Why don't other races have white complexion? Native americans and asians lived in biomes that snowed...

Why don't other races have white complexion? Native americans and asians lived in biomes that snowed, so shouldn't their skin have been whitened from this?

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Native Americans originally came from asia via an icebridge that later melted.

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East Asians mutated their own gene that gives them sort of white pigmentation. It's different from our own. Anyway, you can find your answer in Stalag Mein Kampf.

Interesting question. Another would be, why is it that the White race, and the White race alone, has the colors of the Sky, Forrest, Fire, Gold, Oceans in them, while every other Race has the colors of dirt, mud, coal?
What does this mean?

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It means you use racialism as compensation and thus have to ignore reality if it calls you out
>colors of the Sky, Forrest, Fire, Gold, Oceans in them, while every other Race has the colors of dirt, mud, coal?

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Whites ain't HUEMAN!

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Fuck tons of rape is why whites are prettiest.

Enough of your talk Atlantis Exodus, Romaticus Fleeius, Eygptos Vamanos! Draw thy blade!

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Fuck up memeflaggot don't ever post here again bitch or I'll fuck you up.

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70+ years of Jewish Marxist rule, hasn't been well for your psyche, has it Germ?

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More Human than Human.

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You're a Canadarian and you don't know why? C'mon man, did you even attend school as a child?

can you imagine posting a pic of an extremely rare case to disprove that only white people have fair hair and colourful eyes?

White skin is an adaptation to repetitive farming diets. It allows more vitamin D production using the skin.

Certain groups of asians could be considered white because we share a common ancestor with them. They are at the very least closer to us than say africans, or jews.

Of course light features are more prevalent in peoples that also have lightskin. Fucking hell this is american tier.

Thank You.

Because whites actually come from mars. Yeah. So did the jews. Theyre what caused us to flee. And then the jews stole our story. About the ark we travelled to this planet in.

And convinced us we came from monkeys when really it was satan who fucked the monkeys.

If white people are so superior, then how come the black gene dominates them out so easily?

If the suns so superior. How come the moon can block it out.

Its very damaging to mix human genes with monkey genes. Tell me about it

the user said that only white people have the colours of the sky and so on. then you posted some rare pic of dindus with blonde hair which most people probably never even seen. and there's plenty of non-white people who have fair skin but don't have the colour variation that white people have, like pale japanese and chinese people. they all have the same colour hair and eyes. on the other hand, white people have so many different colours, even brown hair has hundreds of shades.

Run along little Cuck.

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Nice picture. Say, quick question though... Why are their eyes black? Our darkest are brown.

Why does a chandelier shatter? Because niggers hate god and all things beautiful.

>what did evolution mean by this

imagine being this much of a fucking shitskin apologizing cuck yikes

low IQ is also more dominant than high IQ, therefore you must believe that being low IQ is better. also, having a receding hairline is also a dominant gene, therefore you must believe that it's better to be bald. and there are a bunch of mental illnesses which are dominant too

Divergent paths?

Why do (((some))) want to smash that blonde bloodline so badly?

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Because whiteness didn't come from living in cold climates. Despite what Varg says.

It came randomly and became dominant through inbreeding and establishing entire populations.


Northern Europe's pretty much the only place on Earth where there's been a SIGNIFICANT population living at very high latitudes
>muh eskimos
I said significant population.

Actually have a look at how far North Europe is. Most of the population of Canada live in line with Southern Europe

t. Joseph Smith

Asains/Mongoloid: Black hair, Black eyes
Blacks/Negroid: Black hair, Dark brown eyes, black eyes
Amerindian: Black hair, Dark brown eyes, black eyes

Hmm. It seems like everyone BUT the HU'WHITE MAAAHNN typically has dark features. If whites were as ressive as their genes they'd be the runt of litter when it comes to races.

You guys are gene x! You pesky Babylonian Dippers, you!

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That's how every race was established. Small tribes of genetically similar people colonizing tons of empty land and growing into large numbers of people.

Hite people are white because the come from mars. The only reason we share a common ancestor is because satan went around fucking monkeys. We arent the same species.

>99% of shitskins have dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin, but look at these little island niggers who still have dark skin, dark eyes but blond hair. Snow monkeys BTFO!

Nice rebuttal, Mohamed.

nah you're just stupid because you are missing hundreds 1000s of years of evolution in cold climates

Niggers cant even blood right. Niggers cant even immune system right. Niggers are monkies who the jew satan fucked.


Black hair, brown eyes, in the BILLIONS.
Such variety.

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Why are whites so different to everybody else?

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The forbidden fruit was satans nut. And it landed in monkey wombs all around the world. Giving monkeys a false sense of consiousness.

