Video 1 with good quality:
Video 2 with somewhat low quality but it's on Jewtube:
News article:
Video 1 with good quality:
Video 2 with somewhat low quality but it's on Jewtube:
News article:
Orange shirt is rotting in hell like a FAGGOT
White boys are a joke no wonder we get to fuck your women so much.
How to get shot:
>throw trash behind armed rednecks house
>rednecks confront you
>become belligerent
>threaten to kill armed rednecks
>run at armed rednecks with a bat
>get shot with pistol
>throw bat at Dale Sr.
>Dale Jr shoots you in the head with a shotgun
>die like a bitch in front of your wife and kids
o i am laffin
this guy yelled at the mailman for trespassing, he was unhinged, retarded, and was going to get shot by somebody
father/son were not at fault, and the video is enough to find them innocent
everyone in this video is a fucking brainlet.
u guys bring race into everything, HUMANS as a whole are pretty bad. end of
Shut your bitch ass nigger mouth. No one can compete with this chad. Even ghetto queens want his seed, they are tired of low class gangbangers that cannot even hold a firearms correctly.
who shot first? Was the guy in orange?
>Be American
>Get Shot
God i love this
Best tl;Dr yet.
There are already multiple threads you annoying fucking retards
Guy looks like a mix of Chumlee and Randy
Threatening two armed people is dumb
Killing a man for throwing? his baseball bat at you is also dumb, triply so doing it on camera.
First shoots were warning but the orange shirt guy still attacked the old man with baseball bat so the son gave him the 12 gauge business.
shirtless rednecks were completely calm, the father just kept telling him to back off, and calmly informed him that if he got too close, he would shoot him
this guy was obviously mentally unstable, and any neighbor would know it, so when they go to confront him for throwing trash behind their house, they would have been idiots for not bringing some kind of weapon
Is that why your people look so white compared to real Africans? Because we BLEACHED your women for CENTURIES, so much so that black women CRAVE White cocks over your turd looking pricks.
>I'm gonna kill you x 20
>You have been shot.
rednecks gonna redneck
>be German
>run over
>arrested for thoughtcrime
Much better.
They are both wrong.
You dont threaten somebody with a bat and you dont kill someone for throwing a stick at you.
They deserve to be gassed
"famous last words"
>lol ur not gunna do it fgt
>5 seconds later
>oh fugg
What you're talking about happens in a span of 5 seconds.
The action that initiates the gun shots is the approaching of the orange shirt man. Who was warned that if he came to close it would be seen as a threat that would require the no shirts to shoot him.
He was warned clearly for a good minute before he chose to make that move. If someone is stepping towards you and your father or whatever relation, swinging a bat, then throwing it, who knows they could punch, pull out a knife or a gun or do anything that could result in the death of you or your relation.
Now to assess all that accurately in 5 seconds or so is impossible but too big of a risk to not deal with, especially when you have already warned them prior.
Life doesn't have bullet time, and different camera angles, you literally have to make the choice.
Aaron made the wrong one, acted as an aggressor and died for it. Simple as.
>I'll just conveniently ignore the part where they executed a man, checkmate atheists!
Reminder that open carry is actually brandishing and you have a right to threaten to kill someone for brandishing their weapon.
based shirtless rednecks
shame they'll go to prison forever
>be American
>throw stick at somebody
>get killed in front of your family
>be anyone from any country
>pointlessly antagonize two fat retards with guns
>get shot
Maybe I just have a more primal mindset than most, but I have to confess, if it were my father who did such a stupid thing and got shot, I'd do anything in my power to murder these two, no matter how justified they were in retaliating, no matter how evil of a person my father was. Tribe > all.
I know nothing of Photoshop voodoo but someone made a Cyberpunk one.
This dude has down syndrome 100%.
Not very bad, but I'm sure of it. There are facial features that are a sure sign of it.
....Really now.....
