The cure to underachievement

The end boss of the all-encompassing war for the future of the white race is the weakness and inertia that resides within each one of us, blocking our creative, political, financial potential. If it were somehow possible to get our lives together and become disciplined, the war will be won right there and then.

Brothers, I come bearing a gift for you. Many of our kind are smart, but run out of motivation to do productive things and better our lives.
I've come up with a technique to overcome this fatal lack of will/discipline/routine.
We have trouble doing things repeatedly or continuously because of an "inner rebel", a contrarian force that is triggered when we try to give ourselves an order. Being a Jew (but a Nazi Jew) I have figured out a way to deceive this inner resistance to discipline.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Here's what you do to finally become effective and disciplined.
Instead of telling yourself "I must read/program/train/whatever for 5 hours every day" (which triggers your inner nigger to refuse or sabotage this work schedule,) you take the opposite approach.
You're allowed 2 1-hour work blocks per day and no more. You set the alarm, and once it goes off you don't get to work any more even if you feel you're not done. The magic of this is that your inner nigger will now work in the opposite direction, and for the rest of the day you'll now find yourself keenly thinking about the next 2 hours and how to spend them efficiently. You might sneak in some extra work here and there when the desire becomes just overwhelming.
See how that works? Now instead of half-assing a 5-hour routine for a week and quitting, you'll be putting in 2 hours of pure focus, plus a lot of auxiliary time thinking about your work instead of how you used to cast it aside and purge your mind of it formerly.
Humans are stubborn. When we force tasks upon ourselves, our impulses undermine us. When we force limits upon our work, the same stubbornness works in the opposite direction.
That's my system for overcoming procrastination, inconsistency and a (seeming) lack of will.

I am a Doomer.

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We are all doomers here, in doomerism we've finally found our accurate reflection.


I remember you from that thread the other day calling it your "inner nigger". I was one of the people who said he'd try it.
It's worked to an extent so far, I've done it the past 2 days. Along with being slightly less of a lazy pos, I can feel that the subtle change in mindset makes me feel better in general. Gonna do it again tomorrow. No reason not to.

How do you motivate yourself to succeed if you're completely apathetic? I'm a loser and failure but don't care. I could do this forever if I wanted to.

I'm starting to come across more and more anons who say it's working. Feels good man!
Spread it to ourguys, don't tell the leftists.

I love Doomer threads. I can relate in some way to almost all of the Doomer memes.

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It's for those who want sonething, and apply efforts sporadically, but who find their will and motivation failing over and over.
If you're apathetic and don't have any ambitions for the moment, then you might not actually be a loser, you might not need to change anything for the time being.
I mean, fundamentally change comes from discontent and my method is merely a way to make the change succeed. Until you feel sufficient discontent, you won't have the desire to change.

Best way to fix your bad habits is to replace them with less bad habits, working up until you're where you want to be. Unless it's something real shitty, then cold turkey is the only way I've found.

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Like sone user said in another doomer thread, "where has this meme been for the last 8 years?"

man i wish there were more steampunk doomes like us

I am a bloomer, AMA

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almost me
I keep seeing these doomer memes, is this new psyop gen-meme? But it really hits me in the feels. I did have some progress but i am falling back in that ditch, i use to be in. But i know its only temporary. but i got to act fast.
Also on a side note, are all doomers in good physical shape and decent looking? I dont want to be relating with losers.

Probably every third young white guy will end up in the doomer camp.


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wallowing in the blackpill doesn't seem very heterosexual either user

it turns out all the "self-improvement" stuff is a lie
if you don't got a gf, you're just going to be miserable

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get a bf

The doomer meme is blackpilled, but not blackpilling.
These threads are full of a dark latent hope, of expectation. That's a big part of their unique power and draw.

That's just Kaizen for twisted fuckers

Sounds just like using a time-block schedule. But "inner nigger" makes it hilarious so I will give it a shot.

Greetings fellow Doomers, get of your asses. set a one hour timer, do as much productive shit as you can in that hour, then reflect.
Adolf, Varg Vikernes, Joseph Goebells were all Doomers too at a time. Adolf used to work his ass off, and at the end of the day it was either food or a book.

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Here is some Doomer music.
Pic related, former Doomer.

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>just pull urself up by ur bootstraps xD
no. you have to change the incentive structures. there is no alternative. the right is so ineffective that it's only hope is tweaking them after (surviving) a civilizational collapse.

There's more to life than having a girl friend. If you believe all there is to life is a girlfriend then even if you get a girlfriend your going to be needy as fuck as your girlfriend will become your life.

You need some hobbies or something that fulfilling user.

If you have to wash the dishes, and too fucking lazy, it's ok, just walk over to the sink and look at them. Then you might as well wipe the food off some of the plates. Ah sure you might aswell do all of them. Now you could just turn on the tap for no reason. Now you might as well wash one dish... another one... another why not.... look! you washed them all, huh. You only have to dry and put them away.

Come Knok on my Door faggot.

I just focus on how disgusting the dishes can look, then I purge the degeneracy from them.

Good Stormfag humour

Best one yet Op .

