth. Men are too direct and logical while women operate on an emotional level.

Suggested reading:

>the rational male by rollo tomassi

There's a specific condition I've learned to look for. If they claim they have a lot of guy friends because they don't get along with other women because they're petty and cunty, then you're probably in the clear. Otherwise, they just want attention and know they can't get it from other women.

Women generally like guys’ personalities more because guys are funnier and more interesting. Girls always want to be included in the guy fun because they have a hard time creating it themselves. They tend to have mostly close girl friends however because guys can’t talk about useless shit all day unless they’re gay.
This is mostly true


Thanks for the book. Seems to be good stuff.

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bad news. even girls with female friends are bad news. you want a girl with no friends, stays home all day and reads books.

Daddy issues. She's nuts.
Because all men want to fuck them and they are naive or they are exploiting this if they try to friend meme them.

She could be from a small country town or something, with all the guys and girls knowing each other from a young age and either genuinely being friends with the opposite sex or having very few friends

This is what I know about chicks that have guy friends, as a dude who has a (virgin until last week) girlfriend like that:

They are fucking hard to deal with. And if they have low moral standards then they are even worse because they tend to be hypocrites.

Your best bet is a one night stand here because either she is a slut who will make your life difficult or she is a virgin who will make your life difficult.