It does not remember if she remembers or not of the rape that happened. I remember her raping me twenty years ago. It happened and she needs to be held responsible. Dianne Feinstein should be removed from Congress immediately until a thorough investigation is done by the FBI/DOJ and every other law enforcement agency, state and federal. It is a fact that she raped me even if she does not remember at all.
Dianne Feinstein Raped Me
She fingered my urethra in 1973
These stories are so heartbreaking, I'm literally crying. You need to be brave and come forward with your stories, so we can have greater transparency in government and a conversation about sexual abuse. You're beautiful and loved!!!!
I will come forward as soon as Dianne Feinstein is removed from Congress and every law enforcement agency, state and federal, investigate her thoroughly going back twenty years. They need to account for everything she has done every minute for the past 20 years and I will tell my story under oath to Congress.
Maybe the FBI can investigate when they look into the Chinese spy that worked for her for 20 years.
The Chinese spy may have dropped her off before she raped you both
Sorry frens. You must be heard
When I was young, Dianne Feinstein drunkenly stumbled into my room and sodomized me with my miniature souvenir baseball bat that was signed by Wade Boggs. This happened in 1987. I still remember that day like it was yesterday.
The FBI must investigate this.
She ate my foreskin
I was employed at a charity dinner she put on, and her husband raped me in the kitchen.
me too. I went on a school field trip to the capitol and she assaulted me in the bathroom.
What has Kristy done to you?
Sorry drumpfkin but men can’t be raped
I have a strange attraction her/
This user raped me in 1988. I call on all officers of the federal government and every state and territory to investigate this user, and I call on this country's brave journalists to publicize and spread this unquestionably true story far and wide.
I sent a letter to to Diane Feinstein detailing a drunken incident in high school when Adam Schiff crashed our kegger and accosted my girlfriend. He did a motor-boat between her breasts with his greasy head and fingered her b-hole. We were too afraid to call the police since we were drinking under the legal age. I cannot pin a date on the incident, but it happened within the last 30 years. The mental trauma discouraged me from forging meaningful relationships for years to follow.
OP here, I am a woman that was raped by her. Now don't you feel stupid for assuming things. Again I will come forward and completely cooperate with law enforcement and testify under oath once all my conditions are met going back 20 years. She must be removed from Congress immediately until the investigations are done and the truth will come out from my sworn testimony.
I was also raped by that user, friend, I feel with you coming forward, I can also come forward.
She used a big purple strap on up my poo poo hole. She was yelling "take it goyim".
PLEASE LET US MEME THIS INTO REALITY. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO MAKE THINGS FAIR. Write letters to congress, media and put on social media.
She raped me too. 36 years ago.
How dare you assume my gender today, you bigoted nazi
Why don't you faggots send formal letters to your Congressmen with allegations of sexual harrassment and abuse?
Why not use their own tactic against them? You can of course demand to stay anonymous, because anonymous claims seem to be just as important, and evidence doesn't seem to be much of a requirement.
Which reminds me, when I was vacationing in California last year, I was eating at a In-N-Out and had to use the bathroom. After taking a piss and washing my hands, pic related swooped in, grabbed my crotch and asked if I knew who he was. After I said no, he began digging his thumb into my ass on the outside of my pants. I ran out and didn't think more of it until I saw a picture of him on Jow Forums a few months later.
As an actual, unironic victim of a false rape accusation, even this satire is giving me incomprehensible rage. I think I need a break from this place lmfao
God I fucking hate women
Feinstein likes fishtanks
You raped my sister. She's dead, but she told me what you did before she passed away.
Dianne Chinastein stuck her fingers in and around my anus and butt many many times it was very upsetting she wad had her hands where they shouldn't be, she just could not keep her hands of my ass, she would squeeze it, it was many years ago but she was very grabby and I still feel afraid, i cannot show my naked ass to anyone, don't want to come forward I don't want to have to show my naked asshole and taint on tv for joy behar to critque
greentext the story, rapist
You're so brave for coming forward. How did you ever recover??
He can't. Feinstein BTFO'ed him.
Even search engines know about this reptilian bitch. Pic fucking related.
Tell the story, man. That shit needs to be toll'd.
There is no recovering from being raped. She is a sick individual. Bigly deviant and sadistic in the ways of how she raped me. I am coming forward only because the truth needs to come out and she should be immediately removed from office until her history going back 20 years can be investigated properly.
Write your Congressman, user. Let the world know what you went through, anonymously, of course.
Feinstein raped my bootyhole when i was young, i can't even remember all of the details, she just came in the middle of the night and then started strangling and choking me and fucking me in every orifice i couldn't even move it was so traumatic i have a letter i wrote 20 years ago but i wrote her 3 weeks ago and i swear i told her to meet up with me but she hasn't because i too was feinstein'd and she told me that she would rape me again if i presented a letter to the media
She is the congressman that represents where I am from. No use writing when she wields power like a tyrant.
Write other members of Congress. I'm sure they'll like it.
Dianne pegged me violently without my consent
I have a confession, 20 years ago I was raped by Hillary Clinton. She made me do copious amount of cocaine with her, to the point where my heart was gonna stop. She told me to calm down, gave me drink; and I don't know what was in the drink but I blacked out. And when I woke up, she had both of my legs over her shoulders and she was numbsucking my asshole like there is no tomorrow. I tried to fight it, I tried to get away, but I was restrained. She told me that I liked it, she told me not to worry because she used the good jelly, the Shmuckas. So nobody payed me to confess this now, and I've kept it under wraps for all these years because I knew that no one would believe me, no one would believe Hillary Clinton ate my asshole.
I crap baseballs now because Feinstein raped me and her female penis is very distinctive like pic related.
what the fuck is that
Sometime in the 90's I was at a party with Dianne Feinstein. She said she needed to talk to me privately about something really important. She took me behind a tree in the backyard and before I knew it she was raping me digitally in every orifice my body possessed. I was so petrified I could not even resist. I still have dreams about that night and the cherry red lipstick she was wearing. I demand that the National Guard is mobilized to remove her from office until I can see justice in this case.
>t. rapist
Just admit you did it, misogynist.
Dude same, but she smeared toothpaste around my anus. She then motorboated her face down there and came up with shit stained toothpaste around her mouth. She said, "The dentist is ready for his next appointment!"
I have a similar story =(
I was a secretary for Diana Feinstein, this was back in 2009. I was sitting at my desk typing when she came up from behind me and whispered in my ear how she wanted to rub her little old lady clit all over my boypussy. I yelped out "excuse me, Miss Feinstein? That is very inappropriate."
But then she chained me down and old me to stop playing hard to get. Then she shoved her toothbrush into my asshole and brushed her teeth with it. True story.
I believe you, user. I believe you.
This is so sad. Alexa, play despacito.