Also worth saying, the key to being able to accomplish things easily is habits and reinforcing attitudes. Generally it takes 66 days to develop a habit that's automatic where attitude changes can take much longer, but they are well worth it as they help change how to respond to your environment making things easier and less painful.

god damn this is good

>pull yourself up by the bootstraps

After you'd tricked gravity into reversing its direction
for when your done with the former.
Yea I befriended some Nat Soc Fascist dude on Normie Book and he showed me them, I can't believe I've never heard of them until a week ago.

Based leaf. I remember the “inner nigger” philosophy from a few days ago, sound advice. You will be spared on the day of the rake.

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I wouldn't go that far, maybe just raked a few times

>tfw you've empowered your own executioners and they're now using efficient bursts of disciplined work to get at you

Siege is a psyop. Just read the Stalag version of Mein Kampf and skip to the political half if you have to.

>has never been drunk but drinks more than he should
this is me, I can drink so much, even to the point of puking or blacking out, and I am still sober acting as fuck, I can slur my words, but I don't get angry, don't fight, don't do stupid shit, pretty much just act the same, my friends and mother have told me that I get sober when I drink. What the fuck is this?

I own the Stalag Edition, great book, but skip to the necessary relevant parts first if you must and then go to the parts of lesser interest to you. Great book, was not what I expecting.

It encapsulates the failing of 1.0: they were strong and principled guys, but they utterly failed to grow the movement. They remained marginal and small and scattered.
On an individual level, there's a lot to be gaibed fron reading Siege. On an organizational level, it's more a manual of what NOT to do if you want to gain ground.

No you’re right no mercy, that’s God’s job.

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Except for concealed carry and graying hair, this is me. I'm 33 though.

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Rare trip flag

what's the deal with all these GUID filenames?

I don't know but I react the same to drinking. I just can't look straight.

We would've felt pathetic for identifying with this character a few years back, because society's consensus looks down on him.
Now that the blackpill has been digested and we look down on society, seeing our reflection in the doomer makes us feel... Something else.
Something we most surely have no loicense to feel.

I be phone posting

Grandpa! N-noooo!!!

The subtle lift in mood is probably because you're no longer guilting yourself that you haven't done more.
It's another perk, once you do thd two hours you're finished for the day and you don't feel guilt, just a desire to get to work and hit it harder during tomorrow's 2 hours.

essentially, this more closely resembles me.
i am buying a house right now until i buy land and build a homestead in 3-5 years when my children are older and more manageable.
i have a couple of friends who will put their own homes on the land and. one is a programmer and the other builds new tech.
i have my websites and i like to work with wood, though once i have the space i'll have a workshop that will allow me to work on anything.

very solid setup
the bloomers need to pull the doomers out of their rut

This is a great thread and these are great posts, good job leaf. Now I'm going to wash my hands after typing that compliment, and you know what I think I'll even do the dishes you syrup chugging dog fucker. Keep fighting the good fight.

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Whats good brother. Glad you are posting your plan again!
>your Jow Forumsack brother

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You're a scholar and a gentleman.

People are getting back to me on this, so far everyone is telling me they've become unusually productive.
I'll keep pushing this, and you'll have my eternal gratitude if you help this idea spread among ourguys.

This is a blessed and based meme. Thank you for sharing. Don't let anything stop you from remaining positive when dealing with the infinite blackness we face. Well done m8.

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>Probably every third young white guy will end up in the doomer camp.
Sounds hopeless m8, hope I dont ever end up in the pit of despair you are in.

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>it turns out all the "self-improvement" stuff is a lie
>if you don't got a gf, you're just going to be miserable
Have children user, you will be fertile well into your 60's and roasties always love older men. It's never too late for you if you choose to commit to yourself and your families future. Your people fought hard for you to be here, don't let them down.

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Take this thread as an example. Is it full of despair? Not really. I mean, our view of reality is grim for sure. But almost none of the people itt are hopeless or passive.

Something's happening, now that the black pill has been digested. The atmosphere has changed and something's stirring.

You and I will have down a great mitzvah if we can awaken our volk at least a little. Hope is the ultimate redpill.

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Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song

Didn't see that was your post, sorry for the mixed messaging, my bad. Lets save our fellow anons from the doomer blackpilled abyss. There is always hope.

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I’ve seen some people get very autistic about this where they will block schedule their entire day. They break down their waking hours into sections and set an alarm on their phone when it’s time to move on to the next block. Setting up a block lets them focus on 1 thing or subject for a certain amount of time before they move on to a different subject to give all of your attention to. Kind of like high school where you have a bell to go from math class where you do nothing else other than math to history class where you do nothing but learn history for example. 2 1 hour blocks is doable.

Absolutely. Good to see you on here again.

The 2x1hour limitation is at the very heart of this scheme.
It isn't merely time blocks, it's imposing a limitation that makes you psychologically chase your work instead of it chasing you

>advice people on how to not be underachievers
>posts a regurgitated wojak meme

Did you pose infront of that huwheat field or do you possess a volkisch aura that grows them wherever you go?

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Yeah let's do it, that's my objective.

