Would a monorace even be that bad politically speaking?

No more brother wars? How about no more wars ever? Humanity is your brother. How would that be bad?

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then any slight differences in height, weight, etc would just be bickered at. Fat people being less worth humanity because of their gluttony. Slight skin color differences from things like tanning etc. At least there wouldnt be any niggers

Attached: e6e.png (332x389, 203K)

This. People would be screeching about eye color, hair texture, etc.. Weight will always be a thing.

Just force the fat people to workout until they're thin and make all the manlets take hormones so that we have more cute traps.

fat “people”

well then the monokikes would just start a movement saying that bigger is better, slowly starting to put shit in food to make everyone fat so they take up the majority and then having the mononiggers invade monosweden.

its hard to believe people with such little self control to the point where they actually cause constant health issues for themselves while refusing to change their lifestyle exist. Maybe a week in and boom, back to eating like a hog. Its disgusting.

No that leads to globalism.

There's a lot of 'force' and 'make' in here

>How about no more wars ever? Humanity is your brother.
>No such thing as civil wars