>back off
>back off
>i doubt it
>go ahead.. take a swing
*throws bat*

Attached: F6C6E85F-9C90-4052-BB09-7AF718C5765B.png (750x1334, 1.75M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Did they eat him?

Fuck those fat fucks, they deserve to be put to death. Killing a father over some trash.

we don't have universal healthcare due to people like this

It was over being hit with a bat. Didn't you watch the video user?

>8-4-4-4-12 picture ID
Why is this being shilled so hard? Here and Jow Forums.

The father was clearly more trashier than the mattress he tried to throw away. Talk shit get hit.

why are they shirtless

It's hot in Texas.

no its because we arent retarded and want to give more money to fat niggers


no user, orange fag deserved to die, and he did...good riddance

>swing a bat at a geriatrics head
>muh mattress

rest in piss orange crush


Attached: Steve.jpg (1000x555, 47K)

Vote now

>Orange Crush's rap sheet
They did society a favor.

Attached: 1537500388259.png (1853x978, 313K)

Trash killing trash over trash, also telling him go ahead and swing will probably end up biting them in the ass in court. its a shame everyone in this situation didnt end up dead


>that one cuck that voted miller

The guy with the shotty deserves to die, since he did technically kill someone.

>Agro orangoutang acting like a nigger, probably a fair bit of nigger genes

>put down by white father and son

Anyone who sides with orangoutang is a filthy kike whose ancestors shouldve been gassed in 1941

>kill someone
>deserve to die

how fucking retarded can you actually be
youre living evidence of npc

Attached: gfhfg.png (1273x752, 132K)

back off

>bringing a bat to a gun fight

Attached: 1537141825285.jpg (960x599, 94K)

he violated the NAP, their actions were justified

Dump the mattress, face the fatness

My daddy once told me
>never bring a roastie with an iPhone to a gun fight.

Attached: 1537341782475.jpg (480x375, 46K)

i took that screencap. There was actually more if you scrolled up.

>no stock
>still proper shoulder position

can some one post the webm?

Attached: FATVAL.jpg (303x166, 10K)

Was it the son that fired the first shot?

lol he's dead now and i approve.

Attached: 9856838585.png (315x185, 144K)

if you take a screenshot on your phone the filename gets assigned automatically like that, its based on time and meant to be unique each time

No, the father.

None of these are real crimes though, just trumped up American legal system bs to keep a man chained.

That maniac was long overdue for a reckoning. Men like this live their lives as violent bullies, it was only a matter of time before he got got

Good riddance. And you are a faggot too by the way

If you were smart and actually read the post I was replying to you wouldn't have been so emotional.


I see a lifetime of violating the NAP.

>be American
>own guns
>get into shootout and kill one another over territorial garbage rights

Attached: 974546174281421.jpg (700x498, 52K)

Attached: funy.png (662x756, 92K)


Based Wyatt Burp.

Attached: 1537493961846.png (414x616, 463K)

>shockwave socrates

Whatever faggot thing you have to say about these people. This represents the United States as a whole better than most incidendents. And it’s not positive in any light. Be ashamed, be ashamed about how you think. Neither or these people wanted this, no one. Not one, not you, you think you’re enthralled but you’re bored cause you’re nothing.


all trumped up just tryin keep a nigga down

>people defending the father

you should be in the dirt along with him

>I got hit with a bat, let me take justice into my own hands.

(Calmly) "BACK OFF"

Back off

Literally the woman's fault. For egging them on and probably for being the one who wanted the mattress thrown there in the first place.

It seemed to me that the shirt wearing idiot might have taken a swing while the camera is panned away.
That idiot thread to kill them multiple times.
And honestly when the dad says "If you come within three feet of me I'm gunna kill you" and the replies "ok"
This might have been suicide by neighbor.

the wife didn't intervene because she was so used to him getting his way through bullying and roidrage



It was a Mossberg Shockwave? I've never thought a meme gun would be use in anger.

Attached: 20114275.jpg (500x500, 8K)

Threatened not *thread*

orangegoutang was homophobe so he deserved it

If only orange crush had been a nigger, we’d have chimp outs to look forward to.

Guns are a manlet's best friend

What happened to the mattress Jow Forums?

Attached: thingken.png (500x465, 116K)

The older one with the gun? To be fair he warned the other guy a few times to back up.

more like
>be american
>own guns
>use them to defend yourself when somer tard comes at you with a bat

buying a CCW was literally the best choice i made after getting citizenship desu

Became his grave

t. ape who would get within 3 feet of me

This is basically a scene out of the Old West. I bet gunfights happened like this every day back in Texas in the 1800s over trivial shit like property lines, water rights, ownership of cattle and minor thieving.

>threatens multiple times to kill them
>has a criminal record long enough to make a blanket out of
>jury will consist of red blooded Texans

These guys are getting off scot free

Attached: carry.gif (676x509, 94K)

its his tombstone now

What are the names of the father and son?

Yea I agree, its just a mattress. When I catch my wife cheating on me I just express my displeasure and hurt with her bull.

Thank you user for the daily womanredpill

What is this shit

Go suck a cock already.


Attached: DnbaQgmVAAAyzb4.jpg (1200x692, 62K)

>retard who has never been in a life ending situation

John Marston and Michael Myers

kek digits

>stand outside without your clothes on
>holding guns
>son at backup position
100% deserved

Attached: 1537499172239.png (577x1037, 511K)

Gut Cassady and the Cheeseburger Kid

>arrested 2 dozen times
>but those aren't """"real crimes"""""
You are a nigger confirmed.

I wonder how much orange shirt tried to bully those guys over the years.

no you're a fucking faggot

post the vocaroo that one guy did for us

updated your chad meme 4 U

Attached: Chad.jpg (2518x1024, 977K)

I'm siding with the Dukes on this one.

Orange fag fucked with the wrong rednecks.

>be ashamed
I wish more Americans were like this and my country followed.

it was definitely the gunfight at the not ok corral

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>not a single violent crime or act of aggression
>muh nap

Not taking sides, but using his criminal record here is only aiding the long American tradition of warehousing people for profit.

it is extremely fucked up they killed the guy but what kind of hot head gets a bat and confronts to idiots with guns and their shirts off. you immediately get out of there and live to fight another day. not yell at motherfuckers with guns. that guy was an idiot and got himself killed by provoking those fat idiots.

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Not an argument

Attached: 220px-Stefan_Molyneux_2014-02-10.jpg (1453x862, 64K)

That wasn't life endangering. It was a bunch of retards orange shirt included that didnt want to back down.
It was over a fucking matress. Arguments happen all the time.
Keep larping youre justification for the 2A that your life is always endangered.

Nothing of value was lost, and nothing of further value will be lost if the father/son end up rotting in jail. They probably won't though - they don't have an obligation to retreat, and the dead POS was certainly threatening them enough to make it reasonable for them to assume they were under threat of a physical confrontation. At the end of the day, all of it was completely unnecessary, all around. Just white trash playing stupid games and winning stupid prizes.

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>all those states turning green in the last 2 years
Based and redpilled

cause fat niggers are the only ones that get sick amirite?