Fuck this world

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atlest somebodys getting some bussy

Contain your anger user. Don't let it flow through you. It will tear you to pieces.

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You should go to the Middle East and fo the same

Why do you let them steal your young finnish qts?

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How can I contain it.. This is peak degeneration.. It’s like being pinned down watching every conceivable form of degeneracy and injustice unfold before our eyes and the world offers no justice, no reason, no dignity.. Watching everything beautiful be deflowered and desecrated and everything ugly and base be multiplied and enriched.. I long for the collapse.. This is pure Hell on earth.

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You will bring justice, by having many white children and raising them redpilled. The only way to defeat these hordes of commie fags is to breed them out. They do not believe in family and tradition, but we do. They will abort their babies, while we raise ours to carry the flame of white identity.

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I intend to raise as many as I can, and you’re right user.. Thanks for that.

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Stop posting OLD racist bait

Don't you guys have something new compiled at your Russian troll farm??

>tfw I can soon get a 1488 gf and we can kill niggers together during the upcoming race war
feels good man

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They'll fit right in.

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Fuck off Hillary

This is the capital of "your" ""country""

Fuck off Ivan

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ARÂB BÜLL conquering wh*Te female children while Dutch doctors are being locked up for fucking 14 year old (white) """""males"""""

It's the sexual hegemony of the Arab male, i'm sorry to inform you

Kill yourself, unironically

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>muh based Russia

>One of Europe's largest mosques opens in Moscow

>Russia: Drone captures massive Eid al-Fitr celebrations in Moscow

>Russia: The World's Second-Largest Immigration Haven

>part of the plan /Kadyrov’s soldiers (20.000) are ready to kill Ukrainians if Putin will give an order

Crimea: Largest Mosque Ever Built, for Crimean Tatars

Political Islam, Migrant Crime, Terror Cells Challenge Putin Claims of 'Great White Hope'

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Get that nilla lolli

Why contain it? Let it spill over into the schools and churches, let the bodies pile up in the streets. In the end, they'll beg us to save them.

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I activate my trap card

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Reminds me of the news story a while back of Muslim "refugees" in a small Canada town. Men in their 20s were attending fucking high school and hitting on underage girls there. The girls were in terror, but nobody called out Mustapha because of SJW righthink.

>, by putting on a dress.

Top game, I just want to reinstall it again.

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>only half wrong

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Town was Fredericton
School was Fredericton high
I went there
A lot of girls were sexually assaulted and can't go back to school now out of trauma and ptsd- the Muhammad's aren't even being punished

Mudslime Syrian rapefugee murdered a 13-year-old Chinese girl in Canada as well. We need Right Wing Loli Protection Squads now.

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The red pill about Scandinavian is that when you spend 1000 years kidnapping your brides from across the Baltic and North sea, you've bred an uber-race of women who are compliant with being stolen and dominated.

t. Continental masterrace


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This kind of stuff blackpills me extremely hard. At this point I just hate humanity and subhumanity in general

Damn. Absolutely nuts. Imagine a white guy in his 20s enrolling in high school and doing all of that...he would be in prison forever.
