"muh science is not a religion"

If Christianity is fake then how come Kent Hovind has literally never lost a debate against any of those "atheist scientists"?

those short 4 min. videos alone debunks most scientists.

prove him wrong
>Pro-tip: you can't

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Other urls found in this thread:


Here's one of the debates of his.
Against 3 evolution scientists: youtube.com/watch?v=JKvEXGYIysg&t=

>kent hovind
long time without that name i have gone
he is a fucktard btw

>no argument

>he is a fucktard btw
Then what does that say about those self-declared "supersmart" atheist-scientists he completely debunks all the time?

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>albert kike

Not pwned at all. Anyone can make a song trashing anyone or anything.
Point me to a debate where he gets trashed, ill wait.

Kent is a good dude. Such a cool dude in fact, the local gov had to trump up charges against him to throw him in prison. It is really one of the craziest stories I ever heard.

i stopped debating creationists in 2008.

Just search potholer54 guy recks his shit constantly.

Wow, I'm sure eddygoobah's jewish masters really appreciated this cheesy song.

Kent is right and wrong, the dinosaurs thing is stupid and lacks scientific backing, but he cannot be beat because he is not dealing with stone cold facts, anybody can debate their side well as long as nobody can prove or disprove it.

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Emotions are not "spitual matter". They are emergent from chemical processes and electrical currents in your brain. You can literally see them in high end MRTs.
Circular logic shit debunked 20 years ago. He is just not worth discussion with.
Especially because we have now times where we have to discuss "flavours" of god, or to be precise, people betting their souls on the right one.

Have you watched these videos? He explains the dinosaurs for literally 3 hours. And he debunks pretty much everything the scientists have thrown at christianity over the dinosaur era.

>I dont have an argument for z but check out x because it trashes y

typical pol

he didn't debunk them, he described them and then connected them to his theories in a way that cant be proven or disproved

it makes no sense to debate creationist, they won't change their mind, neither will i. And it harms friendships.

I come to the decision to respect peoples religion instead, christianity is ok.

>god exists, therefore the bible is true
what the fuck is with this logic?

also i haven't watched the videos, i'm going off what i have heard and what i know about him, so i am not really prepared to debate that point

They say the reverse
>the bible is true, therefore god exists

A lesbian judge gave him a 99 year sentence! (over turned after serving 10 because he took $8k out to pay a landscaper CASH)

It was almost that bad.

The Bible proves itself

if you havent watched his takes on the issues, you also shouldnt bring it up.

What do you think of his big bang theory arguments?

Based Kent Hovind--Dino world . Based Norwegian OP..
He went through alot of ish with effin government trying to derail him with tax ish and his family ish but he still stands.

Truth always prevails.
Hows Uganda?

Nothing big the usual . a few years ago kent Hovind was actually one of the main ways i learned to debate creationists..there was a site that used to host his videos and i downloaded quite a few hours. he presented his points quite well and this was the first time somuone gave me ammunition to use apart from simply relying on faith.. He's been through alot and im actually suprised he survived it all including the scandal with his son..Watched a video of his a few months back and he seems ok. remarried and happy. wish him the best.
But like said it transcends simple human logic but atleast he gives solid ammo..Stay blesed and have a bump

His story is actually quite similar to Fritz Springmeier..
>truthteller goes in deep and exposes alot
> gets arrested and charged on trumped up charges with cases that seem like he will be locked up for life
>Comes out after a few years, re-marries and starts a relatively peaceful life...
wonder if jones will join the same wall of fame

>Pic related OP

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Some more OP
Though I get where Hovind is coming from and he makes good arguments with false evidence.

How bout this faggot?

This board operates on a 1500 character post limit. Instead of expecting us to watch it and refute it with such a limited word count, you start by demonstrating your understanding of his argument first. Then I'll respond to YOUR argument, since Kent Hovind isn't here to defend his case to begin with.

Kent is based, but it can be pretty soundly argued he lost at least one debate. It was on a podcast versus a biologist and Kent, who is used to a “choose your own adventure” script with his debate tactics got stumped by the concept of monophyly.

Not that it was a good argument being made, but Kent didn’t understand it and kept trying to get back on script while his opponent drilled this weak monophyly point for the rest of the debate because it was the only thing Kent stumbled on.

