I just don't care. People deserve death. I will deliver it upon them.
Also, fuck the jews.
I just don't care. People deserve death. I will deliver it upon them.
Also, fuck the jews.
Other urls found in this thread:
Errr you alright man? Not gonna do something that we'd all regret are you?
it doesnt carew what happens 2 u either
Do not do anything stupid.
Just sit back and enjoy the show and watch the world burn.
Fucking try me. Tell me again not to do it.
Whatever, just give us a heads up so we can watch the news.
calling the mounties to have your rakes and leafblowers confiscated.
Hopefully just start a purge.
u 'avin a go cunt?
don't be a bitch and just kill a few people. Make a plan like a god damn man and conquer
>grad you cud make it utaa
>watchu you tone wid me boy. you may be da plince but i stirr you supellia as a paradin
use something crazy and improvisational so you dont get guns or knives or vans banned
be original
The bourgeoisie incites the workers of one nation against those of another in the endeavor to keep them disunited. Class-conscious workers, realising that the break-down of all the national barriers by capitalism is inevitable and progressive, are trying to help to enlighten and organise their fellow-workers from the backward countries.
"Capitalism and Workers’ Immigration", in Za Pravdu No. 22 (29 October 1913); Collected Works, Vol. 24. (Vladimir Lenin)
use a frozen, sharped, immigrant as your weapon
I am planning.
This post encapsulates one of the reasons.
> (You)
>use something crazy and improvisational so you dont get guns or knives or vans banned
>be original
>do synagouges have armed rabbis/are they a gun free zone?
just please wear an I'm Still With Her t-shirt while you do it
owning canada just not enough for you, xiang?
«My name is not important» the Thread?
welcome to Jow Forums, you're here forever
Why don’t you drink a bag of milk and sleep on it, user
i said dont use guns, dammit
use a razor sharp rake.
for the lulz
take me first, leaf of vengence
he should use a spiked menorah
>mad at things
>go on /pol and leafpost
I can't fucking wait for the rake
the jewskewer
Fucking doomer.
Right there with ya, except for the Jews part. Gotta get off that shit, that's old world previous century concerns.
What we need now is a massive culling of the population unilaterally across the globe.
It can't be in just one area or nation, we have to all be "sad" about it..... I won't be though, it's needed.
I just hope we get to watch it go down on livestream somewhere, that's my only wish or no deal.
No livestream of the culling = most epic fail of all time.
perfect use of that maymay
Expand your mind with information instead:
Western civilization will probably break down within 5 years so just wait until then.
strong words from something that needs to be raked into a lawn bag.
> yep this checks out
Stay frosty northern bro. Ya fuckin’ leaf.
Yes and this place is probably why i will end up doing it and then kill myself.
I might. No promises. Though youll know on the news if it's me i guess. remember this.
do u have a death wish user?
How the fuck do I do it with a rake.
Fck you leafnigger you're one of us too.
Im between 25-30 nigger.
Give us a clue so we'll know it's (You).
Get the fuck outta my face cunt
You west coast my nigga?
>How the fuck do I do it with a rake.
just make it reall sharp and hit em
or use the jewskewer
What are you planning? Make sure to invite me!
Do it, kill are (((Muslims))).
Digits for world war 3
posting in this thread so i'm put on a FBI watchlist
shut up, leaf.
WoW went to shit after wotlk.
Also gas the jews.
You know, people keep saying that..you know?
It's not happening fast enough. The housing market bubble needs to pop. 10-20 years for the boomers to die off.
Not sure if you're LEO, this place is probably crawling with them. Sufficit to say, the wheels are already turning and soon they won't be able to be stopped..
Check'd. What the fuck.
Also where underground do you mean? Darkweebs?
The fact that individuals in the working class are too stupid and weak to be anything other than working class is literal proof your ideas are a joke.
That’s why historically whenever they gain power, it ALWAYS has and ALWAYS will crumbled in their hands.
Once failures. ALWAYS failures. As sure as the sun will rise.
There’s your harsh red pill.
Based Croat
user this is a really dark path and im worried about you, please don't do anything crazy. just ride the wave like the rest of us :(
But if you were to do something crazy then wouldn't it make more sense to take out a top jew instead of shooting up a synagogue? I mean it would send more of a message telling them that they aren't invincible and we can fuck with them.
Also which province are you planning? I'm not tryna die yet there is so much hope if you just look around g
yeah for real g don't kill anybody fuck was i saying
Telling the normalfags.
thats why i told him to use a rake
you cant kill anyone with a damn rake what is he revenge of the groundskeeper or something?
go chug some maple syrup, smoke some BC bud, and take a nap you grumpy leaf OP
Her Majesty looks pretty good for being older than dirt. Shame about her spawn marrying the nigger.
Solipsism (/ˈsɒlJpsJzəm/ (About this sound listen); from Latin solus, meaning 'alone', and ipse, meaning 'self')[1] is the philosophical idea that only one's own mind is sure to exist. As an epistemological position, solipsism holds that knowledge of anything outside one's own mind is unsure; the external world and other minds cannot be known and might not exist outside the mind. As a metaphysical position, solipsism goes further to the conclusion that the world and other minds do not exist.
I have some issues preventing my physical body from working properly, few years now, leg surgery complications. Long slippery slope of shitty happenings lead me this place. I think me like many others have nothing to live for.
Tf you lazy asshole provide some information. You can't rabbit hole me with names. I'm past that point.
How the fuck can you tell me that the jews planned for themselves to be killed. Oh wait-
Wait what the fuck are you trying to say?
I think its a bot or some kind of troll im confused too dw
You can't bot past captcha, can you?
