'Tied to trees and raped’: UN report details Rohingya horrors

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Based and redpilled.

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It's amazing how the muzzies never like their own medicine in return...oh well. Fuck all muzzies, I hope they killed these sacks of shit after raping them.

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What evidence is there that this happened


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Usually there's nothing, but rumors are common enough to consider it real.

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If this editorial cartoon is accurate and she's actually slaughtering shitskins, I fully support.

So that's a report about what the UN "peacekeepers" do to the natives, but what else is new

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It's no worse than what Muslims did to British kids here in England, in places like Rotherham. A little girl was doused in petrol and threatened with burning alive if she refused to go along with her sister's gang rape.

anyone defending muslims need to be shot.

Trudeau is giving these terrorists 300 millions.

>Canada pledges $300M to Rohingya crisis

and where did they learn that behavior?

yay more of my money is being given to subhumans

based and cuckpilled

>Burma is removing murderous kebab infestation

Seems fine. I've seen pics though, who would want to rape? It makes no sense.

Imagine being such a universally hated religion, causing so much shit that even Buddhists are crusading against you.

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At least he’s not bringing them in. Unless they ship them right up into the ice flows because I don’t want Nunavut!

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remember the 6 million Rohingyas

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Bob Rae won't shut the fuck up about bringing a bunch of them here tho

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Tell me, why should we feel bad about some sandniggers turning into shark food?

The ummah is fighting wars of conquest around the world and shareblue is only crying about this because this time they lose.

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So we must send all the rapists to Europe as fast as possible to avoid these kind of horrors!

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Maybe we should sent all the white rapists of the west to the middle east, africa, and south asia. They'll either meet swift justice or they'll thrive and rape the darkies. Sounds like a win-win to me.


if they get into africa they'll start to hybridize the continent

Diluted nigger is superior to full-blown nigger, no? Honestly, this is our best way to fulfill our mission to civilize.

Timely reminder there are those who wish to destabilize the region as it is where the pipeline to China starts. Controlling the start of the pipeline means to control the flow to China...

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Sadly we tried that with Australia.
It didn't work out

Zero pity. They deserve to be exterminated.

Yeah, but that's only because they quit before they finished the job, the damn slackers.

>Dead muzzies
pick one

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Dont ever forget
Rapists are victims too

Funny how things work when the sandal is on the other foot? A little more the "a little upsetting" when its outside of sweden?

I would really like to read more about how the UN was tied to trees and raped. Where can I find the report?

It's about time that someone had the fucking balls to stand up to these fucking murderous rapists!

I believe we should take action, mates. It would be below us to stand here to and do nothing. I say we ship them more trees.

Please no. Our social services are fucked up enough. We don’t have the cultural or monetary capital to bring people in and help them actually function in our society.

Fuck the rohingya. Like all Muslims they started their shit and now they're crying foul.

Fuck every one of them.

Waaah won't someone please think of the poor Muslims!

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>rumors are common enough to consider it real
Then I guess Drumpf is a Russian operative

Why is this our problem?

God bless for dead shitskins.

Based Burma.

fuck em

I saw this shit on the news a year ago - they did an interview with one of the muslims who opened by saying this was all revenge for some roadside bombs they'd planted, I couldn't believe it but they cut away almost instantly after that so you know it was real.

Can we get redpilled on politics of the region by some locals?
As far as I understand brits drew some boarders, different ethnic and religious groups ended up together or separated by them, muslims are sperging out as usual and hindu/buddists decided to finally solve that problem

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Yes goy blame the brits

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who else established those countries?
British empire if I remember my history
I don't think kikes were interested in far east

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Good God, what is that magnificient creation of the lord?

A regular semen demon


I don't talk to spastics

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Yes always remember the muslims dindu nuffin. The buddists just started going after them for no reason at all

Let them die.

Except buddhists are actually killing them back instead of talking about it over another pint at the pub...

Muslims and Jews must be exterminated for the greater good of mankind

That nose

Fucking hell of course, now all this judeobolshevik-propagandist bullshit finally makes sense. Thank you.

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This is a work of art, holy hell

>inb4 the US and NATO gets involved and restores muh democracy to the region

NATO boys deserve the chance to tie some Rohingya to trees too, user.

Finally muslims will get to taste their own medicine that their savage mujahideen terrorists inflict on kuffars themselves.

One would call this divine retribution or karma.

Those poor trees

Son of a bitch.


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>implying he'd have any of the resources or innovation for this shit if he didn't constantly tempt goys to debase themselves for pleasures of the flesh.

I wish my people weren't so weak, that still doesn't stop a snake from being a snake.

>A child rapist condemning others

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>implying they wouldnt be working WITH the Rohingya while destroying the current power structure

Yeah, I guess if we couldn't bribe or coerce the Burmese to side with us we'd have to side with the muslims.
So if not in Myanmar, where *can* NATO troops tie muslims to trees for some sexy times?

why do you keep shilling this image slav jew?

I want to say Modi (also (should be) known as butcher of Godhra) also deserves some credit. Some time back terrorists were wrecking havoc in Myanmar and Modi sent our army in giving Myanmar a notion that they have somebody they can turn to.

All hail Modi.

Isn't this how Islam was historically spread to just about every nation that is muslim today?

The Mujahideen cries out in pain as he strikes you

T.America pushing for more action in Africa because china is taking all the resources.

Pull some chemical weapons and WMD´s shit common.
Dont make it more obvious.

I hope the based Buddhists kill every single Muslim cunt

Tied to trees....

Thats kinda kinky dontcha think. Who staged this.

Britbongs transplanted thousands of muslims to Myanmar

Britbongs created artifcial states in middle East


The muslims are innocent, they are only protecting themselves to the violence of other countries.

Usually rapist are low effort criminals who would beat them into submission. Why harm the trees? Makes no sense. Takes more time. Rape is about power. Who would get cucked by a tree rather than rage boner by choking them down. Again I smell a fishy kike hand afoot. A fowl play.

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Meanwhile in EU, refugees do this to European kids and nobody cares.

In every muslim country minorities are oppressed and severely discriminated. Obviously the globalized establishment never reports it. Yet, when some muslim terrorists are killed by buddhist the establishment is complaining.

I wonder why jews and muslims are so protected by them.


Some toilet in Africa probably.

funnily enough i have the impression that every nationality which is in contact with muslim, christian, boudist, chinesse, american, indu....

I am sure the fault is on every nationalitie and not on muslim.

The Eternal Bong

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The guardian is basically the UK's version of the jew york times. Don't believe a fucking thing they say.

I'm sure the peaceful muslims have done absolutely nothing to cause this