Europe uses the Bible as the basis of it's civilization for 1500 years

>Europe uses the Bible as the basis of it's civilization for 1500 years
>Creates the greatest Empires on Earth
>Colonize every single continent
>Have multiple global superpowers over the span of 400 years
>Europe starts trusting (((science))) more than the Bible
>Immediately starts cucking out and saying "Now don't be racist, Ahmed has as much right to be in England as Charles does! We need more diversity! It's good! See what the (((science))) says!"
>Become weak, effiminate cultures that are completely atomized and disconnected from their heritage
Really makes me thing

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>Europe uses the Bible as the basis of it's civilization for 1500 years
american education
more like
>Europe starts trusting (((science))) more than the Bible
>Creates the greatest Empires on Earth
>Colonize every single continent
>Have multiple global superpowers over the span of 400 years
>elects christian democrat Merkel
>Immediately starts cucking out and saying "Now don't be racist, Ahmed has as much right to be in England as Charles does! We need more diversity! It's good! See what the (((Bible))) says!"
>Become weak, effiminate cultures that are completely atomized and disconnected from their heritage

>Abandon God

>God abandons you

Who woulda thunk?

The problem isn't science, the problem is the liberal agenda. It's just a coincidence that a lot of liberals support science despite the fact there's nothing science does to promote a secular society.

If liberals really fucking supported science they would go and learn enough about cosmology and evolution to realise that all religion is fucking stupid and no one should be given special privileges because of their religion, and religion shouldn't be treated like a race.

Nigga science has been saying blacks and sand niggers and indians and abbos are dumb as fuck for years and ruin society. Science isn't the problem, it's the denial of science.

Friendly reminder that Jesus Christ was a Jew. Christianity is just a Jewish trick to keep you goys in line with good (((morals))).
The Jews hate sandniggers more than anyone, that's why there is a Israel-supporting Christian president in office. The muh diversity quota is just another Jewish trick to turn people more nationalist by increasing Islamic crime in their country, thus gaining more support for Israel.

Yeah we shouldnt let sandniggers in their countries but we should do it for ourselves and for science, which shows that religion is a crock of shit that should be banned, not for the eternal Jew.

>It's just a coincidence that a lot of liberals support science

No it isn't. If you are conservative you do not teach in academia unless it's in a very narrow handful of hard science fields or math, or you are EXCEPTIONAL at your job and can handle the fact that you're going to be surrounded by left wing lunatics.

>Science will save us!
lol, you dumb fuck. (((Science))) is what is being used to justify flooding Europe with niggers

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I'm a conservative with a master's degree in Physics. I just don't believe in religion at all and think it should stay out of politics completely. Christianity/Islam/Judaism, etc should all be banned.

>It's just a coincidence that a lot of liberals support science
Yes. Very interesting (((coincidence)))

>I'm a conservative with a master's degree in Physics
How'd you manage that when you clearly have zero ability to identify patterns and match up correlations with their causes?

Remember that liberals support science ONLY if it fits in with the leftist agenda. They’ll call themselves “the party of science” because they believe in climate change, but then will deny very basic scientific facts (like: there are only two genders, and your gender is determined at birth by your genetics) because it doesn’t fit the agenda

Karl marx writes a book
It kills more people than the bible
(((Them))) everytime

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The Righteous Prosper.

>Europe uses the Bible as the basis of it's civilization for 1500 years
Europe existed thousands of years before that as you ignore Rome and Greece (aka European Civilization).
>Colonize every single continent
Another lie as Antarctica is not colonized.
>Immediately starts cucking out and saying "Now don't be racist, Ahmed has as much right to be in England as Charles does! We need more diversity! It's good! See what the (((science))) says!"
The Bible is the one who states that neither Jew, Gentile nor Slave or Free exists in Jesus and the Bible is what those against Race promote (i know a Polish fuckhead who states he would rather live in a country full of nigger Christians then a Polish one full of Atheists and Pagans).

>the Bible as the basis of it's civilization
Never happened

empires are race mixing and degeneracy waiting to happen. power is the ultimate bait. jews are playing a very long game and you're losing.

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Academia is where most research comes from, including all of the shit that Liberals are in love with. It's also run by Jews.

>Rome and Greece
Not white. Claiming Rome and Greece as your heritage while ignoring the 1500 years of Anglo-Germanic history in western Europe that you probably owe far more to is we wuzzing of the highest order

>>Rome and Greece
>Not white

So when are we murdering the perfidious anglo?

>Not white
If you want to throw your fellow Whites under the Bus (i mean the Greeks and Italians) go ahead but that worsen your cause and just continue the divide (it is a normal divide but if you need to fight a common enemy it won't help you).
>Claiming Rome and Greece as your heritage while ignoring the 1500 years of Anglo-Germanic history
Technically i do however i have more Spanish ties but even my Spanish ties does not escape the fact that i am a Puerto Rican (a mongrel one at that).
>Europe that you probably owe far more to is we wuzzing of the highest order
Fuck the Anglo's id rather deal with Poles and Russians then to do with those buck tooth Brits.

>Italians and Greeks
>Ever being considered white
You might as well just start calling arabs white then if your definition is so broad

>So when are we murdering the perfidious anglo?
I don't know about murder however i am fine with driving him back to the Ghettos of London. I just need to see if the other Ricans are fine with driving the Anglo away (meaning if we saw him he would be forced right away on the boat for not being one of us).

>Technically i do however i have more Spanish ties
So you're just we wuzzing. You have zero ties to Rome but you can trace your ancestry back to Catholic Spain. You're a retard.

Right, now time for a new crusade on europe and the Middle east

It makes me thing too, user.

>So you're just we wuzzing
My Italian blood is so small i barely even count it (i am probably more Negro then Italian) so this is not a we wuzzing. Now if i wanted to do that then id do with the Pagan Taino Indians as i am closer to them then Italy.
>but you can trace your ancestry back to Catholic Spain
Espana existed before any Christians set foot on the soil so your full of bullshit. And those evil Romans were under control of Espana which spread their Latin and their Paganism to my Ancestors.


So much false correlation. So much inference. This isn't science, this is an insult.

the pope is cucking out really hard now. the fucking dalai Lama supports Europeans more than the pope

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>observable differences between races
Jesus Christ of Nazareth, King of the Jews
>Gal 3:28

Every Christian party dooms Europe.