They didn't have Jesus I'll tell you that.
good bread OP. filename is newfag but everything else is kosher for jewish consumption
I don't even know what to say, other than I'm surprised everyone in the video is white.
t. Texas
4 fluoride noggins in this video
>In hazgunz state
>Get angry and yell a lot = ass kicked
>Threaten to kill someone
>Don't expect from them to go get their gun and kill you
I know in boganland you're basically a hybrid of the middle East and Asia but how the fuck do you not understand this?
What the fuck happened? Why was orange guy starting a confrontation with armed men?
Fat imbreeds came out with guns. They are at fault.
Fuck off with your "muh liberty"
>be german
>be erased from history by Jews and BBC.
>retards think these people belong in the ethnostate, but kanye needs to go back to africa
the absolute state of white trash
that guy was like a foot taller than them and huge, he most likely charged them with a bat, we don't know if the pistol shots connected, but he then throws the bat at the father, hits him full force, so the son shoots him because his dad just got hit with a bat and can't shoot back or defend himself
the son did the right thing by defending his father
>I'll just conveniently ignore where aaron could have walked away or called the cops but instead decided to threaten and advance on people that warned him they would shoot
They didn't have him pinned in a corner dickhead, he literally could have done anything other than what he did and lived.
the two shirtless fat guys were very calm and handled the situation well
batman was very aggressive and tried to attack them and they acted in self defence, he could hurt them very easily
also batman's wife was very dumb for not just telling him to leave in time
he gold told like 5 times that if he comes close he will get killed
and now gotham lost its protector
Now he wears the orange shirt. :(
He threatened to shoot if he was attacked, the guy got a bat and tried to attack the old man, the old man shot him. The bat guy then threw his bat and the son shot him.
>self defense
a man who assaulted them with a deadly weapon.
sure it may seem a bit drastic, but if the guy is screaming he is going to kill you, then charges you with a bat what would you do?
Fat inbreed yelling and threatening rednecks with guns was at fault. He got himself killed. Sad for his kids, but can't feel sad about losing that fucking retard
you are a dog and you'll die on your knee's.
Needs a citation
I think that in the current year every White American that doesn't own a gun is a retard but take it easy with the open carry stuff, people tend to get nervous when they see a firearm and that might lead to bad things...
checked kek'd and rednecked
Fuck off reddit.
White trash is the same as biggers.
Real whites are the people driving brand new SUVs full of their children
i'm kind of surprised the rednecks didn't rape his wife afterwards desu
Communication always dictates how things turn out.
This is how it turned out.
it's only brandishing if you point the gun at someone.
just because you feel threatened by an inanimate object does not make it a crime sweetie
^This is the correct post.
the scream from the wife at the end is absolutely fucking heart wrenching. holy shit i did not need to hear that.
>down syndrome
>not very bad
Hahahahhaa... good one Tyrone. You really made me laff with that.
Depends on the breed of "white trash" because in some states, like Virginia, there's a lower class but still gentile breed of whites, then there's the Appalachian oompa loopas doing opioids.
Wow dude I bet you're a tough guy.
If somebody threatened you you should instantly shoot them in the face no questions asked.
A baseball bat is little more than a stick, you retarded faggot.
the man was clearly belligerent, he was trespassing on their property, and he brought a bat with him.
he clearly had no interest in civil discourse.
only a fool would have gone out unarmed
>Fucking retard threatens to kill armed rednecks
>Attacks armed rednecks
>get shot
Why americans are so full of hate? Too much race mixing with the monkeys?
Because he could not accept the "humiliation" of ceding to two fat retards, so he killed his children's father instead
Me neither. Conflicts like this should not be disputed in such a matter. It's almost as if people have lost the capacity to reason with one another logically.
That's the point I've been trying to make for two threads. The fatties were open carrying in an open carry state, they did not point their guns at the screaming guy until he attacked them. They were not brandishing their weapons. There is no difference between the picture I posted and the rednecks in the video.
wait how did the video get out? did the wife uploaded it on facebook while her husband was bleeding out?
