China and Japan are working to create advanced AI robowives, they will see the light within a couple of decades.
How will roasties ever recover?
China and Japan are working to create advanced AI robowives, they will see the light within a couple of decades.
How will roasties ever recover?
You talk like an incel
You talk like a meme flag
roasties full in seething mode
the real question is
wouldn't the feminist and jew ban such tech ?
this appeal to such a big market
they can't ban it and even if they do people would do this in mass in private
>having your own waifu made after your dream
good lord... if you get artificial wombs,the age of women is over
I would take Lacia over a "real" girl in a heartbeat but what an advanced AI would need with an idiot human is beyond me.
Maybe she would find me funny? R-Right Jow Forums that is why she wants to be with me?
Go take a shower, stinky
anybody who uses the term "incel" is a closet gay moron.
God i hope it happens soon.