Daily reminder that Jews don't have a motivation for killing the White race nor can they benefit from the death of the White race.
(i) They already have their ethno-state in the middle of some desert surrounded by Muslims, so it doesn't make any sense to think they want to spend their energy to destroy White countries like the U.S. or Sweden.
(ii) Even within the U.S., Jews are the most successful group both economically and politically, so they don't have any motive or need to take things from others.
(iii) If most Jews are parasitic as Jow Forums argues, why would a parasite want to see the death of its host? Parasites need a well nourished host in order to survive and thrive, but if one thinks it's true that Jews are seeking for end of the White race that presumably feeds them, then he also has to agree that Jews can't be parasites.
Now we logically concluded that Jews are not a threat nor are they parasitic, we can also say that there is no reason to hate the Jews.
>but muh this old hag on Youtube said they are going to make all Western countries multicultural Only because some crazy bitch from a certain race said crazy shit, that doesn't mean the whole race of her is willing to do so. I can get tons of examples of liberal whites who support BLM movement everywhere, so does that mean Whites are inherently worshiping Blacks? Yeah, I figured so.
Success breeds jealousy. Whites hate Jews as Blacks hate Whites. That doesn't mean the hatred is reasonable and justified. Get over it.
>They already have their ethno-state in the middle of some desert surrounded by Muslims Good. So they can get the fuck out of our countries or they can get a bullet. You've convinced me.
Jason Phillips
With that logic, all German-Americans should go back to Germany.
Jonathan Allen
German-Americans are white. Kikes are semitic demons in league with satan, they can either go back to their accursed sandpit or they can die. I'm fine with either, no pick.
Brody Hall
>why would a parasite want to see the death of its host? They aren't trying to kill the host, just modify it into a castrated docile automaton much like pic related.
> They already have their ethno-state in the middle of some desert
I doubt Israel would even want American jews since actually has to be able defend itself and it's borders. Accepting a lot of leftist american jews would be as suicidal for them as letting in muslims, as one would lead to the other.
Jewish hypocrisy on this issue is real, but it's the middle-aged whose the worst about it. The younger cohort is progressive to the core, to the point of arguing against their ethnic interests.