I see two based redneck fatties aware of their rights and repeatedly warning a dude with anger problems to not come any closer.
Idiot picks up 2 by 4 after saying he's gonna kill them and gets with in three feet of him.
Dumb wife
>"you're not gonna shoot my husband"
Pretty much fucking baiting them. Absolutely CLASSIC female, talking other men in to fighting her man as shit test. A FUCKING SHIT TEST.
>fat fucks and orange guy argue over who gets a dirty mattress
>fat fucks threaten orange and tell him to back up
>orange man threatens fat fucks
>orange man eventually throws bat at fat fucks
>fat fucks shoot and kill orange
Fat fucks were in the wrong.
>Now to assess all that accurately in 5 seconds or so is impossible but too big of a risk to not deal with, especially when you have already warned them prior.
Don't tell two fat shirtless rednecks holding guns that you are going to kill them several times and then attack them. There is a high possibility that they will shoot you. Very unfortunate situation that I wish had not happened.
People say they shouldnt have guns. But that guy was twice their size and in shape with a temper and could have whipped them both and proceeded to dump his trash or do whatever he wanted.
Get a gun, and respect other people.
Maybe I didn't word it clearly. It's not about standing your ground, it's about when you are permitted to discharge your weapon.
It's all about immedaite fear for personal safety (or the safety of loved ones), A home owner firing "warning shots" against a home invader is permissable, since that fear for personal safety is already triggered by the home invader illegally being on their property.
In this case, while it was a heated argument, it was still a public space, both had a right to be there and neither could deny access to the other. The fact that either party was there was not sufficient to trigger that fear for personal safety.
The father, would then only be allowed to fire his weapon in the event that he believe he or his son were in immediate life threatening danger. If he fired "warning shots" this clearly would not be the case otherwise he would neutralise the threat rather than warn.
i hope these retards dont get in trouble that was hilarious lol
If somebody with guns threatened me, I would leave, because I'm not a suicidal retard.
I kept hearing orange batman screaming about his kids or something. What was that all about?
The wife gave it to the local news, and the local news selectively edited it to support her side of the story.
By law brandish means to have the firearm out in plain view.
And it instantly loses its inanimate object status as soon as it is loaded and put into hands that are read to kill
If they try to attack me with a fucking bat yes they will get shot.
kek get fucked,hope they walk.
I guess you forgot her egging on of the situation, her filming it for upvotes and the lack of intervention when her husband turned more aggessive.
That will wake her from her deluded stupor.
He threw the bat after he'd already been shot. Presumably because he tried to charge at them when his wife fucked up the camera work.
My knee's what?
yeah, the guy who was screaming decided he didn't want to communicate anymore, and would rather bash their heads in.
he seems to have failed to understand that gun beats bat
edited? the footage is uncut unlike your cock
There are grey areas yes but I mean nigger teir trash. Like the ones in the video.
>Bat Retard threatens 2 retards
>Handgun Retard shots at him
>Bat Retard throws bat at handgun retard
>Shotgun Retard shoots Bat(less) Retard
Result? 1 retard dead, 2 retards about to be boy-toys for Jamal.
My post was in complete agreement.
>hands that are read to kill
fuck you
>That roastie crying after making her bold claims
why is this so satisfying?
Sounds like the guy in the orange shirt was putting trash in their yard, so they got upset about it and they ended up confronting each other, and the result was whatever single digit IQ shit happened in the video.
>ur not ganna kill my husband! pfffft
why do NPCs have no foresight at all? if you think someone who is holding a gun is insane, maybe leave? they were allowing them to leave and orange shirt nigger wanted to die
no, i'm not. just because they were both acting obnoxiously and were clearly in the wrong doesn't make her agonising scream as her husband's life is extinguished in front of her any less painful
>the lack of intervention when her husband turned more aggessive
Yes also this.