Diverse Seattle

I live in Seattle where, as many of you know, we are an open and tolerant people.
Here's a wonderful colorful bustop, let's investigate.

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Is it raining?

Ooh what's this...something there.

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Negative. Took a month and a half of sunshine before I saw rain. New here btw

D..did someone drop their ice cream?

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No its poo, why are you taking pictures of poo?

Im going to seattle tomrrow. Driving up from Portland to see a show. If you think seattle is bad, you should see portland.

>new here

how about you fuck off back to the shithope you came from as you can see WE ARE FULL.

take your shit pictures with you faggot

hope you have a good time

stay out of fagitol fill

shit is nothing compared to 3rd ave btw

Oh gosh dammit

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This is a fountain on Pier 69 in Seattle. It is the mayor of seattle rejoicing in a bukkake fetish with a small boy, both their flaccid penises are exposed, and the fountain on the right rises up above the boy, devouring him in bukkake waters, where you can't even see him, you just see the major holding his arms up and staring at the naked boy being consumed by the cum-stream.

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>even the poo in San Fran has dicks
That looks like its been stuck into an anus, not come out of one.

Here is the fountain in full ceremonial climax, the boy consumed at the amusement of Seattleā€™s mayor.

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I been all over as a street lad. I prefer Capitol. Third is whatever. Really not bad considering it's a dope hub. Overall it's the safest major City(ny Miami Denver etc) I been and I been to a lot.

Plan to move to a suburb once I'm situated

Don't listen to this skinhead bullshit running down Seattle.

The city is fucking awesome.

>Weed is legal.
>Awesome views.
>Tons of seafood.
>Space needle.
>Heroin legal soon.
>Safe injection sites soon.

If you're a normal person who likes to have fun, and not an angry right wing NPC, this place will rock your soul.

Come for a view, a joint, a nom, and taste God's lips once or twice by shooting up.

Don't believe the Mike Pence DARE bullshit about turning into an instant depraved junkie if you even look at heroin one time.

The drug is like anything else - awesome in strict moderation.

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thanks for ruining lunch
i need to lose some weight anyway...

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Meanwhile a bus stop in an ethnostate shithole

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niqqa ate and shat a Tremors worm

Thanks. More please. Also I'm a Hispanic so I'm up for missions. First day here a blonde and her tranny were protesting i and asked if I wanted to help abolish them and I asked if we could support them instead and she just gave me this queer look

>my city's social cohesion is shattered completely leading to depression and isolation, but we get to get high *legally*, so it's better than your city! megakek get fugged :D:D:D

I just went to Seattle for a short trip. First thing I saw were tents all over the underpasses leading into Seattle. Walked to dinner in Queen Anne, druggies, urine and homeless everywhere. There were even tents set up on the side walk. This is Queen Anne ffs. Food was great, Woodland Park was great, but passing through liberal tolerance of urine, crack addicts and homeless tents wasn't worth it.

T. Didn't read the thread.
This board is 30 percent acutal white nationalist at most. They just happen to be right about the JQ
I do love this place but the Gay agenda is insane here
Overall best State I've been to so far as far as actual Freedom level.
You guys are color scared here though and let your nigs make the public uncomfortable

Go back to creddit, god hates fags

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Surprised it is not tipped with a gob of cum considering its Seattle

Isn't it weird that if you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight


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Tacoma is bad too, one block down the hill passed Yakima and Ernest S Brazil st there is a bum camp stretching the whole length of the block, and down the one next to it as well. That is just at the college there before hilltop, too. Students with nice cars park right next to the bum camps.

Why is some guys dick torn off and lying there at a bus stop?

Yeah you idiot's are really tolerant. How's about we go ask the great Alex Jones how tolerant you fucktards really are.

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Faggots like you deserve to be hanged.

It's the result of a Seattle-fag's cock addiction, where he's taken so much dick up his ass that his turds literally mold to the shape of his newly stretched colon, forming a carbon copy of the cocks responsible for reshaping his ass into a cookie-cutter cock shitting factory.

>a nom

You almost got me reddit

I know an experienced ICU RN working in Seattle, med-surg ICU. She commutes an hour into work and lives with a roommate, but will be leaving the region within a year due to rising rents. I'd say it's her own damn fault if she lived in a nice downtown area or something, but she's that far out already with a roommate and she still can't afford it.

wonderful city

You will turn into this if you use drugs.

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Yeah fuck u

In other words, Jews control the city

That's a fucking mutilated dick isn't it?

So what you are saying is that little goblin critter that attacked Alex Jones is a jew?

I might have known.

