Britfag here who’s starting to notice a common trend. People constantly bitching about white Californians moving into their areas. I’m wondering, why aren’t you happy that there’s more white people around? They’re making your area whiter? Also yes while white Californians are known to be liberal, half of them voted for trump last election. Would you make an exception for a conservative Californian refugee? What do they do that makes you hate them so much?
Why does Jow Forums hate white Californians so much?
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck californians, you're all pompous dicks and drive up property values
californian conservatives would be liberal anywhere else
Californians have been flooding my state for decades. We need a wall in the Siskyous.
Sucka dick mohamed
>white Californians
reminder that a majority of white male californians voted for trump
reminder that californians voted against gay marriage and had it forced down our throats by the (((courts)))
Mainly ignorance and desire to blame their own native problems on californians. Texans are the biggest problem. Basically, Texas is turning leftwards because of spics and their own homgrown fucktards, like Beto O'Rourke. However, admitting this is too difficult for a texan so they look for a scapegoat and claim that "the californians" are to blame. Meanwhile in reality, californians who leave the state are mostly right wingers who want to escape the utter despair and actual oppression of living in that shitlib brown third world state and generally improve wherever they go.
california is the US of the US
parading niggers and spics around
Stupid yuppies who have never worked with their hands once in their life who think the state needs to do everything from cradle to the grave
That being said obviously decent people live there and it isn't that I hate all Californians, just ones that act like what the image of one is.