people who get prenups should not get married, You should only get married only if you are sure the person you are marrying to does not marry you for your money and wants to spend the rest of his/her life with you.
it shows you do not trust to person and you think so lowly of them that they would try to take your hard earned money given the opportunity of divorce instead of willingly giving it to you.
Why would you even marry such a person.Honestly I ve traveled and lived in a lot of European countries and prenups are not that big a deal here.
it seems to me that american marriages are a joke and most people get married just for the hell of it not because of love or shit like that.
I really dont think young americans know what the INSTITUTION of marriage is really about, maybe thats why your gays ree about wanting to get married.
Also if you get married over the age 30-35, you might as well give up on the second day of marriage.
Legea și emoțiile sunt chestii complet separate băi sociolog de mușuroi!
Jaxon Turner
>Judges can use prenups as toilet paper if they want >You're legally married after living together for two years
How do you escape getting jewed by femoids, Jow Forums?
Jacob Smith
You drink the water that has turned the frogs gay then you are set and eternally free from the vaginal Jew.
Ryan Davis
Un bărbat adevărat. Te las să fii top.
Tyler Garcia
m'ai distrus din punct de vedere intelectual cand ai pus diacriticele.
sunt inferior tie, o sobolan care a parasit corabia. Una imi este speranta ca intr o buna zi voi putea fi capabil sa ajung pe taramul fagaduintei care este canada.
Imi pare rau ca exist maestre. Iti promit ca eu si restul sobolanilor ne vom sinucide in numele marelui voievod Canadian trudeau.
Odata cu noi va disparea si rasa inferioara a romanilor ramasi la suferinta
Julian Walker
>balconettes, my kryptonite
marriage is an institution created to maintain and pass on property and social status to the offspring, not as proof of love between the spouses
You literally used to get married so that your offspring would be better off and that's it.
Daniel Allen
What fucking language is this?
It looks like retarded italian
Kayden Wright
>he doesn't know italian is actually retarded protoromanian