>Safe injection sites soon
Trump said never... we'll see.
I do think they have the right apprach to drugs here. Nobody sells weed on the street and I see kids hanging around asking for people with ID so that means legalizing actually does help keep it out of kids hands. I made a vow to stop helping them out even though I told since 13. Really you should wait as long as you can. Should be 18 tho

Fuck off it is! I used to live in LA, fucking LA, way more pedo friendly, left wing home leaning that ANY other fucking city. Then I moved to the east coast.
Went to Seattle a few weeks back, had a great time, eat great food, air is cleaner, temp was spectacular, no mosquitoes, etc.
But the LEVEL of REEEEEEEEEEEE on that city is off the fucking chart, I mean, I've NEVER seen so many lgtbqwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm people with purple, pink, whatever other fucking color hair in my life, had a few chats with locals, motherfuckers are SUUUPER salty about trump like the guy rapes babies while kicking puppies as he chops the head of all women. SUper salty, fuck off, Seattle is a city full of fucking idiots, like most left win cities, but worst.
The lack of common sense and reason is just wow.

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>druggies hellhole or soon-to-become-one
Nah thx you, unless hunting them for sport is allowed.

I am an American, all 50 of these fuckers are mine to explore or reside as I please. Except Cali...fuck Cali.

Much like San Fagshitsco it's a nice place to visit and see the high spots but I wouldn't want to live there. I live in Chicago and we have a much better separation of our niggers/homeless and real people.

Did any visitors see our sweet Lenin statue?

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Where is that?

In the Fremont neighborhood.

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but why

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Thanks I'll check it out
If anyone knows any occult or pizza statues that'd be cool

Fellow Seattle bro here. I wish there was a way we could forcibly remove homeless and addicts. If been believing we need to organize to clean up our streets. If you want to see really bad go to the bus stops on 2nd & pine. Rabid packs of pavement apes patrolling, real sad. The cops do nothing and the pakis that run the smoke shops and liquor store encourage the behavior.

We seriously need to wake people up.

clean the jizz off your camera lens

This is definitely poolitics

Jow Forums would probably count the Black Sun statue in Volunteer Park as occult.

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Seattle is great but if you don't think we have serious problems that need to be dealt with sternly now before they get even more out of hand you are delusional.

That area and the area down by the courthouse and Prefontaine are like fucking Thunderdome level shit.

Aren't the owners capitalists who put it there to be ironic?

Pretty much. It's there as a mockery basically, but for some reason it always triggers the fuck out of this board. There have been countless threads of LARPing people planning ways to destroy it.

>commie, freemasonry, arab restuarant with hipster sat out front.
urban america in a nutshell.

20 miles outside of Seattle and you are free of the liberal shitholers. Almost everyone I know is right wing. There's hillbillies around here that could compete with down south rednecks. Everyone has guns and most love Trump

same with NJ

There's not a chance in hell them people could ever come close to being like us no matter how many guns they have.

Seattle has a huge homeless population. It's in the top 5 for sure.

True, we have far less blacks and cousin fucking.

>non human

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There are cities in Europe that are over run with 3rd world violent retards who still believe in the magic man in the sky.
But if right wing death need to hit any place first... Its Seattle!
Prove me wrong.

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they always paint the hands red

I have like 15 pistols and 25 rifles when people in Seattle hear (not that I tell them) I'm into guns most lose their shit.

>Heroin legal soon.


that city is going to be flooded with niggers who wants gibs soon.

Clean your lens user, god...

PNW cities' answer to the homeless problem is to give them more shit and never enforce laws they break. Portland and Seattle are drowning in hobos, junkies and criddlers

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Stay out of my Bellevue

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Last I checked the total number of registered gun owners in Seattle outnumbered the rest of the state by a quite a margin.

>weed is legal
>heroin legal soon
>space needle
>safe injection sites soon

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Lenin wasn't a bad guy desu.

Didnt get it, why did you take a photo of a black hobo?

Lenin was a faggot and was 10000x worse than Stalin, I spit on his corpse

And not only the shape, the color matches too!


They are called Graboids you uncouth mongoloid

Wait. No. Can't be.
Mr Hankey down!

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A kike wrote this post.

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Environmental storytelling

They're insane and exaggerate everything. Pic related taken yesterday.

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good grief. Pic related.

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someone should micro-aggro them by slapping a Trump 2020 sticker on top of all their pretty little fliers.

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This can't be true, can it?

Not taking any chances

Or an it's ok to be white flyer

I like this better

I'm not white and not particularly right wing, your city is a disgusting shithole.

oh look, a hedonist faggot.

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I was thinking of just writing on the poster. Maybe Ill go out tonight and do that.