Basically, it got out of his area of knowledge and he was too scared of saying something wrong that he wouldn’t even approach it socraticaly.

Thought it was tax evasion
So they got him for paying with cash? Did they arrest the landscaper aswell?

What of the paradox of existence? That is, either eternal creative forces exist or something can come from nothing. Whether you believe the Divine Creation hypothesis or the Happy Accident hypothesis, something fucking weird is going on.

>What do you think of his big bang theory arguments?
What do YOU think of his Big Bang arguments?
Start by demonstrating that you have a firm understanding of his position. Prove this isn't a completely pointless discussion.

Big bang and evolution are kike psyops.

Often biologists won’t debate him at all, and he gets people from other disciplines to shame.

Makes for good entertainment, but not hearty debate.

No you didn’t


Most of his topics are about showing that evidence in textbooks has been proven and acknowledged false, and he wants it removed from textbooks.

He explicitly says he doesn’t think creationism should be taught in science classes, so long as other faith-based origins (evolution) aren’t either.

i love how religion just redefines the words in their books to keep up with science and keep the charade going.
When exactly did "god creat the heaven" become space? It wasnt coincidentally right around the time science made the space public known? I will never get how stupid you have to be to believe in any of these man made stories no matter what "religion".

if he is so smart then when do you get a armagedon battle and a messiah? you dont have a 1 world government. thats a requirement. and what will jesus do when he returns? last time according to your religion he didnt end slavery in rome nor did he even end the persecution of jews in rome. i doubt he will fix the global economy or erase student loan debt. what can a carpenter who lost a fight with some nails and a couple of boards do? turn water to wine? party tricks wont cut it

do you expect me to believe its worth going to church when your "savior" wont restore balance to the world

Evolution isn't faith based. It has been directly observed on numerous occasions to the point that we have witnessed drastic morphological changes in a species in the span of a single generation. To the point that the origin species is virtually unrecognizable without genetic analysis.

>in the beginning there was nothing, then a bright light
Seems in accordance with the Big Bang theory.

Even if that were true, it would t really be an argument, m8. Creationists agree with micro evolutions.

But please, do show me a beneficial mutation.
Mutation: the changing of the structure of a gene, resulting in a variant form that may be transmitted to subsequent generations, caused by the alteration of single base units in DNA, or the deletion, insertion, or rearrangement of larger sections of genes or chromosomes.


>Creationists agree with micro evolutions.
I'm going to stop you right there.
I did not say microevolution. I said radical morphological changes. To the point that the parents species cannot successfully reproduce with the offspring. In a single generation.

That is macroevolution.

You can't argue against morals. It cannot be done.

>I can’t answer your question
Defeat acknowledged. No one is impressed by a deformed and unbreedable failed offspring.

Explains how mutations of genes and recombination errors can grow out a genome.

Mustard Family
Demonstrates how expressed traits with minor mutations can cause radical morphological changes.

Explains how organisms with different chromosome counts can cross-breed to generate incompatible offspring

And for bonus points:
Demonstrated case of chromosome count where a dog literally evolved into a sexually transmitted parasite.

It's been fun, but I have better things to do than argue with you.

You expect me to reall all this when you can’t answer a simple question?


>Gets presented with the evidence he has asked for to refute his position
>"I'm not reading that! B-BTFO brainlet!"


The question was answered.
We have witnessed instances where changes in chromosome counts have generated successful lineages that were morphologically and genetically different enough to be incompatible with the parent species.

And I have cited that claim at every turn.
You've lost. Get over it.

Are you kidding me? This guy is one of the most transparent pieces of shit the creationist cesspool has ever spewed out onto this world.

I would give him credit for at least having the balls to keep his huxler routine kiking gullible idiots out of their money just by repeating his tired old shit over and over for so long, but that is what all pieces of shit like him do, so no.

Here he is getting his ass handed to him by AronRa

Here is some ancient material from Potholer54 debunking Kent Hovind and creationist garbage in general (because Kent Hovind himself is a dinosaur at this point)

You have been lied to your whole lives. Your programming and conditioning runs so deep and you are so wrong you can't even comprehend how wrong and misled you are and for anyone to try and break you out of it is like if any of us confronted an AntiFa member on the street and tried to convince them of white nationalism within a 15-minute conversation. The only way anything could ever be proven to you is if you first took the initial step of wondering whether you might be wrong and not being afraid to admit that if it turns out to be true.

