This is a photo of the communist youth of Vancouver. Why do these communist youth groups always have the wimpiest weirdest kids in them? Not trying to judge but it’s so common for them to look like betas that it’s unavoidable to mention it. Is there some trait that makes these people go for leftist ideologies?
This is actually depressing
You don't have to be a genius to understand that weak people will band together while strong people will accomplish things on their own.
Weak people in general tend to follow such ideologies were they don't have to work at all to get what they want
Imagine claiming to be oppressed whilst being supported by the most powerful entities in your nation.
Except that strong people (specially the nationalistic right) rallies EVERYONE in their countries to a common cause, at least by nationality, but I understand what you are saying
>Why do these communist youth groups always have the wimpiest weirdest kids in them?
Because these faggots couldn't survive in a society where everything is not just handed over to them. All politics come from a selfish place.
I always ask these people “Don’t you find weird that the most powerful and wealthiest companies support left wing ideology and causes?” And they never seem to understand the concept that they are just pawns to the system they claim to hate
They need somewhere to belong and leftism/fighting natzees is pushed by the establishment as the edgy cool thing to be right now.
They are just emulating their new Chinese masters.
Wait what the fuck are they talking about
These people are so braindead that they openly support multinational companies and help them make money while saying "fuck capitalism"
It's not just the commies.
Pretty much any fringe political group made by youth is going to be full of losers looking to belong to something and feel special and unique without actually having to be or do anything upon their own merits.
Like most of you who are reading this right now.
>Why do these communist youth groups always have the wimpiest weirdest kids in them?
The ideology of communism is to take resources from others.
Of course weak people are the ones most interested in it, because they are the ones that benefit the most.
You think the Chinese provide funding for these things?
It just keeps on getting bigger
NPCs glitched speech
Yeah, those reddit kids are faggots too. The kids who call themselves "Alt right" and ironic internet communists + antifa are all pretty much greasy weirdos.
Just hide your power level and don't make politics your whole identity jesus.
Meanwhile in reality
And people say bullying is bad
>people who worked what they earned want to keep their property
>people who can't/don't want to earn stuff want gibs
Woah, who wud have thought.
Apparently the commies didn't
This is what happened to me, basically. Amusing.
With the exception that soviets and Chinese communists actually came from nothing and experienced hunger every day while an elite controlling them send tons of food to the garbage and used communism as a way to get revenge. These kids are problably in college writing anti capitalist statements on Twitter with their brand new IPhones, that is the huge difference
>rejects and losers can only survive under forced equality
Hmm, no clue.........
>LGBTQIA2S rights
Did they get a fucking bulk discount on letters at the degeneracy store?
This was gonna be my question... they going to steal the whole alphabet now?whatever happened to just calling them fagfots?
The reality
Meanwhile in reality
They did. The basic idea of Marxism is that workers product is stolen from him and he receives only wage.
As opposed to alpha right wing groups lmao
>gets paid.
The biggest problem with Communists is the gay little fist thing they do
Fucking stop that you faggots
Meanwhile in reality
you really proved him wrong by posting a bunch of lard asses.
Aww poor little communist incel is mad
God BBQ is getting longer by the year
at least those people look normal though
Look at all those necks in need of hanging
the reality
at least they look like men
Communism appeals to two kinds of people: losers who think it either means they won't have to work or that everyone else will be as miserable as them, and elites who know it's slavery with even lower standards.
LOL is that supposed to be bad?
2 Spirit
>We fight for peace, democracy, labour rights, LGBTALPHABETSOUP rights and indigenous rights
T. A group of unimaginative greenies who couldn't come up with a decent flag so went with the hammer and sickle.
They would be shot on the way to the gulag to preserve the ideological integrity of the gulag.
Modern commies are just LARPing, ill informed faggots.
How about FITH
> Is there some trait that makes these people go for leftist ideologies?
Yea femininity. Women used to have to depend on men to take care of them. Now they're independent but they're really not. They have to have big government take care of them. Becaus women can't take care of themselves.
And beta so y boys may as well be women.