A body they cant handle. So they get aids. And sickle cells.

Are you fucking retarded? Have you seen the difference between somebody from India and Mongolia? We're talking a few hundred miles North to South.

Skin color is a biological not fucking magic you half-wits.

Sure. Take the "We're special" route ye' Sumerian field runner, ye!

And act like monkies.

You can take the ape out of the jungle but you cant fuck the ape away.

shitskin detested

No wonder niggers are so sex obsessed. When they gained consiousness they say satan having orgies with monkeys. And monkey see monkey do.

White people tan just fine. just look how good Straya girls look compared to the British isles. Most of Europe was under an Ice Age so white folk cannot be from there. Blue eyes are an adaptation to living on and sailing the sea. Whites are natural swimmers and sailors. They were the Phoenicians, and Atlanteans that moved into the Med 7500 years ago or so. Whites got pushed into dark cold Northern lands but they are not from there. Whites are the true Native Americans. That is where they came from. Atlantis.

Fun fact.

Blue eyes are the last evolution of the human.

>wholesome uncle adolf vs the globalist hag
this hit me right in the feels

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Why do niggers think whites are the devil? Even niggers whove never seen a white man? Because their daddy is satan.

Don't they use piss as a bleach to colour their hair?

Look im sorry the jew satan fucked your monkey ancestors and burdened you with humanity and a conscience but im not gonna carry you through life.

Sure it's the niggers that are the one's that are evil.

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In Reality Chinks are the whitest people on Earth, shit they even turn Yellow.
Europeans are swarthy usually and tan just fine, they do well in the sun. Go see a California Beach or Surfers paradise in Straya. Then you will see "whites' in their natural habitat. close to and in the ocean. Evolution and the ocean life is what created blue eyes, and eating quality seafood and shellfish is why "whites" became smarter than the average yam munching low Iq Africans, or rice munching Asians.
Crazy how the newest race on Earth and smallest minority race has colonized and bleached the entire planet in just a few thousand years.
Evolution at its finest.

that are the evil ones*

No. Its your father. Satan. Youre just a mistake.

Yup. The palest asian is more white than the swarthiest european.

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cuz of diet

>check out this rare occurrence in a population of over a billion

Then go fuck an asian. Migrate to asian countries. Oh you cant because monkeys are territorial.

>think i'm white forever
>come to pol
>lol mednigger

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Anyone that says that is influenced by Devil or retarded. Repent you blasphemous devil worshiper! Racists aren't allowed into the Kingdom!

Sounds like god hates white peopke

Theres only one race. The white race. You dont go to heaven you go where dead animals and abominations go.

>which most people probably never even seen
what makes you think that?

If your race didnt come from the twelve tribes in the middle east your father was satan.

it’s not an extremely rare case. blondism is quite prevalent, ancient, and not regarded as unusual in melanesians, some papuans, and australian aborigines especially of the central desert. as in all light-haired peoples it is more prevalent in children, whose hair pigmentation tends to (but by no means always) darken.

so it’s not a special european attribute. it is a shared europoid-australoid feature peaking in northern europe and interior australia. the genetic basis is different in these two populations

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Theres actually 13 tribes but one of them is satans.

And he just went around fucking monkeys. Hes a cheater. Evil in every conceivable way.

Creating slave races.

this is true.

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jealousy isn't a good trait you piece of shit

God is a jealous god. Stupid monkey.

thanks PET

Good becomes evil. The world flipped upside down.

Laugh while you can monkey.

fucking inbred kike

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nah you're just impotent

Blah blah blah

Please delete that retarded fucking picture and never speak on genetics again. ffs

lots of east asians have milky white skin, especially from Japan, Manchuria region, Korea, Taiwan etc.

>it’s not an extremely rare case
kill yourself you willfully deceitful faggot

gee okay Schlomo

I will Negroid.

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KKK tier retarded. Find Pat Little and homicide suicide if you actually care about the white race.

White ppl are disposed to extreme sexual selection. We are the complete opposite of niggers who fuck anything that moves. That's why we have amazing features.

It's almost like evolution is trying to make blacks white over time...wierd, like white and blonde is superior genetically or something

We used to be giants. Because the gravity on mars isnt as strong as on earth.

>australia and north america is white people's natural habitat

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The ultimate humans. Black hair and brown eyes, again, in the BILLIONS.

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That doesnt mean shit.

Africans outnumber asians. You fucking nigger lover

What game are you playing at now Shekel smuggler?

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There are 1.4 BILLION Asians in China alone you dumb fuck.

Africa's total population is 1.2 Billion.

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