Look what you did to Jake Adelstein Jow Forums

Look what you did to Jake Adelstein Jow Forums

You were so mean to him he had to go change his profile picture and go protected

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no quarter for the juden

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It won't save him.

The purge continues

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I've already contacted my friends at the ADL so if you don't want this shithole of an image board shut down back the fuck off

donut tier bants m8

Wag1 nando

He has aids, ask around.

Keep spreading lies shitheel. Never heard of a little thing called SLANDER?

what did this faggot retard say again? I remember the name, but there's too many steins to keep track of nowadays.

Konnichiwa Jake, please commit sudoku

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Japan must get jewed something something.
When called out as a member of the the tribe he claimed to be a german

ah yes that's right

Serves him right, slava Jow Forums

>he haz da aids...........and herpes too probably

>befriending snakes
>calling a snake for help
Can a snake even answer a phone? Am I being memed here?

No surprise to me
He gets sodomized in his own replies

I wish yaks would disappear that faggot.

Saying mean shit for the sake of saying mean shit is not slander, faggot.

Actions have consequences.
He should've thought his through.

kek fuck you jake

good its time these bigots realize words have power and meaning! words cause harm to people and can affect the world around us. its time these assholes start thinking about what comes out of their mouth.

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>jew crying out in pain as he strikes you
yup, confirmed for tribe member.

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any screenshots from the replies to this kike? reading the responses to his twitter feed was a great source of white pills

might as well get this started.

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