I grew up being taught evolution, but at age 19 I spent a good ammount of time listening to Kent Hovind's lectures to see whether he had a point (turns out he doesn't, but that's just me).

This series is a primer on everything that creationism gets wrong

Here is Evolutionary Biologist PZ Myers explaining the evolutionist frustration of trying to meet creationists dishonest and retarded standards of evidence

It's a bunch of material to get through but then again it's a long journey.

Not at all what I asked for, user.

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It was precisely what you asked for.

>But please, do show me a beneficial mutation.
>Mutation: the changing of the structure of a gene, resulting in a variant form that may be transmitted to subsequent generations, caused by the alteration of single base units in DNA, or the deletion, insertion, or rearrangement of larger sections of genes or chromosomes.

>no examples
Pick one brainlet.

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>ask for example
>get no example
>”hurr I answered”

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That's because he's a dishonest debater on top of the fact that proper biologists debating creationism is like a mid-wife being requested to debate a proponent of the stork-theory.

Kent Hovind getting owned by a Bio-Evo grad-student:

Who declared themselves "super smart"?
He is a good debater, he is slick, it's hard to pin him to topics, and he has a great abilty to be likeable by the crowd. That being said, everything he says is either mis represented or flat out wrong.

>You cant prove every single one of your theories, therefore my man in the sky exists.

Fucking christians.

To a christcuck a black person and a white european are the same, because evolution doesnt exist. They are the same value, because both of them have "souls". They both deserve to live, ((human rights)) is founded on the very idea of the soul, and that every human, no matter how pathetic and useless, has one.

Christianity therefore is the least racially aware religion, and thus can never be a religion for us to adopt if we wish to preserver our race.

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actuall no it doesnt because at the beginning there was no photons in the big bang.
Also it fits just as well with lighting a candle while you write your bullshit book to fool your followers its literally so vague you can interpret anything you want into it and that is by design.

>kent hovind
lmao what a fucking 'tard

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>Kent Hovind
Leave it to a dumb christcuck to listen to a shyster.
Using a lot of words to not say anything because you don't know anything about anything doesn't "debunk" anything. He's like Spirit Science or any "theologist", great at making noise and using a bunch of words, but that's all it is empty words that mean nothing

I get that you don't know what polyploidy is, but shit man I even gave you a link. I know you're stalling with your gay ass wojacks to save face while you actually read about them, but this is pathetic.

>first 5 seconds of the video
>"what exploded" the big bang wasn't an explosion
>Makes the moronic first mover argument

>If God was the first mover then where did his energy come from? where did he come from? where did his information come from?

Start at 18:50

Or better yet, watch the whole thing because it does a good job of explaining what you people get wrong/are weasly douches about

Evolution does not describe the origin of life, it describes the process by which populations experience shifts in allele frequencies.

>Creationists agree with micro evolutions.
No, you cant just redefine things to pretend your stupid nonsensical beliefs aren't stupid and nonsensical.

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Gee off by ten seconds in the predominate theory that can’t actually prove anything it says.


>no photons in the big bang.

M8, why can’t you give an example of a beneficial mutation?

It’s sort of sad.

You're dumb as fuck talking shit about christian doctrine when u know nothing about it yet kikeposting useless, worthless whores.
Go fuck urself when ur government comes to insert a dildo up ur ass and take away your transgender children so they can have sex with them in some basement you fucking science falsely so called cuck.
I will stand beside all the other "christcucks" at the judgement day when you'll be asked "why didnt you just read this one book before spewing lies? " and you'll be like "b-b-but " and then eternal fire for your faggot ass kike-like asshole for all eternity.

Oh, so you are a creationist then? :^)

There has never been a case where parents were incompatible reproductive wise with offspring. The terms "micro" and "macro" evolution are misleading.

When you travel, you don't "microtravel" or "macrotravel", you move in short intervals and eventually get to your location. One cannot deny travelling because you can't observe someone instantly go from A to B, that's absurd. With evolution, the short intervals are offspring. Each offspring has variation in its genome. These get passed on over and over again, changing each time until the changes become so monumental the first population observed is no longer compatible in terms of reproduction with the later population. Same with travel, you can easily move 3 feet, it's observable and repeatable. If you keep moving 3 feet at a time, you'll eventually reach 1 mile.


