70% of Men Aged 20-34 Are Not Married

>70% of Men Aged 20-34 Are Not Married

>Far too many young men have failed to make a normal progression into adult roles of responsibility and self-sufficiency, roles generally associated with marriage and fatherhood

>The high percentage of bachelors means bleak prospects for millions of young women who dream about a wedding day that may never come.


So Jow Forums, why are you still an unmarried man-child?

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Because women cannot compete with video games and that's on them.

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Ironically this

But in reality
Sick culture man.

Almost all the women are degenerate leftist hos
or they're sucked into the muh career meme.

Rather focus on my hobbies then waste my time trying to train a woman out of ((Their)) programming or chasing that what don't want to be caught.

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Just find a cute mtf trap to marry. She won't ever leave you if you treat her well. Artificial wombs are here, you can still have a family together.

This is the truth. I would love to marry a debt free virgin without tattoos. But you can't find virgins these days.

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lmao wimmen feel entiteled to muh moneys, they is MY moneys dammit!


But the argument goes both ways, no?

no because only young men can be faulted for anything

>So Jow Forums, why are you still an unmarried man-child?

A better question: What are you going to do about it?

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I smell a SIG thread brewing.

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>adult roles of responsibility and self-sufficiency
>roles generally associated with marriage and fatherhood
most parents are literally irresponsabile and become less self-sufficient with children, you need to quit the brainwash

Why would men want to marry modern women? They're fat, promiscuous, don't know how to cook/clean, don't want kids. Of course there are good women out there, but they're too few.

virgin? good luck finding one that's less that 20 dicks deep by age 20.

Women initiate well over 70% of divorces. Getting married is financial & emotional suicide.

In this sick society you're seen as someone worse than a terrorist if you declare you want to find a debt free virgin without tattoos.

Have you seen the women available?
Im at the higher end of that age range and all but given up for the MGTOW meme. Own a house outright as of this year, and make six figures, good looking, 100% white DNA tested, and have 2 STEM degrees... and it seems like all the women I meet are feminists who only care about career, or roasties, or coalburners or single mothers... usually a combination, and most are leftie NPCs. Ive lived in 4 states in my 20s across the US and have seen the same everywhere. Getting scared to even fuck thots now that at my age their ovaries are starting to dry up and their bodies are near the end of attractiveness, and Ive become financially secure enough to be a target for the dregs of society who look for a child support baby daddy candidate.

>but muh white babies
once she divorces you, 85% of the time she gets automatic primary custody of the children. so now your white babies are going to be raised by a single mother with a never ending line of men coming into their lives.

We posting em boys?

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>But in reality
>Sick culture man.
You realize that 80/20 is the OKCupid rule and traditionally in history, genetically, it was more like 85% of the women having children with 30% of the men. Things really aren't much different.

Because 100% of my nation's currency is owned by the Hyksos in order to make white people slaves

Femanon in the older end of that age range. Not worried because I'm marrying a literal Boomer.

>why dont you have a wife
too autistic

and it's not just the divorce rape. Women also spend 80% of the money in a relationship. Usually on some decoration shit instead of value appreciating assets

>So Jow Forums, why are you still an unmarried man-child?

Because I'm ugly.

>70% unmarried
>70% divorce rate in previous generation
Checks out

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>tfw married and 25
I'm doing my part for the white race, are you?

This was true in prehistoric times where Barbarism was the rule, in lesser societies such as Muslim and African countries, and during times of war where millions of men died at a time and the gender ratios were fucked. It has never been common in Europe for women to be turbo thots like it is today, and that is not really debatable. The pill and no-fault divorce drastically changed relationship dynamics.

I would like to get married, but ....

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>No fun is allowed.

Maybe one day, but certainly not with a modern western roastie. That's just asking for a life of financial servitude, and even eastern world women have their problems.

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>only 22
she must be 18 or under

This man here is right

I’m 40 and I swear to god I just became an actual adult like a year ago.

Which is why I'm marrying someone who had good parents so he's not cynical about love. Cynical about love makes for a cold relationship.


Let's not exaggerate

>have a gf
>told her I never want to get married
>late 20's and she's 19
>getting laid and getting paid
>there's nothing you can do about it

A marriage contract is the worst contract in the history of contracts, yet so many men fall for this trap, sometimes multiple times. Getting married is the most retarded thing a man can do in this day and age.

