We must find a way to make skeletons into a symbol of white supremacy before halloween to trigger the media. Spam white supremacist skeletons all over the place so that by the time halloween comes around, nobody is going to want to hang a skeleton of the fear of appearing racist .
let the spooking commence
Bumping for potential
i'm skkkelly yo.
Nah man, it's good, but you know how all the sjw fucks always bitch about muh cultural appropriation, over halloween costumes?
Figure out whatever the hell the most popular halloween costume this year is going to be, and start posting ass tons of swastikas and Hitlers and "white people unite" "it's okay" whatever with that in the image. Trigger the sjw's and they'll as always, bitch and claim it's a new alt-right symbol. Whatever that costume may be, I don't know, some Paw Patrol outfit, some Ninja Turtle, whatever the heck it is.
You want to get people pissed off at the sjw's, make them call The most bought costume they got for their kids this year, a symbol for nazis. That's far more effective than decorations. And if it works, most parents are going to outraged by sjw's, and the kids of these ultra left pussies otherwise, are never going to forget how sjw assholes didn't let them wear the costume they wanted that Halloween.
Daily reminder of this also
Remember how you guys fucked up the OK sign? That was a stupid fuck-up. Maybe you should stop sabotaging yourselves. You're not that clever. Remember the OK sign
They're scared.
not going to work Jow Forums is pathetic