Jow Forums is not a religious board. please go to these for religious discussion:

always type "sage" into the options field when replying to religion/anti-religion threads on Jow Forums so it does not bump them

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>long time without that name i have gone
Yeah, because he has been in prison. He was a con artist embezzling funds from his "non-profit".

No, just trying to clarify definitions.

>M8, why can’t you give an example of a beneficial mutation?

I have a prehensile penis. I can open a beer with it.

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>making an “ass” of yourself

Human rights are a secular invention by kikes.
Also looking literally everything through the lenses of race is retarded. Nowhere in Catholic dogma does it say that races should interbreed.

Debating creationists is like debating a flat earther or a moon landing denier. If you make a valid point they just move the goalposts again and again and again. It doesn't matter if you spend 45 minutes writing a very detailed response with links and sources. They won't click any links, check any sources, or even listen to your point. It's just on to the next incorrect statement.

It's more productive trying to knock down a brick wall with your face than debating creationists/flat earthers/moon landing deniers.

Kent Hovind literally believes that a Jackson's chameleon could grow into a Triceratops if the earth's atmosphere had more oxygen.

There is no reason why anyone should take this man seriously.

>he thinks flat earthers evolved from apes and landed on the moon.

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So you are refuting your own position with your own question.
If everything came from the big bang, where did the big bang come from.
>Inb4 quantum vacuum is not nothing.
kys kike

Define a mutation. None of us have identical DNA. And you would agree some have better genes than others, yes? So who is the mutant with the inferior/superior DNA and who is the true human with the default DNA sequence?

People are reluctant to debate Hovind because he has already destroyed his own credibility on several occasions.

This guy literally believes that there was a canopy of ice over the earth prior to the great flood. He also believes that aging is caused by cosmic rays and that clouds can block cosmic rays.

This guy should be laughed at, not taken seriously.

Nigger I LITERALLY gave the definition here

Nowhere in any dogma does it say anything about races.
>When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when he divided mankind, he fixed the borders of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God.
Look what it says about the nations and the borders. They're clearly defined as opposed to what kikes want.
These "white" nationalists are nothing more than kikes in disguise because they all pretend to want a "white ethnostate" only to lure the gullible white dumbfucks so they can easily attack them as racists and discard and maybe even imprison them or exterminate them.
Make no mistake with kikes, their power comes from Satan and no bible believing christian should ever underestimate the power of evil and the ignorance of unbelivers.
These people that post right here are either super dumbfuck fedora fags that wont even bother typing 2 words in google or some sleazy stupid ass low paid kikes that will use dumbshit tactics to try and discredit the only truth about reality and who God is thus manifesting themselves as such to be recognized by every believer that stands on the true foundation of eternity - Jesus Christ and also manifesting themselves to lure those ignorant retards that belong to Satan due to their unbelief and ignorance regarding the truth.


So considering the FACT that you and I differ from each other in literally hundreds of thousands of places in our genomes. Who is the mutant between you and I?

Doesn't this give everyone the to believe in anything for any reason?

Did you even read the definition you asked for?

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>why can’t you give an example of a beneficial mutation?
I'm not grasping what you're asking for here, I'm not sure if it's too simple or too complicated

Can you clarify for me please? I got a bit lost in the thread

>These people that post right here are either super dumbfuck fedora fags that wont even bother typing 2 words in google or some sleazy stupid ass low paid kikes that will use dumbshit tactics to try and discredit the only truth about reality and who God is thus manifesting themselves as such to be recognized by every believer that stands on the true foundation of eternity - Jesus Christ and also manifesting themselves to lure those ignorant retards that belong to Satan due to their unbelief and ignorance regarding the truth.
Based Slavs
Its always the most ignorant who hate Jesus the most
>The truth shall set you free
Come home brothers, remember that most people will be condemned to Hell, so lets strive to be worthy of Paradise.

I have a PhD in microbiology and I literally work in a genomics lab sequencing single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPS) in DNA full time.

Answer my question.

Our DNA differs in thousands upon thousands of ways. You probably have dozens of genes that are slightly more efficient than some of mine. I probably have dozens of genes (related to intelligence obviously) that are far more efficient than yours. These polymorphisms arose as a mutation once upon a time at some point in our ancestor's histories.