You can't be racist against white people

Is he wrong?

Attached: Screenshot_2018-09-20 R W on Twitter Racism is a product of power dynamics Because white people are (768x464, 53K)


You can't though. He isn't wrong. White people just can't stand being called out.

>literally who
>all major dictionaries say he's wrong

Attached: Racism_Definition_of_Racism_by_Merriam-Webster_-_2017-08-14_19.58.55.png (821x706, 78K)

Racism is the hatred of someone of a different ethnicity or race. So, if you hate white people because they are white, what would that be? Racism. The left trying to justify it shows that they hate white people with a burning passion. They claim they stick up for minorities, but whites are the true minority as they have some of the least numbers globally. And yet, they say because white people are in power, it's ok to hate them. Would they say the same thing of the Jews, who are also in power and in low numbers? Doubt it.


stop fucking posting unknown twitter shit, no one cares

Attached: 1328817863348.jpg (230x180, 37K)

Attached: racism_in_English_by_Oxford_Dictionaries_-_2018-01-03_20.20.31.jpg (957x835, 70K)

White people in power in a white society? This is an outrage! These people aren't even worth debating. They should just be laughed at and shunned.

This is literally that ms paint comic
>hey I changed the definition of a word based on what suits my group boy you sure look stupid now huh

This is purely changing the definition of racism. If your going to tell me it's impossible to hate a white person because of stereotypes due to power Dynamics you might as well just make up a new word like partitarchy