>be german go to Senji for vacations
>really nice owner (blonde blue eyed 21y) she lives next to our house
>me and gf can't sleep because we hear loud moaning cursing and shaking bed at night
>next day she invites us to a beer
>she had scratched arms and back
>turns out she lives alone with 2 big boxers
>our feeling when
Should beatiality be legalized? Or it should stay illegal
The fuck? Illegal, of course.
>MFW perfect Aryan QT gives herself to the dog, but some lads can't score
Literally can't fucking breath
Only blowjobs. Nothing sexual.
>animals are property, no real legal rights
>animals are not sapient or even sentient
>don't understand difference between human, animal or even fake pussy (dick for female animals)
>enjoys the act due to natural instincts only, is completely willing once it realises it gets fugg
keep it legal
this is what I tell my girlfriend, if the dog's excited it just helps calm him down there's nothing wrong with that
Honorary Canadian
It's disgusting, but I can't find reasons for it to be illegal or why should we waste resources prosecuting and imprisoning these people.
I think bestiality is illegal not becasue of girls wanting to get fucked by their dog, but because of furfags males that want to fuck their 20lb terrier and hurt the poor thing....oh and also becasuse "jeebus" said its bad.
Also, if you're some evangelical lawmaker that wants to make beastiality illegal How the hell do you oppose such a law without coming off as a creep youreself?