UK: 29% of relationships are "sexless"

Is onions to blame for this?
These couples claim they're never having sex because they're just too tired.
Later on in the clip, the guy says if he has 2 hours free time he'd rather catch some sleep instead.

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Sorry I forgot about the wordfilter, I didn't say onions I said sierra oscar yankee

I believe she had sex in those three years. But not with him. :>

>Sorry I forgot about the wordfilter, I didn't say onions I said sierra oscar yankee
holy fuck ive never seen a more shill post than this. but yes the british are being poisoned or something

Maybe health insurers should have access to your smartphone's fitness data.
All smartphones track things like steps and other exercise metrics in the background.

If fat people had to pay more to be insured, which is fair, they'd have an incentive to work out and improve their lives.

People who exercise are less tired, more energetic, just do more things in their lives.

>But not with him. :>
dass rite

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Sorry I don't shitpost so I don't trigger the wordfilter often

I'm not a shill

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>English women

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Okay mate.

They look related. Seriously they look like brother and sister. Hot.

Yes, Greece, I think it has to do with s 0 y, but mostly due to obesity and porn. I'd wager that this lil fatty is jacking off. He's too lazy, feminized, and fat to bang his gf.

Well give me that big titty bitch then, I'll nut her for ya. I mean, why be jelly? I haven't had sex in like three days, and I'm overdue.

stress kills sex drive, causes disease and early death.
Our world is unnatural and therefore toxic.

pic very much related.
Viktor called the collapse of society via cancer, disease and politically corrupted science.
He was very much against university even before the SJW scourge.

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She said she doesn't want to

She is "asexual"

Sure she does. And her effeminate partner isn't wearing a cock cage and popping hormones while she masturbates occasionally.

all non procreative sex is sodomy

How can wh*toids even complete?
While 99% of Pakistanis family in the UK have at least 2 children at 22

It’s most likely like this everywhere. They are just not ashamed to admit it.

Usually with their first cousins.

Fact: Pakistani punjabis has significantly lower iqs than Indian Punjabis because of inbreeding.

Sooo, they put up with a woman, and then don't have sex? Fucking masochists.

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not surprising at all, have you seen their women?

That couple is sexless because she's been getting strange dick on the side every day for 3 years straight.

>apologizing for shitposting

It's because they are waiting til marriage. Most Millennials were raised religious.

Asexual is what you say you are when your partner doesn't get the old motor running. She has someone who does I am sure.

my first thought lol

if you're in a relationship and not getting sex and she isn't virgin wife material you're a fuckin sucker. dealing with a woman's constant woes and drama and not getting some sex with no condom regularly? kill urself my man

>leave phone at home when I go for a run
>bad goy, you didn’t let us track you, we’re doubling your insurance premiums
I mean I log all my phone data when I work out, but this is a shitty idea.

Glycine Max my hairy friend

Read: 29% of couples are cuckold relationships, where the guy watches his "girlfriend" get pounded by niggers and other shitskins every evening, and then foots the bills

She deals with your woes too. Helping each other when each needs it.

Holy fucking milk truck!

I’ve dated “asexual” girls and I still did plenty of sexual shit with them. It’s just one of those meme tumblr buzzwords women use to try to be unique.

if you need a woman to take care of you you're a true onions lol

reason 1: faggot feminism
reason 2: using phones instead of fucking

Women are shit for emotional support, you should be self sufficient and find healthy ways to cope on your own. They genuinely do not give a shit, and see you as weak when you try to share your emotions.

Not surpring since in bongland Muslim Rape is the new name for sex

asexual does not exist. this means she is taking loads by other guys. there is no such thing as an "asexual" woman. this just means she hates you and isn't turned on by you at all, just the idea of laying with you turns her into a barren

Disabled means you are onions? Okay moron.

Lesbians? Twins? Lesbian twins? What's going on here?

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I'm talking about real problems not emotional support.

women are asexual in the presense of sub8 males.

so you have a fugly woman to bring you tendies while you shit yourself and argue on pol? nice

Probably not, she's probably disgusted with her body and is horrified at the thought of showing it to anybody, most likely she runs on social media and take aways.



But no seriously that's probably his issue.

This. I feel like this is less about health and more about degenerate adultery.

women are inherently unloyal, even fat ugly bitches like that can easily get dicked

It's all ogre the moment you show any weakness to a women. Her pussy dries up harder than the Sahara desert and her love for you disappears in an instant.

Married couples seem to go sexless unless you purposly find way to keep it going.

Also this.

>He doesn't like to come home to a cooked meal
Check this faggot.

What kind of girl wouldn't want to fuck a guy like THAT? WOWEE! What a hunk-a-dunk! Woo woo!!! Take your shirt off handsome let's see those abs!