How old are you? What shitty things happened to you?
before you do it buy a bunch of qurans and try to convince everyone you've converted to Islam
Pretty sure you can get an express pass to bypass captchas or write script that sends the captcha to india and some poo in loo solves it for you for 1c
They are attempting a harvest of souls.
The "Jews" are.
i went from making solid gains in the gym with muh genetics, to having leg surgery and now being fucked with no chance of recovery. its been ten years. this angst didn't happen overnight with me or anyone else who is hopeless in this world. and retribution for the shit i have to deal with on a daily basis must be dealt.
I fucking can't handle it anymore. People deserve to die.
The NPC's are waking up.
If you're wheelchair bound, get a big gun, go to the range.
It helps.
sadness breeds despair. despair breeds envy. envy breeds malice. malice breeds outright contempt.
i'm at the end stage anons.
Are you wheelchair bound now? How mobile are you?
Are you saying people deserve to die because of what you have to deal with on a daily basis? Can you take me through a day in the life?Sorry for so many questions I just want to try and help you as much as I can.. I'm worried for you
read this you faggot
try your best to make it look like you've converted to Islam
so sick of these non Islamic shooters
don't make it worse for the rest of us you cuck
shut up faggot you're not going to convince him
Its ok user im here for you too
Ego narcissist.
You should be the corpse in his place.
Less people like you would make living in a fucking chair not so bad.
But this ain't a fucking fairytale.
Don't do it, bitch
it would be one thing to be crippled and constrained to a chair and have a wordless message to everyone who laid eyes on me.
I am able to walk, but i have muscles in my legs that are necrotic. They are dead. They no longer function. Now when you have that, your biomechanics get ratchet as fuck and the longer the worse it gets. It is basically like having ALS. Because every single muscle is constantly doing a job it isn't meant to.
Constant pain, constant headaches. Constant drugs. Constant bills for drugs. And constant misunderstanding from fuckers who don't know me and put me in a box based on an attitude i have from being in constant misery. if i couldn't move, at least then the pain would exist from the fuckeried up legs from stationary in a chair and i could dose myself into oblivion.
the act of doing anything fuckeries up my entire lower to upper chain in a matter of hours.
Sounds like you'd be better off without the deadweight.
Good, you my friend have discovered the true essence, wich is to just watch the world burn
I'm so sorry that this happened to you, genuinely brought a tear to my eye. I know this won't do much to help your pain but I want you to know that you are loved and are worthy as a human being. No matter what anyone says, thinks or does just know that I care about you and I wish you the best. You are stronger than most of the people on this board for going through what you have. 10 fucking years you have gone through hell and back, that in itself is an amazing feat. You truly have the most spirit I have heard of in a while. As for a solution, if you're serious about ending your life please contact a help line or go see a support group. If that doesn't sway you to hold on longer then I would consider removing your leg. Please don't die yet user...
fuck everything
Aye, this.
Lop off your useless limbs, correctly.
Then you say you've at least fought to live, as your right to take another's life.
But trust me, you're not the only one, alone, unique, nor the most miserable.
Fight for your right to live, before throwing away your gift of life.
And if you die in the process, may you have at least found meaning.
i will screenshot this for when i get sad.
welcome to the club, faggot
I'm going to head to bed user, I'll try and check back in tomorrow on you :) have a great day tomorrow.
we're all gonna fucking make it boys; if not, see you all on the other side.
>Ikke bliver alt det som er mörkt i luften til regn
Not every cloud that darkens the day brings rain
Aye, second this notion Goodnight OP, remember that dead limbs are just that.
OP, I read most of your posts. I understand you're frustrated with the way things are in the world. But you need to realize that there's more to life than just this physical world.
Yes, we can try our best to mold it how we want to. Although when things don't turn out alright, we can't just get up set and say everything is lost. The fact of the matter is this:
This physical world is not worth losing your soul over nor even worth forfeiting your life.
If you have the wherewithal to plan, plan something constructive and not destructive. At the end of the say, a simple act of violence is just that. Simple. And a simple solution to complicated problems in the world wont make any changes that work towards what you want to see. I guarantee that you wont be satisfied at the end of it. Because you'll realize that you could've worked for something real with your life. You could've built something to last.
Turn to Jesus. I'm not arguing for it, I'm telling you how it is. Because Jesus is trying to free us from the physical world that is so messed up. He'll come down after His thousand year reign and finally bring the final terrible judgement. People think it's cuck that we can't go barbarian on sinners, but it's actually a grace period for them to recognize what's wrong in the world. How it's useless and only being with the Lord matters.
You recognize there is wrong in the world, but we do you let it trouble you? Why not join the Lord and try leading others to the Lord by thinking smart? Leave the violent judgement to Lord Jesus.
Sorry for your pain user. My father suffers from RSD which is a nervous system disease.
Just know that what I wrote in that post was said because I do care about you.
I want to see the best for you in your life. I know life's hard. But please there must be an alternative to ending your life and others along with it.
I've been trying to talk people out of killing themselves on Jow Forums since 2008. I've seen people post on r9k and be so glad that they didn't immorally end their lives. I know your in pain, but please look for another way. I don't like losing fellow anons.
Sincerely my heart goes out to you tonight.
dude , dont do it.
It's okay, the planet doesn't care about you either.
Also nice contradiction there.
you have failed the test.
go away.
Underrated post
Wait, so literally you think you're going to do something drastic while being a degree of physically disabled?
Just wait it out with us, let it build up, and then when things finally come crashing down enjoy having your day of the rake in Maple Merica'.
Kill someone from politicians