Bohemian Rhapsody

Why is my country so fucked up and in the same time so based?
Are we really the heart of Europe therefore applies who controlls us controlls the Europe?
What is Jow Forums's opion on Czechs?

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Czech girls are so fucking hot. I would interbreed my based southern european genes with some central european czech qt 3.14.

or maybe we're just the west/east border and that's why we're so split in our opinions...

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Too bad we didn't give some nations of the Socialist camp full independence. But what can you do? With Poles, Hungarians, Bulgarians and Gypsies it was the only option, and who knew what the Germans were up to.

most of them are f'n's really hard to find good girl in here
I've dated a girl from my 15 to 19y and then i find out she was cheating on me...
talked to her a couple months ago and find out she slept with more than 20 guys form our break up (it was 3 years)
that just confirmed my idea that our womens are sluts and deserves no respect and therefor Europe is lost

yea...better SSSR than EU...same shit different ,,sun side,,

Spanish girls are roughly the same if they are not christian/simply have good values and standards. It's hard finding good behaving women these days, man, I feel you.

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but as i said...I don't get it based and in the same time so degenerate...FeelsBadMan

Yeah, it's always women who destroy and subvert nations. It's sad how a few strogens and some "empowering movement" can completely destroy a culture. :(