>tfw dated an 'asexual' girl for 2 years (obese with blue, purple and pink hair)
>no sex in that time
>instead of sex we had 'arousal rediscovery research' where I'd have to find at least 100 images a night of men who might retrigger her arousal 'so we can have sex like you want'
>she was fucking other men the whole time

this asexual meme must stop

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>mohammed calling ME a faggot

part and parcel of pol with the moslem hordes

I hope you realize how much of a fucking retard you were, user

Why did you do that to yourself, m8?

>An example of women taking care of you, and that being good

No, you are just that much of a faggot.


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I'd fuck the shit out of that big titty having thicc glasses wearing hucow every day. She is essentially my fetish personified.


it's amazing that at this point I just never know if brit posters are being serious or not. if so look at what I was responding to niglet if not the bantz are pretty weak m8

how did that island manage to churn out the ugliest AND dumbest euros?

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btw to anyone who has a gf or wife who says they have a "low sex drive" consider babby's first blackpill: would they have a "low sex drive" for Brad Pitt, or [insert their favorite male star], if given the chance to have sex with them?

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They're all probably homosexuals. I haven't had sex in 3 years, but thats because I can't get a girlfriend cause of autism. Did share virginity with another virgin when i was 22, she was 21. We fucked during 6 hour sessions.

Why is this Jow Forums?

Someone caring about you is never bad and if they happen to be women then all the better.

Maybe they both got fat after getting together and don’t find each other attractive enough to have sex with, but also don’t want to lose the companionship so they’re basically stuck.
Also this

>the apeling brit finally reveals his mummy issues

shocking stuff, next you're going to confess your poor dental hygiene

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He's open about it. Seems like he's taking the right steps to recovery. Also, gotta imagine those pillow talks with your shitty accents

Ok lone ranger, you go ride off into the sunset.

You literally could not keep my dick out of that woman's vagina with an army.

Not everybody has mental issues like you.

The poisons are overwork, overeating, and lack of physical activity.

All of these things will fuck your libido.


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everyone knows sex only happens on the tv


Something with birth control which trigger her pussy to be tight and hurt when it takes my dick in.

T. A guy who is sexless with girlfriend for almost 4 years of 5 years

If she's not getting any she can always call me. I don't know why I like plane janes with big tiddies most of all but that's who I am and it's okay to be me.

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Meh I've been married over ten years and we maybe have sex a couple times a month. When you get older sex stops being so important. At least it did for me.

Nobody is this much of a retarded cuck, I refuse to believe this please.

This unironically does happen to people with body image problems. I've known a few rape victims (one of them a dude) who didn't really like sex and/or found their bodies disgusting after the event. Then again I knew one crazy chick who said it was the best orgasm she ever had so your mileage may vary.

That is some fancy birth control if it even restricts the penis from entering due to pain. Any chance we can pack it in bush meat for Africans?

Asexual women are just not attracted to that person. If she gets fucked right shell stop being asexual. Hell shes probably getting side action.

Of course, because they're all cucks in the U.K.. They literally sit around waiting for someone to fuck their partners so they can watch and rub one out, but since they're all cucks, nobody ever handles thel sex part.. This is why the want more migrants - as a sexual aid.

checkd. for you user.

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Somebody post the research that states the average man only has sex twice a year.

Unironically people's testosterone in the west is fucked

Take the roidpill

Would be surprised if her draping those jugs over his face while he rubs one out isn't a semi regular thing for them, though.


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Without social pressure, women will always seek to minimize the amount of sex they provide in order to preserve its value. They use the prospect of sex to control men. Society came up with marriage where the man gave up his ability to pursue multiple partners and took on the burden of providing for a woman and her children in exchange for frequent access to sex and fidelity. Society used to pressure women to give up the puss regularly as part of being a good wife. All this is now gone, so long term relationships inevitably tend toward zero sex as the woman becomes more efficient at farming her beta.

Remember, /pol: Women are the niggers of gender.

>muh dick

>muh dick

>muh dick

Fake story

>muh dick DDDDX


Its almost like any hedonistic pleasure becomes dull after the 1,000th time... and you were supposed to have children that keep you so busy that you get excited about finding some free time to have sex again.

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Women are humans and individuals just like men not my fault if virgin retards here only think with dick , fuck off.

So that's what John Lennon meant by "Women is the nigger of the world"

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how the fuck is a serious romantic relationship working without sex?
holy shit
what happened to people

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How can you say people enjoy cake? Everyone is an individual and trends aren't real.

I anxiously await your descent into Islamism, frog.

I feel bad when I haven't fucked my fiance in 2 weeks, 3 years is fucking shameful.