She's being charged for it

Attached: ElinErsson.jpg (454x566, 39K)

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Good. didn't it turn out the shitskin she was protecting was a woman beater or something?

She writes for vice right?

It couldn't have happened to a nicer girl. Please tell me they are going to throw her in jail with her pet rapefugees for some much needed 'cultrral enrichment'

Shes a dumb bitch. She protected a sexual harasser, they guy wanted to go back. And if she was ever caught alone with her, hed rape her in a heartbeat.

Sweden needs some extra-strength redpills.

She has a very punchable face
Where my German anons at, what's the German word for very punchable face
>Inb5 too lazy to jewgle it

Hahahahaha fuck this retarded skank

Attached: 4L_K0LR4H5t.jpg (1024x695, 103K)

So brave, a progressive hero!!

Kek. I hope it was worth it.

Attached: A7DA6D14-DD8F-47A3-83E6-AC8D1720C246.jpg (337x150, 14K)

she should be committed