Whites master race lol?

jewish IQ 115
asian IQ 110
white IQ 95
hispanic IQ 93
black IQ 86

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or they kept us down with their televison and just used a tool for their bullshit

>jewish IQ 115
the average Israeli IQ is 80


Hispanic is not a race dipshit

It's a geographical word and Spanish Argentians and Mestizo Mexicans are very different racially

"Hispanic" was a geographical word of lineage created in the 70s, not an official race. There's a reason why the race question comes AFTER the hispanic question in the census

You prove that kikes are fucking low iq subhuman rats

The caucasoid has the highest variance of IQ’s. Greater swings. More geniuses. More idiots. The Semite, Mongloid and Negroid have narrow bands. The Semite has a high narrow band but does not swing up to genius. Why the Caucasoid took over the world. With his greedy little Semite parasites on his back.

Can you name any impactful modern Asian inventions?
Even though their IQ is higher, they somehow can't translate that into meaningful research/progress.
They are good at robotic thinking, studying what's already know, but fail at creativity.

old but gold
and shame on the guy who did nothing but recording.

but everyone on this board has an iq at least 130, that makes us all most likely jews.

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Shut up nigger, everything south of the Rio Bravo is Mexica clay, that also includes nigger islands such as cuba, pr and dominican rep.

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Exactly. If you check Ethiopians jews, sephardic jews then your numbers go low.

But wise jews decided to count only ashkenazi jews.
No way kike. Not gonna fall for jewish tricks.

Pick one and only one brainlet.

Fuck off mexican


jokes on you, mine is 140

Their hive mind doesn’t allow creativity. They only steal. Golden shower lovers always point to gunpowder, fireworks and spaghetti. Great, you invented gunpowder centuries ago and did nothing with it. Fuck yellow pissers, the bees and ants only steal and merge. Don’t leave an open can of coke near one

I always find it funny how there is no racial Iq difference "provable by science" as they say...
>But jews are more successful because they have the highest IQ

"they're more similar to insects or robots"


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ashkenazi jewish iq is 110
white iq is 100

and interestingly enough, white Episcopalians (which number larger than ashkenazi jews) also have a 110 iq.

> thinking I-Jew matters
last time i checked, whites dominated each of those races

>that makes us all most likely jews
>tfw when im a jew

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>Jewish IQ so high
>strive as hard as possible to live in the godforsaken desert
>surrounded by blood enemies.
it would be easier to put a colony on the moon.

sup shlomo

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“Master race” is a Jewish meme. I am a white nationalist because I am white and I care about the future and self-determination of my people. If jews are “superior” I still don’t want to be ruled by them.

Two numbers which keep increasing as narrative goes on is holocaust kill count and iq of askenazis
Its almost like manipulating these numbers can be profitable somehow
Hmmm, really makes you think

>Adolf Hitlowiz

Asian should be on top of this list. Faking IQ and superior DNA are forgeable based on fake history and stuff.

If you will try to compare the data of israeli population iq measurements its either all non-ashkenazis in israel have iq under 70 or ashkenazi iq is actually around 104

Intelligence alone is not all that is required to form a great empire. It's the will to power that stems from the pride of the members of a particular group. The long passed white mindset of old allowed whites to succeed in conquest. Today that phenomenon is almost entirely lost because of the softness plaguing big cities where whites are facing the majority of the difficulties.

And Yet they fucking rule over Germanistan, and entire western world you dumb fuck. Face it kraut. Jews are master race.

More like something around 107 for europeans without nigger input and 94 for peak Askenazim in their Ethnostaate.

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>what is nepotism

oy gevalt

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>jewish IQ
>according to a bunch of Jews citing unscientific "projections" of unrepeatable "tests"

The point of bringing up race realism with regard to black IQ is to debunk Cultural Marxists lies that there is no such thing as race and that we are all equal. That's it. It is not meant to demean or belittle black people, it is simply meant to inform everyone of the truth that there are differences between the races and that these differences are good, and should be acknowledged if we truly want to help people and protect ourselves in the long run.
In this sense, we have not departed from the Traditional Christian of loving thy neighbour to become hatefilled racists. In short we refuse to succumb and become jewish in our ideologies. I would sooner have an IQ of 85 and be a good person than have an IQ of 145 and be a deceitful, hate-filled psychopath.