The doomer stage is the darkest moment before dawn. We are now in possession of the full truth (redpill) and its implications (blackpill). I'd rather be here than have the alienation and dissonance of my former bluepilled self. Once you have the truth as the basis lf your actions, you can be effective.

I just want to die at this point.

Are you overworked?


your answer is in this improved version

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You are wise beyond any accolade i can bestow. Glad to be here with you user.

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OP, you are working with powerful light, thank you for being strong in the face of the leviathan. We must be hawks when amongst hawks, and a dove when amongst doves. The path is narrow but worth all your struggles and pain. Pave the way forward for your people and pay the price, nothing else is worth buying.

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I've lost everything, have no job but a great engineering degree, can't motivate myself to do anything, feel like I've failed in every capacity of life, and don't see any way to make up for my failure.

I would ironically choose fighting in a war for 5 years over doing another 4 months of this.

The good leaf brutally murdering the bad leaf.

What a timeline to be alive..

>doomer theme song

Whatever we may have been robbed of, we WILL get experience the joy of the fight. We will get to fight alongside each other both here and in reality, and some ofnus will get to see mew things arise from the corpse of this debased, emasculated, lobotomized society

Have you seen the increasingly forced-meme-new-ocs that Jow Forums is suffering?

Fist the npc meme.
Now the doomer meme.

JIDF's are working extra time to try and force Jow Forumss narrative.
They are failing thou.

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What kind of engineering?

Back when I was 23 I was the biggest underachiever in the world. Living in filth, making about 11k a year. Living on my own in the country.

Now -- only slightly better. 30 years old, 120k a year. Own property and rental in a city. But still I waste all day everyday. I could have a family by now. I could have my own business(es).

But instead I lay around and listen to bullshit.

I honestly think people don't fundamentally change much in their life. And I'm lazy to the core.

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Fuck off shill.

marine systems engineering, and I have an unlimited horsepower coast guard license for steam, diesel, and gas turbine engines. Among other things

>I've lost everything, have no job but a great engineering degree, can't motivate myself to do anything, feel like I've failed in every capacity of life, and don't see any way to make up for my failure.
>I would ironically choose fighting in a war for 5 years over doing another 4 months of this.
I have been empty and purposeless before, but I swear to you that you can pull yourself from the darkness. In fact the experience will make you far more powerful than your peers if you can steady your ambition and stalk your purpose. Small efforts echo loudly in your future, but you must believe in yourself. No one will understand until you fight for yourself. Nothing is an obstacle unless you quit. You have learned much and paid for your knowledge, use your new found data and build. It's the only way forward and you will be miles ahead of your contemporaries if you incorporate your profound loss into your new calculess. Your Spirit is all you have at the end of the day user, Don't let it be diminished.

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Wanna give my scheme a shot?
It doesn't rely on your base industriousness changing, it's just a cognitive way to think and feel differently about work.

>dont like a meme
>must be psyops

>dont like a thing
>must be the jews
common thinking here


Canuck has figured out the greatest mystery of our lifetimes.
All of this vile and degenerate behaviour that has poisoned our great society is niggerism.
In time it infects our body, mind and soul, it is medically called as stress and depression.
> Inner Nigger = Depression

Lets purge that stinky tyrone, that was planted into us by this vile-enabling society.
"We’re all gonna make it!"

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you fell for the no motivation, 'whats wrong with those millenials' these days evidenced by your pic related.

Nobody fucking with an iota of iq in the west thinks that millenials caused the housing bubble or the jobs crisis from automation. Are you retarded?

There is nothing wrong with millenials, they relatively speaking were born with a shit lot in the west. There are houses averaging in canada alone in toronto or vancouver that run 1million + as the AVERAGE STARTER home.

Who do you think you are? I guess stagnant wages vs rising inflation is our fault too. KILL YOUR SELF.

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Leave a throwaway email if you want. Jow Forums is a jobs board sometimes for useful people like yourself.

May I suggest working on open-source projects for now? We do after all have insanely good modeling, cad, cam, simulation, all freely available to torrent.

The jobs market is fucked, abusive and demeaning right now, it's a time where neetdom+projects, or building your own modest revenue streams, makes a lot of sense.

who the fuck WHO IS SANE WHO COULD ENJOY IT wouldn't want to be degenerate? This board is full of faggots who have such anxiety they can't even talk to their own family, let alone get laid ina positive feedback loop spelling their own demise.

If you were a normal person facing the economic diaster every western millenial faces in the housing and job market, who wouldn't want to use escapism. You are literally retarded if you cannot understand the common sense motivation behind this.

The degeneracy was created ironically by our own parents the boomers who fucked this society up.

I broke up with my girlfriend and now I’m living the life of a complete degenerate, having empty sex with a new girl every week while pining for the girl I love.

How do I escape this life, user?

interesting, that's something I hadn't really considered at all- I don't know how that would work- where would I leave the temporary email/ where would I find open source projects on Jow Forums (unless if I'm thinking about this wrong).

And thanks, user.

Thanks man, that's- well pretty much the most constructive/positive thing anyone's said to me in the past 2 months.