Black Jow Forumser here gonna be voting straight red NOV

Tired of the SJWs in TV
tired of them in movies,comics, programming languages
tired of them trying to destroy men
the family
nation states
I know the GOP isnt the greatest but its literally them or all hell breaking loose

i hope you faggots arent sitting home sulking and go out and vote

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Now convince your nigger friends to the same

most of my nigger friends arent voting. Just one i know who is voting and he voting republican anyway.
The great thing about the media polling is that they are making the same mistake again with polling saying trump approvals are low. Leaving the libs to believe they wont have to go out and vote to seal the deal.

Good job...Nigger. Stay strong.

That’s great, does the 3/5 law still apply to your kind? You ought to ring up a couple homies and get them to vote like you, assuming they know how to read and write.

Well then drop redpills on those niggers, my nigger. The best thing blacks could do at this point, is to stop voting for the democratic party. Remember the dems starter the kkk.

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Retarded shill thread for ez (you)'s.

based niggers
love, peace and understanding to all

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Actually based.

This excessive SJW shit everywhere is really starting to get to me too, it's been on overdrive recently.

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Whats the vibe in the black community with regards to politics. I know shitlibs are frothing at the mouth about blumpf do black people give a shit?

Can we all agree we’ll get more accomplished if we stop calling each other niggers. Fuck the sjws when we call each other niggers were proving their point

You’re not black

Shut the fuck up nigger

Good man

Kanye, that you?

Based OP:

Democrat leaders are for Open Borders which will bring tens of millions of MORE Mexicans/Latinos into America. How the fuck can this be a good thing for Black Americans? These Mexicans are going to be taking jobs, housing, benefits away from a shitton of Black Americans. Plus Mexicans tend to be more racist against Blacks than Whites. So why the fuck are ANY Black Americans voting Democrat at all? Seems they should all be voting Republican just to keep hordes of Mexicans out of America.

Go away, nigger
Stay strong, faggot
Genuine chuckle

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>watch House Of Lies
>the ending is literally "oh we really want to be parents but fuck taking all this money and raising our kid ourselves, we'll hire a nanny and keep working"
Jews really hate the thought of parents raising their own kids

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WOW a black with a high IQ, welcome to our club

Right on man. Read Stalag Mein Kampf and take pride in your racial distinctiveness.

No one cares who you vote for. Your DNA is low IQ, please dont reproduce.


Do it for us who can't vote

All the retards here. Try reading into national socialism and see why protecting your wonderful race is important

High five

Good on you Hotep.