How does one become a strong-willed person?

How do you fight against degeneracy when you're born into it, molded by it? I didn't see purity and virtue until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!
But memes aside, seriously. Being the young man I am (21 years old) I've been raised on niggermusic, drugs, vices and constant sexual degeneracy. I've partaken in all of the forementioned, and by definition of my tastes and actions I'm a fucking degenerate, big time.
However, after coming to the realization of how fucked everything and everyone is, I have a great wish to better myself (and those around me)

I know, I know: "Stop fapping, abstain from drugs and degenerate behavior, work out, clean your room bucko etc etc". Still I had to FORCE myself to close seven tabs of porn just now, I seem to open them unconciously at this point, my fucking fingers move on their own typing in all kinds of fucked up fetish porn. I recently had to cancel a meet-up with a slut because I jerked off and realized I don't want her to give me chlamydia AGAIN. I keep wasting money throwing away my tobacco because in moments of weakness I buy it when I'm at the store and indulge in it until I come to my senses again.
I feel like I lapse in and out of degenerate and virtuous behavior all the time.

I know what needs to be done, I just don't know how to stick to it. I guess I'm just weak of will?

I don't want to be a weakwilled pseudo-moralfag, I want to be a full-blown ubermensch!

>tl;dr: tips and tricks for staving of degeneracy in daily life and bettering yourself PERMANENTLY?

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That's the first step, user. It takes time and effort to change your value paradigm and do things differently. Don't get discouraged and remind yourself why it's important you stay on this path. Good luck.

Stop thinking and start doing. Be the person you want to be in the day to day moment (i.e. someone without a cumstained mousepad, you degenerate). Realize that you will fail and fail often, and don't be discouraged by this. Know that if you ever get your shit straight, there will be periods in your life years in the future where you will stagnate and slide back into your old habits.

Greatness takes maintenance.

You've spent 21 years doing what you thought was living properly. It will take a long time to change course, but you're starting 5 years younger than I did so you're already ahead of most.
My advice is to cultivate that little voice inside that always asks:
>"why am I doing what I'm doing? Is it for me, or for someone else?"

There are many like us user. In my days of darkness I was an animal, driven only by instant pleasures. You have come a long way, but there is still a lot of worm in you, and to few human. Be strong, be patient. You don't become strong in a month or two. It takes years, but when you achieve it, will stay with you for decades.

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I guess it's really that "simple", but thanks for understanding nonetheless.
I know my whole rant is pointless and obvious, but it's just so frustrating, catching yourself indulging in things you know are terrible for you. It feels like you have no controll over yourself, like you're being controlled by (((something else))).

But as says, "Greatness takes maintenance.", then I need the will to uphold that maintenance. How does one cultivate willpower in an age of comfort and abundance?
Theres no biological drivingforce behind actions anymore, you don't need discipline to survive, discipline has become a bonus, not a necessity.
>good times creates weak men yadda yadda

What motivates you guys? What keeps your hands off your dicks and your lips away from sugar, tobacco and shit-tier food?

Seems kinda stupid, asking anons online how I cultivate inner discipline, but that just goes to show how fucked we are as of today...

Learn how to overcome addictions, all you said (nofap, abstaining from drugs and sexual behavior) is the key. After I started nofap and stopped watching prom, you view women as just not something to just fuck. Most men on porn nowadays view them as just objects.

I was in the same boat as you. Loved smoking pot, listened to rap all the time, etc. you just have to say enough is enough, and embrace your culture. Your traditions. I even just ordered a swastika, I think it’ll come in to today. I’m gonna hang it up in my room, I feel as if it gives me motivation. I don’t view said flag as something opposing good things like many do (who do not know the truth) but I view it as a legendary duty.

You just gotta start. Take baby steps, one step at a time. Weene yourself off porn if you have to, I just completely went cold turkey. Your life will be so much better, trust me. Think about all the things they’ve taken away from you.

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I believe it would be proper to make this thread a /sig/ thread, but it's up to Op. I'm going to hit a treadmill, thanks to you :^)

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As others have said in this thread, your motivation is your own personal improvement. You know what you need to do, and you know what not to do. There's no trick, there's no secret. You make the decision in the moment, every moment. That's the overall difference between people who do and people who don't. The government won't fix it for you, you can't expect your friends to fox it for you, you can't set anything up to run a script for you in your day to day. YOU do it today, tomorrow, next week, for the rest of your life. It doesn't get easier, but it gets far more rewarding.
