Meanwhile at the White Trump Rally
Meanwhile at the White Trump Rally
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Trump has abandoned the very whites who got him elected, all to embrace the blacks and spics. Absolutely disgraceful.
This guy is pathetic. Gurantee he'd call you racist if you had a Whites for Trump sign. But because he supports Trump he's BASED
He's consistently harmed/ignored the people who got him elected whilst praising Niggers, Spics and Jews whom hate him at every opportunity, it's disgusting
Yup. American whites become the minority so Trump embraces the non-whites. Can't wait for white genocide to really kick off in the next couple years. God damn kikes.
>all those cheering white cucks
s-s-seee! we l-love b-black people. Just don't c-call me a w-waycist! P-please!
He was always a civcuck, I don't know what the fuck you two are on about.
like you didnt shill for the ZOG Emperor in 2016 like the rest of us
>Yup. American whites become the minority so Trump embraces the non-whites.
Good point. Here he is grovelling before the beaners recently.
I wonder (((why))) there is no European heritage month?