>The house should be ugly even though I spend my life in it.


kek. Makes me think of a 45 yo man that knocked up a 27 yo in my town. People were all talking about it like it was a big deal. I shrugged my shoulders.
>Ever been married?
>Any kids?
>What's the problem? They're both adults.

>Has a GF

Something is wrong here.

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French women are whores, i don't marry whores.

Men WANT responsibilities. The problem is, they cannot get into any difficulties with their bank, their landlord, their mortgage company, their girlfriend etc. because the moment ANY problem arises, these people can call the police and have the man arrested for being "intimidating". So those things listed have free fucking reign to act however they fucking want. Oh, a bank applied some charge to your account? YOU CANNOT DO SHIT ABOUT IT. You have to just bend over, get fucked and say thank you.

So men are rightfully no longer participating and the ones that do are the most cucked beta providers that exist

I'm a femanon. Luckily he's never been married and has never had any kids. He wanted to marry for a long time but couldn't.

>constant articles about how monogamy is dead, marriage is oppressive, and single life with no kids and no attachments is the best
damned if you do, damned if you don't

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You don't have to get married to get laid, you know

yep, just took once for me. legally removed from my own home that I 100% paid for due to false allegations. I've moved states and have started over from scratch. I'm happier than I've been in years.

Same. I don't get the screeching. Whoever treats you best and has the most common interests is the best to marry regardless of age.

Because I'm a man-child. Getting over it though.

you don't have to get a gf to get laid either, cuckboy

Marry a chink so your children get to rule the Australia in 100 years or so

useless shit decoration is ugly, faggot.

No different than the roasties. Manwhores contribute to the problem.

>u dun kneed GF to sex, uckboi


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>this day and age
Well there’s the problem. Marriage used to be a pretty good deal and used to mean something.

Marriage is literally the enslavement of men, without hyperboly, just plain fact.

i have one now that is debt and tattoo free. The virgin part, fuck that's hard to find.

Yes, but women are the gatekeepers of sex. If they would be smart, they would stay virgins until married.

I am with a gf who want to be a housewive.

Of course she is not white but come from East-Asia.

Make many white children with him user.

>Manwhores contribute to the problem
>muh "both sides"

Stop womens' whoring, and you solve both. It's not that hard.

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well if you're a mgtow permavirgin who makes girls puke, telling a """"gf"""" about being a mgtowlet is a pretty good way to get cucked
you probably don't have shit in the first place, but wanted to tell you this still ;)
this guy with his incredible discovery that people fuck around, top kekk

Women *are* smart tho. They get to fuck and settle down and take your stuff... well in the west at least.

That would require them having smart fathers.

>90% of women are whores who don't believe in marriage being till death and will more than likely divorce/cheat on you within the first 2-3 years.
>expecting men to marry knowing this fact

It's the kikes fault.

This is why surrendering your bank account to your wife is stupid. Give her money when she asks for something that isn't retarded, but keep control over your own money.

marriage is so blue pilled. I never even have had a girlfriend before, and I never will. Everytime some friends come over they casually pop the question "so you talking to any girls dude" and I just reply Nope!
Im fine being by myself for ever. I dont need some hag to berate and nag me all the time. FUCK WOMEN

>woman offers sex
>man takes
>it's only women's fault

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Who gives a shit, humanity don't need women anymore. We can easy create embryos in the lab.

Move along faggot nothing stays the same. Humanity for 1000 years didn't even have this called "marriage bullshit" They all fucked when they wanted. Last names didn't even exist 1000 of years ago it's all invented into our reality.

There is no point in small families we should all be a big family then we can explore the stars. This will however never happen humans are too primitive and will go extinct in the next 200 years it's just a cycle of life then millions of years some other species comes to exist, lets hope they are smarter.

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MGTOW doesn't mean you can't have sex with women, just means you won't fall into the marriage trap or cohabitate.

It's easier than ever to get laid these days. I'm not even a Chad and I've had women offer sex on a silver platter to me before.

Unfortunately, your story is wayyyy too common these days. Glad you're doing better now.

Feminism/Jews ruined women, they're never going to be traditional again. It's a lost dream, your best bet for a future conservative uprising is sexbots and the gradual roastie dying out.