It’s a plan to counter the media, they always portrait the clash between “nazis” and “heroic heroes of the left” so there is no point fighting them, just stage a protest, don’t show up, have thousands of antifa show up to fight, they end up fighting the police, getting their asses kicked and redpilling police officers and bystanders. Then cucked leftists think they won on The internet
ran out of image macro's to spam soiboy?
what does the blue streak on the american flag mean?
thanks i am a tourist.
Needing photoshop because you have nothing.
Supplementary question:
What the fuck is two spirit?
LOL image macros?
Look at this retarded incel, you are so dumb.
Police lives matter flag. "Blue Lives Matter"
>only 1 chink
Fake Native American new age bullshit.
>nice outfits
>cool shades
>based political beliefs
they seem to be doing everything right
Native americans believe that if you are gay then you have two souls in your body.
So just gay.
>Like most of you
Like you, you little faggot.
Personally, I see a Dr., lawyer, politician, rocket scientist, mathematician, janitor, prostitute, gook, and some welfare collectors.
ah thanks man.
Why do people that want to redistribute wealth always talk about LGBTBBQ fag rights. It's like fucking clockwork. Once communists take hold, these are the first that get gassed.
Is it just the S that is new, or is the A2S new?
Dare I ask what the A2S or A2 and S stands for?
they look like regular people.
as an actual autist let me explain. autists are the men that join those groups. they care little about the politics they want to finally be part of a group that wont reject them. they want to feel powerful and included. nts dont understand that because everybody likes them. with autists were gonna be far sjw left or 1488 right without much of an inbetween due to our way of thinking. but in both cases its them seeking out acceptance more than anything else. i can tell from looking that well ove half those men are autistic. we need to get autists on our side not theirs. the left treats us like niggers. they use us for virtue signalling and making our situation worse its just sick.
So to placate the screeching of Likes-Dick-In-Ass, one member of an entire community, the community add a whole two characters to their already tortured acronym.
About as sensible a decision as I'd expect from liberal "communists".
checked. also faggots need to be punished. theyre all pederasts
> marxist-Leninist
> LGBTQ%@cuc...
Western degeneracy...
They are just kids that want to belong, right wing groups are usually some skinhead -tier and they are way too intimidating for people like that.
It should be classified by leaders and followers.
Leaders are net positive contributors to society, but there isn't many people who step up to lead so they have a small impact on society when alone.
Followers have a net negative on society until they find a leader who helps them become net positive.
Without a leader, the follower would flounder along not knowing how to add value.
Without the follower the leader would only be able to improve things so much alone.
Communists are followers who think they know better than the leaders and can do a better job.
Instead of being a leader though, they have to band all the followers together to destroy the leaders, and anybody who attempts to be a leader that doesn't fit the followers definition.
Basically the difference is how a person responds to outside influence.
A leader sees trash on the ground and picks it up, maybe even talks to some other people who see the trash on the ground and convince them to come out every weekend for an hour or two to pick up some trash with him.
A follower sees trash on the ground and thinks "someone should clean this up". A follower could also see the leader pick up the trash and then be motivated through that to contribute as well.
If you want to be a leader. Be the kind of person that looks at things and decides to take responsibility for it even though you don't have to.
>well dressed
>in shape
Left can't meme nor banter.
Also notice how all the commies in OP's pic are manlets. The Chink is one of the tallest ones there.
Only the weak want equality
You guys lose every fight, it's how the media can portray the right as aggressors.
Bro, we are literally going to kill you one day. You're actually delusional enough to think you're winning. We're going to round you up and do sick shit to you. You're going to die horribly LMAO
They are usually a combination of big egos and poor genes. Just flat out incapable of getting what they want in the current system.
Come on dude that’s kind of f’up... but the day of judgment is comment and the traitors will be judged and they know it’s coming
can't make this shit up
>Bro, we are literally going to kill you one >day
He is Canadian. That is his win strategy
probably but none of them will EVER have a direct dealing with any of them, they always use middlemen ofc
The memes! You guys make the best memes.
Inb4 fuck off new guy
So you're saying that you wouldn't be afraid to fight that absolute unit
Vancouver thats a shame, I would have send a few bomb threats if they were closer