>Women *are* smart tho. They get to fuck and settle down and take your stuff... well in the west at least.

They wish, articles keep coming out about a new generation of single cat ladies with no kids or a husband. These cunts deserve to die alone.

bcause the love of my life died 5 years ago

Because I want to be the man worthy of a beautiful woman.
I am not financially independent and if I loved a woman I would be so.
If she can wait for me, I will be everything to her and more.

This is my standard.

>So Jow Forums, why are you still an unmarried man-child?
whores dont deserve to get a free ride after doing drugs and getting fucked and absued by their drug dealers boyfriends for over a decade just because Im not a nigger.

Non virgin isn't even a total deal breaker
just need a woman who hasn't a total degenerate receptacle.

I'm not a hypocrite.

A total no debt no tats virgin would be nice.

Its hard enough to find proper wife/mother material though, or even a women with the right attitude about it.

>blah blah muh assumptions

I don't think you're following what's being said. Then again, underage illiterates are common on this board, sadly.

I love my girlfriend and I plan on being with her for the rest of my life but there's no way I'm ever getting married there are no situations where a man will ever benefit from it; I also feel uncomfortable involving the government in my relationship.

I'm not dying alone. I'm marrying a Boomer.

i had to learn the hard way. lost my house and a ton of other shit due to false allegations. men have no rights when it comes to marriage \ family court.

To my gaystriken beloved OP

Many times have I asked a woman out on a date and I have prayed many times to our Lord to have a wife. Nothing seems to work. Unfortunately I'm stricken by the disease known as manletism as well as hatingsmalltox and I just cant stand women. No longer can I go to a father and say to him that I want to marry your daughter sir, now I have to do 1 million clown tricks to appease a whore. Currently I try to do all the meme solutions like gym, no fapping and other but it seems gay and too much. It saddens me that I have to suffer this but i guess it's better than getting raped by mongolians in the 12th century. This last part is for God: I'm sorry that I'm such a huge faggot .
An Incel

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don't you bla bla me, skipper
I've actually fucked girls

everyone dies alone retard.

just about the biggest fucking mistake you can make as a single adult male until you're in your 40s

here we have a big brain nibba burdened by his intellect that says a lot which amounts to nothing

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THey exist, but you need to find a qt korean of japanese waifu.

>woman offers
>"It's only her fault"

Please read your post and try to comprehend it.

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be sure to divorce rape the shit out of him so that his grandsons can get a first hand look at how low women are and how fucked the system is against men. do your part.

>Far too many young men have failed to make a normal progression into adult roles of responsibility and self-sufficiency, roles generally associated with marriage and fatherhood

Forgets to mention that the average wages of this group is 35k and women will not accept living in a house with 4 other roommates. This isn't 1940 anymore where you can buy a house and two cars on your wages at the factory as soon as you graduate HS.

>I've fucked girls



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Cause I like to make money, fuck hot women indiscriminately, and play with my toys I bought with my money and look at my bank account and assets grow.

I have the means to marry a woman and start a family but I choose not to. So, op, why should I change my ways?

Based catalonia

It takes two to tango. Whores and manwhores are the ruin of society. Men gave women the vote and thought sexual liberation was gonna be a grand spectacular idea.

Now look where we are.

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MGTOW is the only rational choice in the west right now.

Women: "what did you say? I wasn't listening"

not paying for used pussy

Fuck off Jews and Roasties

We will no longer be enslaved by usuary or the vaginal jew

>letting beta males decide things

That doesn't disprove what I said.

>I'm not dying alone.

Which is what everyone and their retarded mother is afraid of. Unless you're dying in a plane accident or in a car accident filled with people, you're dying alone.

So many people will waste decades of their lives in an unhealthy, unloving relationship just so that they "won't die alone".

Oh, I actually know plenty of virgin women and I live in a shithole. I don't care though, I'm my current gf's 2nd only boyfriend but I still don't ever want to get married. I'm not going to roll the dice on becoming a slave of the state on a 50/50 probability. Other than tax breaks, there's no benefits to getting married, the risk far outweigh the benefits and isn't worth it.

"so" you obviously don't get laid for shit and should stop posting
>g-guyse i gf tell no wife, haha! i based she gf i have gf!!!
lmfao seriously, were you trying to surprise the others with that?
come on, skipper